Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 885: Another encounter with the beast

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Chapter 885 and the beast

The cloud dance station stood upright, and the cloud dance under the breeze fluttered, but the fearful ancient sword in her hand made her look like a female god.

"It is the wine that attracts them. The smell of the desert beast is very sensitive. This wine is the magic crystal of the beast of the desert. The special smell naturally emitted by the people who drink it will make the beast of the desert more mad. ""

"Then you let me drink!"

Looking at the night if nothing happened, the cloud dance heart flashed a touch of possible, suddenly did not hit a place, accidentally took his way!

The sharp eyes of the cloud dance let the night!

This woman's eyes... is really elusive, less the ordinary woman's clear vitality, and a more vicissitudes of chaos.

The curvature of the night's mouth is fleeting and more and more interesting.

"You can say it directly, what is the purpose?"

The night clearly perceives the rich chill of the cloud dance behind the body, and gradually, the cold turns into murderous.

"A fool, you are the benefactor of our desert, what can I do? You can rest assured that I have not framed you, but you are a greedy cup..." The night is still a handsome smile, very serious Said.

The eyes of the cloud dance are even more chilly, and the anger in the heart is even more fierce.

he. Really good eloquence!

However, the cloud dance can not be refuted. For this man, she is still too vigilant.

"Don't be angry, I really have no purpose, if the cloud dance girl feels that the anger is not in the heart, no defense, loose bones and bones!" The night smiled and pointed to the distance.

Cloud dance brows slightly wrinkled, looking at him as he pointed.

A small black dot appeared on the sand dunes in the distance, and it was washed with a pound of black pressure.

"This is your purpose?" The cloud dance is very cold!

"Don't be angry, I don't drink too."

Cloud dance "."

"If I can go back alive tonight, I will not stop there."

"Oh, then I will prepare a gift tomorrow, and I will go to the door to plead guilty."

The night laughs and laughs, as if the black-pressed desert beast has nothing to do with him.



The faint sound of the original is gradually deafening, and there are countless desert beasts in all directions.


The night sighed, the momentum was fierce, and the laziness before the sweep.



damn it! Today is not fifteen, how is it so much? Less said that there are also tens of thousands of desert beasts.

The cloud dance forehead shook a little cold sweat, and the eyes swept away in a circle. The place where they looked was the beast of the desert. The movement was really no more than the scene surrounded by the beast in Shacheng.

Before, she was able to use the thunder of natural sky to help out with lightning strikes, but now...

Looking at the twin beasts that gathered around the scarlet, the cloud dance felt a little bad.

What kind of trick is this "night" playing?

"Don't worry, just let you loosen your muscles and bones, you will definitely let you go back safely." The night suddenly turned his head and smiled mysteriously and looked at the cloud dance.

Cloud dance brows, for this man, she still can't guess what he is doing tonight.

"Take your good words."

Cloud dance turned back, the beautiful face of the glamorous ice clear flashed a murderous murderous, do not want to pay too much attention to the night, the cloud dance holding the hand of the ancient sword is tightened again.


Cloud dance cold and frowning a fierce pick, Yu Guang found a group of black shadows leaping from the air, the body energy agitation, waving a big knife and smashed down.


The beast of the desert that hits the air in the air is shimmering in the big knives of the black mans, bursting into a pool of flesh and blood.

In the process, the cloud dance eyes did not change at all, in one go.

This move made the "night" mouth smile deeper, watching the dark dance in the eyes of the cloud dance.

It seems that this beautiful woman has a new definition.

"damn it."

Cloud dance felt a little bad, and took a half step back.

A desert beast died in the hands of Yun Dance. The rich blood and sorrow rushed into the nose of the cloud dance. This pungent and **** smell completely angered the beasts of the desert surrounded by them, and the claws of the teeth slowly approached.



The two desert beasts suddenly jumped into the air, holding the big mouth and screaming fiercely to the cloud dance.

"court death!"

call out--

The black mang flashed, and the beast of the desert in the air suddenly paused, then broke into the clouds and danced at the foot of the cloud dance.

I glanced at it and calmly wiped the blood splashed on my arm.

"Be careful!" reminded me at night.

I saw nearly ten desert beasts coming in one after another.

"Don't just say, help!"

The cloud dance gently fluttered in the air and escaped a cold and clawed attack. The toes just landed, and the two desert beasts flew left and right.



Cloud dance legs crossed a perfect arc in the air, only a burst of bones cracked and crisp, the two desert beasts flew out separately, fell in front of other desert beasts, vomiting blood, convulsions There was no movement underneath.

Listening to the cracking sound of the bones, the night brows pick one!

The woman’s own combat power is really amazing.

"Do you really want to watch the movie at the side?" 甩 Clean the blood left on the ancient Wudao blade, and the cloud dance is domineering on the body of the beast of the desert.

Over the head, the cold eyes glanced at the "night."

At this time, the cloud dance posture has a kind of arrogance, fearless and fearless.

"Don't care, the front is just their tentative attacks, then."


Halfway through the night, what was left in the corner of the eye, and when the light was shining, it fell down.

"Be careful!"

Dozens of desert beasts leaped in the air, waving cold claws, and rushing toward the clouds from different directions.

The cloud dance, which has always been highly vigilant, heard the cry of the night, and glanced coldly, and the chill of the chill appeared.


Along the blue silk, the cloud dance figure crossed the arc in the air.

The surrounding air seems to be frozen by this chill, squeaking, and a huge black flame has been smashed out from the ancient sword.

Wherever they go, the air is making a detonating sound, and dozens of desert beasts are instantly submerged by black flames and turned into ashes.


Although the cloud dance hits most of the desert beasts, there are still several desert beasts that highlight the black flame attack and rush to the front of the cloud dance.

The cloud dance was amazed and struggling to lift the ancient Wu Da knife in front of him.



The slender arms trembled, and the ancient martial arts screamed and scorned. The cloud dance only felt a huge force like the waves of the waves.

The sand under the feet has already been dragged out.

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