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Chapter 864 Dumplings

Meng Baiqi knot, pick up the cup and drink a sultry tea, one day let you know how important the noble bloodline is when necessary, more scenery!

"The rest of us took the black team and other people to Nancheng, and the armed attack made a lot of momentum. At that time, we gave the dragon king a dumpling meal." Yun Dance borrowed the road.

Several people nodded in agreement.

"That's the way to say it, start tomorrow morning." Seeing other people have no opinion, Yunwu set the action down.

"That's a good rest tonight, I will go first."

The night dance turned to the cloud dance and took the lead to get up and leave.

The cloud dance frowned slightly, waiting for her to say something. Several people left and left, and there was only her and the dragon in the room.

"When the spring is a moment, can't you waste their good intentions?" Long Dangxie throws a wink at the cloud dance.

"It really can't be wasted." The cloud dance phoenix picks up, and the eyes pass by a smile. "So you slowly pass your own spring, I will go back to rest first."

Cloud dance turned and left, leaving a sigh of sigh in the room for a long time.

The night was silent, the stars and moons lingered, and a cloud of darkness over the air, the whole night sky was dark.

The night is noisy, and it is destined to be a sleepless night.

In the quiet room, the cloud dance lay on the bed, listening to the slightest noise on the roof, looking like a torch, passing a touch of cold, not sleeping in the middle of the night, to the door?

In the next second, a silent thing floated down on the roof, and all the way down the white smoke.

When she saw the thing, she had already smelled a scent, and the cloud dance was shocked. It was a fragrant!

She just accidentally sucked in a lot, and this is over!

After a while, the thing landed silently, and I saw two people dressed in night clothes open the window and jumped into the room of the cloud dance.

The two men were tall and strewn, and they took a lot of effort to get in.

This body shape, at a glance, knows that it is a dragon person...

"Is it still alive?"

In the quiet room, a low-pitched voice is clearly audible.

"No matter whether you live or die, it is still safe." Another voice replied.

The two nodded at the same time, and they walked toward the clouds and danced.

"Oh..." The dagger of a cold awning suddenly appeared in the hands of the man. The next second, the man took the dagger and stabbed him toward the cloud dance.

The man stabbed twice in a row, only to find that there was no blood on the knife, and it felt that the stab was not quite right.

The squatter opened the quilt, and the quilt was replaced by a pillow that was pierced with holes. There was no cockroach, and there was a cloud dance figure.

At this time, the candlelight in the room was instantly lit.


Out of the psychological role of being a thief, the moment the candlelight illuminates, the man shook his hand with the dagger, and accidentally decapitated and fell to the ground.

Cloud dance touches the forehead, it seems to be helpless. Are these people coming to kill her or come to be funny?

"Who sent you here?" The cloud dance stunned the two, and the eyes were flashing.

"You don't need to know, are you walking by ourselves or are we tied to you?"

The corner of the cloud dance mouth raised a bloodthirsty arc and ridiculed: "With you?"

When her voice fell, she heard the sound of fighting in the night room next door, followed by Nangong Yi, Meng Bai, Situ and others. Almost everyone encountered the same trouble as her.

Who are they?

The cloud dance eye cream has cooled down a lot. So many people come to know the people around her, and the ones that are being dealt with are not falling. It seems that they are prepared.

And the two people in front of her eyes are by no means invisible.

"There is still a worry about others, you still worry about yourself."

One of them took a look at the cloud dance, picked up the dagger on the ground, and swiftly rushed toward the cloud, followed by another person, and the three smudges instantly entangled.

Silent nights like a tan, when the time was noisy, a touch of **** taste began to spread throughout the inn.

The strength of the two people is really not bad, Yun Dance does not want to entangle with them anymore, a sneak out of the room, and instantly meet the night and night that has already played the room.

"With you, when and wherever you will be chased." The night is dark and sullen, and the tone is cold to the extreme.

At this time, she was only wrapped in a white coat, the hair was wet, and even the shoes were not worn. It seems that she should be bathing...

Yunxiao smiled. "I am coming, you will withdraw first."

She glanced at her in the darkness of the night, and when she left the room passing through the Nangongyi room, Nangongyi suddenly appeared outside the room in order to avoid the attack, and happened to hit the night of the night.

The four eyes are relative and they are all surprised.

Under the white gauze, Nangong Yi's indifferent scorpion looked up and looked at the night, inadvertently, but she was slightly shocked by her wolverine look at the moment.

The night-faced face was cold, and I crossed the Nangongyi and turned back to the room.

"Give those two people to me!"

Cloud dance and Nangong Yi looked at each other and couldn't help but smile. Then the cloud dance was once again involved in the battle.

Nangong Yichao looked at the night room, and a hint of laughter in the indifferent scorpion, such as Mu Chunfeng.

The battle is getting more and more intense.

In the dark night, the light of the fire element is constantly appearing, and in the darkness, a bright color is dyed, and the dragon people are constantly being beaten.

"Oh..." The cloud dance swept away and kicked the last black man into the pond.

At this moment, Nangong Yilong is still fighting.

The cloud dance went to the edge of the pond, and the black man in the pond was cold. The cold man said: "Who sent you to kill me?"

The black man looked at the cloud dance and his lips trembled. "Don't ever want to know!"

Cloud dance nodded, and the lips were dyed with a bloodthirsty smile. "Then you never think about it."

It’s just spring, and the weather is a bit cool, not to mention the water in the pond.

I saw that the person was slightly trembled in the pond, and when he heard the words of the cloud dance, his body suddenly became stiff.


"Know it, so you still don't want to say it?" Yun Dance slightly raised his eyebrows and admitted to himself.

I have been with the dragon for a long time, shameless, mean, and feel no relationship.

"Do... dream!" The man was stunned and he didn't even speak.

Cloud dance point ignition head, "I see you so sturdy, I am quite admired, let you..."

The man looked at the cloud dance, waiting for her next words, he thought she would say let him come up.

"Let's stay inside with your heart."


"Is it possible to stop me?" The man was angry and disappeared in an instant, followed by a cloud of shadows and turned into a shadow.

The man escaped from the right to dance, and the left side was stopped.

The pond is so big, but there is no place where he can go up. The man is not escaping, staying in the pond honestly.

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