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Chapter 880 Phoenix Family

"It turns out that this bottle contains Huanglongjing. If you say it earlier, I am sorry."

"Cloud Dance, this Huanglongjing is made by my dragon ancestors' blood and refining. It is used to strengthen the weapon to make it contain the power of Longwei. It does not have any benefit to the cultivator. You still take something else."

"Coincident, I happen to have a weapon of satisfaction."

Dragon King "."

"My grandmother, this is the relic of the ancestors, you still take something else." Long Wang cried his face and looked like he was crying.

I glanced at the Dragon King, and the cloud danced fascinating cheeks hung with evil smiles: "Sorry, this is not a trick, it is!"

Dragon King "."

Steps move, the cloud dance ignores the look of the dragon king crying, leisurely hanging around.

After a while, the view of Yunwu was once again attracted by a crystal that sparkled, and the footsteps unconsciously moved toward the crystal.

A woman, born with no resistance to crystal and beautiful things.

The crystal is held in the palm of the hand, and a warm current instantly flows along the arm, making the cloud dance unspeakable.

"This is a silt dragon crystal. Wearing it at any time not only strengthens the bones, but also has a certain auxiliary effect on healing."

Waiting for the cloud dance to ask, Long Wang took the initiative to introduce.

"Sparse Dragon Crystal? It's still barely, just let me."

Seeing the cloud dance to take away the silt dragon crystal, Long Wang Cang's old cheeks showed bitterness, and shook his head helplessly.


After the cloud dance collected the silt dragon crystal, he turned and walked outward.

"Ah? Is this chosen?"

"Take your two things to your face. I will be better with my family Jinbao in the future. Don't treat it badly. Also, remember the agreement between us."

The cloud dance head does not return, and walks straight ahead.

In fact, she did not take the third, and I hope that this Dragon King can know that she is not really greedy and has to use these to exchange Xiao Jinbao.

The Dragon King is overjoyed and promises.

Not only will the food and water be raised for the desert, but once the cloud dance is useful, it must be fully assisted.

Out of the dragon's secrets, the sky is dark.

The night sneaked over the earth, and Dragon King specially hosted a dinner for Yun Dance and others.


The Dragon Hall is magnificent.

The Dragon King sits on the chief and is surrounded by clouds and dragons.

This dinner was extremely rich, and Meng Bai and Red Fire Dragon ignored the image and jumped into the big table and gorged.

Cloud dance looked at the table full of food, just casually eat a little: "Dragon King, I have something to ask."

"Miss Yun has something but says no."

The dragon king smiled and smiled, maybe drank some wine, and the old cheeks seemed flushed.

"Dragon King knows, the heart of the wind? The flower of the wood vine?"

"The heart of the wind?"

As soon as the words came out, the dragon king's face suddenly solidified, and everyone stopped their movements and looked at the cloud dance.

The atmosphere was quiet and terrible for a moment.

"What? Is it hidden in a forbidden place or pagoda that I don't know?" The cloud dance brows a pick, but the bottom of his eyes gradually cooled down and stared at everyone.

"Miss Yun missed me."

When the Dragon King saw it, he could not help but explain: "The king of the flower of the vine is not clear, but I really know that the heart of the wind is there, but that place is the place where my dragon can't step, I can't help."

"It won't be a curfew, but you can't make my family's cloud dance a fool?" Long dumped the tableware in his hand, and the cold smile of the evil charm made the original cold air cold.

The cloud dance tacit understanding of the dragon and the evil spirits, then immediately, the dragon king continued to say.

"I am the ancient race with the Phoenix family. My dragons hold the light of the ancient times. This wind heart is also in the Phoenix family, but my dragon and the Phoenix are enemies, so."

After blinking, Dragon King did not continue to say.

"Phoenix family?"

芊芊 fine hands to play the chest blue, cloud dance into a meditation.

The Dragon King said that it is true, the Dragon and the Phoenix are both ancient races, and the fire is not tolerated. If the heart of the wind is really in the Phoenix family, it may be troublesome.

"Small things, you said, will this old man play us again? He has already played us once, if hey."

The dragon fell into the clouds and danced, sniffing the scent of the cloud dance, but was blocked by a chicken leg.

The dragon fell into evil and did not have any anger. Instead, he grabbed the chicken legs and slowly slid up. He still remembered the words "the chicken legs given by the wife, it is incense."

Yunwu's helpless eyes whitened the dragon and looked at it, and did not continue to pay attention.

Instead, they talked with the Dragon King: "Dragon King, I have no communication with the Phoenix family. It is bound to cause hostility to the Phoenix family. Can you help?"

In fact, the small smelly smell is the Phoenix family, but it is just a mixed blood.

Of course, if you can help the Dragons, then the problem will be much easier.

"Sorry, this time my dragon family really can't help." Long Wang apologized and smiled.

The dragons have ethnic difficulties, and the cloud dance does not want to be strong.

After the dinner, Yun Dance returned to the room and sat around with Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai, Long Danger, Shangguan and others.

"Cloud dance, the Phoenix family can not be polite to the Grandfather Dragon, are you sure?" Knowing that Yun Dance is going to the Phoenix territory, Red Fire Dragon first jumped out.

"Although I have escaped from the Dragon for hundreds of years, I have heard a little about the Phoenix. The Phoenix family is arrogant and arrogant. You are so eager to go there. It is not very good."

"The heart of the wind is in the Phoenix family. It is impossible to avoid the Phoenix family. However, you don't have to worry about it. If you don't have a big deal, then you will kill them and eat them." The dragon poured evil with a cold, cold smile and poured a cup for the cloud dance. tea.

Grilled meat?

When did the man talk so "mad", this is some accident!

Cloud dance can't help but blink at the eye.

The dragon sings evil spirits throws a confused eye, a look you know.

The cloud dance whitened him, and took a teacup and gently sighed a small mouth: "I want to open the enchantment of the beasts of the beasts, the heart of the wind is a must, and it is hard to do it. It is impossible to steal."

"Not us, it is you, pay attention to the words." Meng Bai heard the words, jumped up and loudly.

Obviously the last "stealing" was particularly profound for him.

"Meng Bai said it was good." Long Dangxie suddenly stood up at this moment, his face was very serious, Shen Sheng said: "My heart has been stolen by my little things, and stealing a wind heart is not a waste of effort. ”

Saying, the dragon pours the evil spirits and approaches the cloud dance, pouting what he wants to do.

Cloud dance face is red!



It is a slap in the face of the dragon's evil spirits. Of course, she is clear with no effort.

Obviously, he was slap in the face, but the dragon was squandering but he was intoxicated. The unusual evil spirits of the Sao Bao, provoked the eyes of the Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai.

"It’s all scattered, and a group of big men are in my room, so it’s not harmful.”

"Oh, lighter."

"Small five, there is still one inside."

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