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Chapter 893 is invisible

The three, in a triangular attack mode, almost tried their best to balance the beasts of the desert that still crouched in the desert.

Once a person retreats, the two will not be opponents.

But if the three men retreat at the same time, the crouching desert beast will definitely go straight to one person and tear directly!

This is also the reason why the three have never retreated.

Three people, there is no way to give up who flees first, because they are partners!

However, when Yun Dance and others rushed in, when they saw the form of the siege of the three men, they seemed to understand why the three of them had not retreated.

"Small things, don't worry!" The dragon plunge suddenly stopped the cloud dance.

Later, Red Fire Dragon and others, can only be deadlocked in midair.

"Isn't that Nangong Yi, how can they stop?" Shangguan Emei.

"Yeah, they don't seem to be able to support it, let's help." Red Fire Dragon also echoed.

However, Meng Bai did not wait for the opening of the dragon, but he did not hesitate.

Even Meng Bai said this, although the cloud dance is anxious, but also calm down.

"what happened?"

"If you didn't guess wrong, it might not be the beast of the desert." The dragon fell into the distance and was still entangled in the Nangong Yi.

Not a desert beast?

"Yes, I don't think so much. You see, the Warcraft half-length still crouched in the desert, only revealing the upper body, I think, its shape is estimated to be much larger than what we have seen." White staring at the "beast of the desert" half-tied in the desert, seriously.

Yun Wu and others heard the words and browed.

"We volley to attack and try, no matter what, you can't just look at Nangongyi here."

"Yeah, let this uncle try it first." Red fire dragon eager temper, the words fall, the dragon body twisted, and suddenly went to the Nangong Yi.

"I am going too!" Shangguan also suddenly went away.

Yunwu sees this and looks at it with the dragon. "In any case, let's take the shot first, and then see the opportunity to act."

The dragon smashed the corner of the mouth, and the bottom of the eye flashed a touch of helplessness. "Go!"

Two figures, when the time is turned into two arcs.

Meng Bai looked at the desert yellow sand with some different colors. There was always a feeling of something wrong in the heart, but when they saw the cloud dance, they all went. He naturally stopped taking care of anything.

"Nan Gong Yi, Situ Tu, pray for the night, flash off!"

As the figures quickly approached, a thick slammed door came in the desert.

Three people who are struggling to support, Yu Guangyi seems to be a person, and his heart is happy.

They are coming!



Knife light.

Almost at the same time attacked the huge Warcraft head.


A loud bang, the tacit understanding of the three figures quickly retreated backwards.

The wind and sand burst, the sky was covered by the wind and sand, and a yellow sand was long.

quite a while!

When the yellow sand gradually fell, the volley in the midair of the cloud dance and other people, but when the brow wrinkled.


The original huge Warcraft, completely disappeared!

Only left, a concave sand.

Nangong Yi, Situ Yu, praying for the night, the three people just after the flash, the physical strength can not hold half a squat.

When I saw that there was no trace of Warcraft, the three were also surprised.

"That World of Warcraft is really awkward?"

Situ Tuo gasped for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Pray for the cold scorpion sweeping around, but still did not see any strange.

The nephew under the white gauze of Nangong Yi was also swept away from the head, and in his third eyes, nothing was seen.

However, he did not see it!

In the endless desert, nothing but yellow sand!

Is it gone?

still is……

After a long time, the entire desert is still silent, quiet and terrible.

"Is that Warcraft gone?" Red fire dragon in the air, finally could not help but open a sentence, broke the abnormal silence.

At this time, Yun Dance and others descended from midair.

Nangong Yi, Situ Tu, praying for the night, three people tacitly walked toward the clouds and other people.

"How are you?" The eyes of the cloud dance flashed a trace of concern to the three.

Nangong Yi shook his head, "Nothing!"

"It's just that the physical energy is consumed. It's fine to adjust the interest rate. However, how come you?" Stuart looked at everyone and arrived, some accidents.

"The people of the caravan went back to inform."

The dragon looked at the evil spirits and looked at Situ Yu: "But then, you are not saying that you have to go back to the mainland of China, how come back to the desert?"

"Don't mention it, I originally planned to go back to the mainland of China. However, when the transfer array collapsed, it was almost collapsed." Situ Yi thought of the thrilling scene and couldn't help but touch it. Cold sweat.

Has the transmission crashed?

"What do you mean? Just three of you, can you pray that the black teams of her are already..." The cloud dance brows are tightened and they look straight into the night.

I prayed for the cold scorpion and the cloud dance, and shook my head slightly.

"The number of black team is too large, and the number of times of transmission back and forth is too many. When the time comes to us, the transmission array will be cracked." Nangongyi explained.

That transmission array was originally the first masterpiece of the dragon.

It seems that this problem can be understood.

However, the good news is that people are fine.

"Now it is not a place to talk. Do we have to go back to the nearest evil city first?" Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance.

Just that huge Warcraft still doesn't know if it is gone, or where it lurks. This place is really not a place to talk.

However, at this time!

"Cloud Dance Girl, we are here..."

"we are coming……"


The slogans of the momentum are coming from afar.

After a while, I saw a lot of mercenaries, coming from the direction of the cloud dance.

Cloud dance looks at the people who are coming, and the number is small and hundreds of people.

It seems that it was just in front of the evil city gate, those mercenaries who followed the cloud dance.

To be honest, seeing their arrival, the cloud dance is somewhat moving.

At least, as far as she knows, the existence of this desert scorpion is all fierce, but nowadays it is not what it used to be, but what they are doing is her...

Say no feeling, it is absolutely fake.

"I didn't expect them to really catch up."


Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai seem to have some surprises.

The dragon is evil, but the one who makes him proud is naturally the woman from his side.

This woman seems to always have that kind of willingness to follow her charm.

However, it is at this time!


Some kind of sand surging sounds seemed to come from far away.

"Be careful, it seems that it is not quite right." The cloud dance whispered down.

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