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Chapter 878 The Light of the Ancients

That is the identity of Xiao Jinbao!

Although I don't understand why I didn't respond to the first encounter with Xiaojin Baolong, it is indeed the patron saint of the dragon.

Jinbao seems to understand the general, and vacates.

Then they hovered around the top of those who were lying on the ground, and finally slammed back into the cloud dance.

"This little guy!" Cloud dance has some helpless little frown.

Looking at the intimacy between Jinlong and Yunwu, the Dragon King is a bit wrong.

After the dragon king led the crowd to get up, he indulged and asked: "This... this little golden dragon..."

"It's called Jinbao." Before the Dragon King finished, Yunwu interrupted his words. Then Liu Mei slightly picked: "However, Laolong Wang, I also have a question to ask you first, Jinbao's business, let me talk about it later. ""

"Golden treasure, good name!"

The Dragon King looked at Jinbao, who was already on the top of the cloud dance, and was very close to her. She looked puzzled and surprised, but she still said: "If there is any problem, let me say it."

"The light of the ancient times is not here. I don't know where the Dragon King thinks there is the possibility of hiding the light of the ancient times?"

What she said is hiding, the meaning is self-evident!

The dragon king’s face changed slightly, and after a long time he sighed slightly. “I know the whereabouts of the ancient light.”

Like a cloud dance corner, it shows a sneer, "Where?"

I know that this old guy has a ghost in his heart, but she still needs her to come to the site.

The dragon king heard the words, but he was silent for a long time.

Finally, waved back to the other people of the Dragon family, and finally decided that after the "outsiders", they took off the dragon crown and took a deep look. "What you want is in this dragon crown."

The cloud dance looked at the dragon crown, and the phoenix whispered. "Why are you telling me now?"

"I don't want you to say that the dragon guardian **** has not appeared in the millennium. This time suddenly appeared because of the girl, just for this, what about the ancient light for you?"

In fact, the light of the ancient times can be easily handed over, but it was passed down by the dragon ancestors.

However, the dragon guardian dragon...

"Old Dragon King, I didn't expect you to make such a big circle, and now I will tell the truth."

The cloud dance sneered at the bottom of the heart, and a pair of glamorous scorpions looked at the Dragon King.

In my heart, I can guess that I can’t think of it at this time. I’m afraid, he will say the light of the ancient times, because of the small golden treasure in her arms.

However, Xiao Jinbao has been asleep since the last time he fell asleep for excessive blood loss. Now he came to the Dragon and it was awake in the Dragon Tower.

Moreover, she can clearly feel that Xiao Jinbao seems to be very comfortable with this dragon environment.

The dragon king heard the words, but he smiled, and the deep one flashed a touch of savvy.

The cloud dance did not circle him. He said: "Now the dragon guardian beast has appeared, can you give me the ancient light?"

Although the cloud dance is polite, there is no room for the Dragon King to advance or retreat.


The Dragon King nodded happily and took off the crown and handed it to the cloud dance.

Immediately, the hands quickly made a few yellow fingerprints.

The crown of the volley swelled brightly, and a bright, dazzling golden light appeared in front of everyone.

The golden light flickers, the thorny cloud dance eyes hurt, and the willow eyebrows wrinkle together.

The cloud dance endures the dazzling glare, and the fine hand grabs the golden light in the palm of the hand.


After the anger, the golden light gradually disappeared, and the palm dance palm turned over. The ancient light has already been occupied by the cloud dance.

The light of the ancient times came to the hand, and the stone in the heart of Yunwu was finally put down.

Grandpa is trapped in the beasts of the beasts. Only by collecting the five natural elements can you save your loved ones, and you can truly ruin the revenge of the beasts.

"Thank you." Yunwu hands clenched his fists.

The dragon king's brow is locked, and the deep longan stares at the cloud dance. The seemingly endless appearance seems to have something to say about the cloud dance.

"Old Dragon King, if you have something to say, don't support me, our family cloud dance is very good."

The dragon pours evil and smiles, and reaches into the waist of the cloud dance to hold her in her arms.

"Where is your hand touched!"

The cloud dance whispered a bite, and the face was tilted and the dragon was stunned. The powder punched heavily on the dragon's chest, and he gasped.

This man is really getting more and more serious.

"I am your man, start with a lighter hand."

The dragon screamed with dissatisfaction, but still squatted back to the side with his chest.

"Dragon King, there is something to say straight." Yunwu did not pay attention to the dragon's evil spirits, looked up and looked at the Dragon King.

The Dragon King looked up, his eyes complex and gazing from the clouds and dancing, the "Golden Treasure" playing in the air, the look is very gentle and kind, just like looking at his own children.

Seeing the look of the Dragon King, the cloud dance station is straight. The corner of the mouth flashed slightly through a curve.

The light of the ancients has already arrived, and he is not in a hurry.

Just look at what he still wants to play.

The cloud dance figure is slim and symmetrical, plus a fascinating and indifferent cheek. The posture is straight and charming, and the straight blue silk pours down.

After a long while.

Long Wang was reluctant to turn back and pointed to the sky dance: "It is called "Golden Treasure", right?"

"Yeah." Yunwu nodded indifferently.

"Miss Yun, this Jinbao is the guardian beast of my dragon waiting for the millennium. I don't know if it is?"


The cold eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and the cloud dance looked at the dragon king quietly waiting for his following.

The dragon king sighed with a sigh of relief, his eyes with a slight praying, and the dragon king was forced to the point by the cloud dance, it is...

However, the Dragon King still succumbed to his heart and said: "Miss Yun, I wonder if I can agree to let Xiao Jinbao stay in the Dragon?"

When I said this, Long Wang looked at the cloud dance quietly, for fear that she would refuse.

It was said that the faces of several people on the scene were slightly changed.

The cloud dance just wanted to open, but the dragon smashed the evil spirits and pulled the weak arms of the cloud dance, and smacked the evil spirits of the mouth to look at the dragon king. It seemed like laughing and laughing: "The old dragon king, but before you played us first, this time again Take Jinbao from my daughter-in-law, this is what you are wrong with."

"Don't shame." Red Fire Dragon also sneered.

The aging of the old dragon king is his father, the red fire dragon is obviously not enough!

The face of Long Wang’s old face was instantly provoked by his words. This mixed boy...

But the dragon can't open his mouth.

"Dragon King, you gave me the light of the ancient times, I am really grateful, but you play with us first, and Jinbao is following me, I am afraid it can't be said."

The pretty face of Yun Dance gradually became chilly. The Dragon guardian beast appeared, and the Dragon King gave her the light of the ancients. This is a deal.

Cloud Dance is a person with clear grievances, and hates others to play with her, even if the Dragon King is no exception.

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