Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 883: Lord of the Ten Cities

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Chapter 883 Lord of the Ten Cities

A black shadow flashed.

In a blink of an eye, a black robe man stands in front of the cloud dance and the dragon's evil spirits. The breath is unknown, but it has a common feature with the dragon's evil spirits - evil!

"Oh, I am sorry, I am sorry for the moment, I am sorry."

Said, the shadow of the hands clenched his fists, a slight bow.

"Who are you? Why monitor us?" Yun Dance didn't want to make a joke, and the glamorous scorpion watched the shadows every move.

The black shadow is a little smirk, and he can't feel it. The momentum of the cloud dance and the dragon's evil spirits is rising, and the dragon's evil spirits are directly showing murderousness.

"Cloud dance, how long have you not seen, forget me?"

The black shadow said, slowly picking up the black cloak.

It is said that the clouds and the dragons are full of sorrow, and their eyes are not gathered on the faces of the black robes.

Under the black robe, a handsome face with the utmost glamour of a woman, a mysterious and strange scorpion, a beautiful man.

However, the mysterious smell of his body is uncomfortable.

"It's you?"

The cloud dance was amazed and the brow was slightly picked.

Wearing a black robe standing straight, and the enchanting atmosphere of the dragon sorrow and acquaintance instantly filled the air, the man in front of him is not the owner of the ten cities of this desert.

Just, why did you see him today, it feels very different from the previous one...

However, the cloud dance still faded away from the momentum and killing, and slightly raised the lips and politely smiled.

"Cloud dance, who is he?"

The dragon's brows are wrinkled, and the eyes are swept over the man, and the momentum and killing are even more embarrassing.

"He is the owner of the ten cities of the desert. As for what he is called, I am not sure!"

Speaking of it, she really doesn't know much about this man, especially today's breath is obviously not the same as before.

"It turned out to be the owner of this desert. It looks like... it’s not bad. Why didn’t you see it before returning to the desert?”

The dragon screamed like a smile, and with his hands behind his back, he couldn’t see a trace of difference.

However, the cloud dance clearly felt the sense of vinegar.

White dragons look at the evil!

Yunwu eyes turned to the man, and suddenly smiled: "Before thank you for your help, I don't know what you are calling?"

The clear and bright beauty of the cloud dance looked at the man in front of him.

He has helped him many times, and this time it appears again, how to think, it seems that it should not be that simple!

I saw the mysterious man squinting, looking up at the night, and then said: "Oh, you call me "night"."


Cloud dance embroidered eyebrows, this is called the name? Is this the answer?

Obviously, the man in front of him intends to conceal his own name, or intentionally hide his own life, which makes the cloud dance more aware of the mysterious man.

"Night? Don't you call a dog?"

The dragon's face is always hung with a sinister smile, looking straight into the night.

"Haha, this brother is really humorous."

"Less is in this set, I warn you, if you are not doing a plot against my woman, I will let you regret it."

It was a surprise that the dragon had been so wary of a man for the first time.

"Haha, this brother, what is the name of the surname?"

Even if the dragon smothers the enemy, the night is still the handsome smile, there is no emotional fluctuation between the tone.

"What happened to you today!"

Cloud dance micro-Emei looked at the dragon and fell into evil, whispered a question.

Today's dragon dumping evil is really unusual!

The dragon swayed the evil but shrugged his shoulders, and the sly charm of the mouth was slightly flattened.

"Well, I have forgotten the old love with the new joy." The dragon pours out the undercurrent of the eye and turns away and ignores it.

Cloud dance couldn't help but frowned.

He, what the **** is going on?

"It seems that your friend seems to be very hostile to me!"

Cloud dance is lifted, I want to speak.

"I can be hostile to you, nothing more than just feeling uncomfortable!"

"Hey! Why?"

"You said it!" The dragon pours a sudden burst of mouth, and the golden eye has swept a deeper thing.

The night Yang mouth smiled. "You can rest assured that the gentleman does not take people well!"

"That's the best!"

"I don't know, can you know what you call now?"

"Dragons fall evil!"

"Dragons are evil, good names."

"You don't have to sell your mouth, so sneaking up so late, what is the purpose of saying it!" Long dumped a lazy look at him.

The night's thin lips and micro-motions suddenly paused, staring at the back of the dragon's evil spirits, laughing and laughing, not talking.

Cloud dance listened to their conversation, and the bottom of my heart could not help but wonder.

what happened?

How do they feel about the conversation, like knowing it early, and still quite understand each other.

But it doesn't seem to really know.

Cloud dance is awkward.

Suddenly a breeze hangs, and the straight blue silk is flying around.

Cloud dance turned back to look at the back of the dragon's evil spirits. This breeze was mixed with weak but fierce momentum. Obviously, it was intentionally not to let myself notice, half-sounding, and the cloud dance Yinhong small mouth slightly crossed a curve. Ignore the dark fluctuations.

"Cloud Dance Girl, the night is coming, the sky is full of stars, I don't know if I can enjoy the night and enjoy the night?"

Looking up at the night sky at night, I smiled and waited for the answer from Yun Dance.

"Enjoying the moon?"

In this desert, enjoy the moon?

Yunxiao’s heart sneered, I’m afraid it’s not that simple, she’s going to see what he has.

"Well, I still want to see what the moonlight of this desert is like!"

The cloud dance smashed the beautiful scorpion, but it didn’t smile.

"Really beautiful, the cloud dance girl is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, no one." The night suddenly smiled lightly.

If it is someone else, the cloud dance will sneer.

However, there is no meaning of climbing in the speech of this "night". It feels like a sincere heart from the heart and dust.

For a time, I feel that I don’t know how to answer it.

Finally, the cloud dance is just a slight dagger to respond.

"Dragon brother, do you want to be together?" Suddenly, the night looked at the dragon and looked at it, and asked with a smile.

According to the past, dragons and sorrows can make cloud dances alone with other men's opportunities.

But the dragon was stunned and glanced at the night, and the golden scorpion passed a strange smell.

"I? I am sorry, I am not interested in the moonlight."

"Small things, come back early after the month, otherwise I will personally bring you back."

The last sentence, I don’t know if he said it to the cloud dance, or the night.

When the voice just fell, the cloud dance only felt a burst of energy fluctuations, and the dragon's figure of the evil spirits had turned into a streamer disappearing into the night.

The beautiful face of the night, always has a smile, very gentle but also very secret!

Immediately, I made a gesture of asking for the cloud dance, and smiled slightly: "Cloud Dance Girl, please move with me."

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