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Chapter 867, the ninety-five

It turned out that I was afraid that one day the east window would happen!

If it is not today that he tells the truth at the expense of his life, then they will be uneasy in their lives!

I thought that they had followed him for a lifetime, but in the end they got a time bomb and the result of not being able to get free for life. The unhappiness of his heart became more and more obvious.

“Do you think it’s worth it? Is it too selfish?” Yun Dance sneered.

"Don't say, our brothers are willing to swear to follow you, to slash the dragons, and ask them clearly!"

"Yes! Things must be given to us in the past!"

"We also go, this Dragon Palace is now a world of embarrassment, and I don't know what will happen in the future."

"Yes, let's go!"

The crowd shouted together to fight the Dragon Palace, and Yunwu knew that his bet was a gamble.

Now, when the power is in power, plus the unique city government, the Dragon King has already been appointed as the new Dragon King, and everyone knows it.

Coupled with the crime of knowing the blasphemy, the dragon people could not watch the dragons step by step toward a deeper conspiracy.

Others who were driven out, everyone knows the taste of being driven out of the family, especially those who have been driven out of grievances, so they all have a voice of resonance that prompts them to go.

More importantly, because of the cloud dance, the sacred summoner profession, the strange and unpredictable power, let them admire and be willing to dominate her.

"That's good, we are divided into three ways, they are two all the way, they are two all the way, and I am with them all the way."

Yunwu pointed to the nighttime Nangongyi, Shangguan and Situyu, Mengbaichihuohuo and dragons.

It was said that everyone carefully looked at a few people.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. The uneasy factor in your heart is completely settled...

One is like ice, there is no trace of temperature.

A person like a god, elegant and worldly.

A slinger, but with a dark and strange atmosphere.

A gentle, yang, but feels deeper and evil than the night.

One can't be alive, as if nothing cares.

A enchanting evil spirit, a **** with a hint of darkness, but a dark one like a demon bloodthirsty evil.

And each of them is just a human being, but strength is the existence that makes them feel scared, and everyone's posture is so inaccessible.

Is this the friend of the Summoner?

Today is really making them open their eyes.

Of course, these people are still not clear about the respective identities of these "humans" in their eyes. If they know their identity, they may be even more surprised.


After the three teams were dispersed, the group went to the dragons together.

A large number of people, originally like the desert sands of the desert, are scattered, but because of the cloud dance, she has gathered this scattered sand together, and became an irresistible force.

Once again, I came to the Dragon enchantment to welcome the cloud dance, which is still the silver dragon. The Tianze stick in the hands of Yinlong is still displayed in red.

This time, the man wearing the armor came to open the enchantment for her. Once she was born and cooked, she had no surprises, but she was surprised by the group behind her.

"How can the silver dragon messenger appear, and are there any nobles among us?"

You must know that the silver dragon can come out to meet, must be a big man!

"The messenger, who are you coming to meet?"

The black beard looked at the silver dragon messenger and could not conceal the surprise.

So far, this is the second time he has seen the Yinlong messenger, the first time he saw the Dragon King.

As far as he knows, there should be no aristocrats who can alarm the dragon ambassadors except the red fire dragon.

However, because Red Fire Dragon was expelled, it is no longer a nobleman.

What other nobles?

"I am a full-fledged aristocratic lineage, don't you know?" Meng Bai glanced at the black beard, and looked at him with some disdain.

Hearing the words, the black beard looked up and down at Meng Bai, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Questioning what, Laozi grows so much like a nobleman?"

Everyone heard the words and nodded at the same time.


The silver dragon messenger changed slightly, and paused for a long time without speaking.

He is a noble bloodline of the nobles, but he is because of the talents of the red high blood. Since he admitted that he is because of him, what else can he say?

Said that the high-level red tactics appeared, he still does not know who the red celestial bar appears to represent, because the red tactics have never appeared?

Who can give the red day a sense of the bar, who is it?

Dragon King also has only intermediate pink, who can be higher than the rank of the ninety-five?

In order to conceal his own embarrassment, the silver dragon messenger looked at the cloud dance behind the air.

Just, when looking at the large crowd behind her, there are some doubts, "Is this?"

"Your mission is not just to welcome your guests?" Yun Dance raised an eyebrow.

The silver dragon messenger has a slight jaw, and his mission is indeed to meet the VIPs above the primary level.

"Where is that so much nonsense? Open the way!"

Yun Dance Liu Mei is a condensate, greet the guests as long as they open the door, and there are so many problems!

The silver dragon messenger's face changed slightly, and he looked at the large number of people behind the cloud dance.

Red senior guests come here, he should immediately open the door.

But now this posture is like how to sweep it...

"Don't you open it?" Yunwu's eyes reveal a dangerous scarlet.

In the meantime, the tactics of the silver dragon messenger’s hands screamed silently.

The red color is more and more bright and restless. The day when the bar is inductive with his heart, others naturally do not feel the anomaly.

The silver dragon messenger was shocked.

But after a moment of contemplation, he finally decided to open the enchantment.

He can't know who is able to inspire the red heaven, but the only thing he knows is that once the person is angry, the tactics will be destroyed, and the dragon enchantment becomes a void.

This enchantment is extremely strong, no one can destroy it, the only thing that can destroy is the red aristocrat.

At that time, everyone thought that there would be no red aristocrats here, so I felt that this was not a devastating loophole, but I did not expect...

After the Yinlong messenger opened the enchantment, the three men and women went to different directions.

The two men who watched and left, the corner of the cloud dance corner, as long as the battle on their side started, taking the Dragon Palace is like pinching an ant.

After the night and the Shangguan two gangs left, Yunwu also planned to set off to the south of the city, looking back, the silver dragon messenger has not left.

Looking at the silver dragon messenger, there is some dissatisfaction in the cloud dance eyebrows. "Is there something else?"

"Who are you?" The silver dragon messenger asked a sloppy word.

"Human summoner, you don't know this identity, you are not surprised, shock is not shocked?" Meng Bai's mouth appeared a touch of irony.

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