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Chapter 895 is too ferocious

Although the wounds are not very toxic, for them, it is not a big impression for a while.

However, at this moment, a little influence may have their life.

A few people in Shangguan heard the words and did not hesitate. After receiving them, they poured them directly into the jade bottle and threw them into their mouths.

That kind of move is not intended to be the greatest trust.

Can be half a ring later.

A few people in the cloud dance still maintain the situation.

"Not quite right, these desert beasts haven't moved yet, like waiting for some sort of order."

The calm and calm Nangong Yi analyzed, the wise eyes swept slowly, and the scorpion flashed a little deep.

"I noticed that too."

"It’s not a way for us to go on like this. Or, let’s go out and break through?”

"Yes, I agree with this suggestion."

This stalemate, the physical loss under the high temperature is too fast, it is not the way.

"That kills."

The night and the night are full of fierce and full of suffocation.

At this time, Yunwu Yuguang glanced at her.

The cloud dance discovered that there was a **** mark on the face of the night, but the wound was not easy to detect.

"Your face?" The cloud dance frowned, and the bottom of the eye flashed a cold.

Be aware of how important a woman's face is to a woman.

Hearing the words, the night and night cold ice and ice turned back, through the hair revealing a pair of chilly scorpions staring at one of the desert beasts, "I have always had revenge, ruin my face, I will take it out."

Cloud dance "..."

"Too ferocious..."

The icy voice of the night, let a few men on the scene raise their brows.

However, a few men seem to have seen the **** woman of the cloud dance, seemingly "habit" for the murder of the night.

"Then don't wait."

The head of the cloud dance mouth is hooked, but the bottom of the eye is extremely cold.

"it is good!"

A nod of tacit understanding.

At the same time, a few strong breaths are almost at the same time.


At the same time, the beasts of the desert have also attacked!

"Everyone is careful."

One sentence, the cloud figure flashed into the herd and waved a knife.

The knife was stunned, and the two desert beasts screamed and threw themselves into the air, splatting a piece of blood.

At the moment, the dragon’s evil spirits were also set in the darkness, and the moment when the sword appeared in the hand, the strange and powerful breath fiercely attacked.

Red fire dragon, Meng Bai, two turned into the original shape, and immediately rushed to the tacit.

A few people in the Shangguan, let alone the figure, the film is turned into a residual image, and the shot is fierce.

"Once you break through, leave immediately."

The cloud dance shouted loudly.

The big knife in the hand crossed a super soft arc in the air, and the huge knives descended from the sky, and the beasts of the desert that sneaked in several sneak shots directly smashed into a pile of minced meat.

Fast, accurate, and embarrassing.

The attack of the cloud dance did not drag the water, and the glamorous scorpion shone with indifference and chill.

However, my heart is getting more and more horrified.

Because the beast of the desert that had been smashed into flesh and flesh on the ground, turned into a black mist and infiltrated into the desert.

Did not kill them!

This point can be seen by the discerning eye.

I believe that they are clearly aware of the dragons and evil spirits, so it is as quick and fierce to start one by one.


Flames and two desert beasts were burned into black corpses.

However, the two desert beasts fell, and they immediately rushed to the beasts of the three deserts, and the bombed bodies were turned into dark fog and penetrated into the desert.


A burst of beasts screamed and came from all around.


At the bottom of the desert, dozens of black shadows were picked up again. When they touched the desert loess, they suddenly turned into a fierce desert beast.

Cloud dance and others kill, but how can they not kill, the endless stream.

damn it!

This is definitely not the way to go.

When the cloud dance took the time, the mind was moving, and the moment of the hand slammed, a few rays flashed.

"the host!"

"Ma Ma..."

"Don't call, help out." The first time the cloud dance was so anxious.

For the first time since she came to this world, she felt so helpless.


When the five figures were in sight, they found a breakthrough point and fierce attack.

"Rely on..." Suddenly, the red fire dragon slammed the door and couldn’t stand it.

Xi Teng's figure flashed, and the green rattan suddenly turned it back.

"You are a dragon, how is it so weak." Xi Teng disgusted and stunned the red fire dragon.

"You are **** weak, this uncle is a dragon -"

The red fire dragon spit out a **** water, and the deep scorpion was dyed scarlet by the battle.

"That will give you all your strength."

Said, Xi Teng figure flashed and continued to break out.

"Rely, the guys of these bugs, this uncle wants it to look good."

Red Fire Dragon whispered a curse, slammed his head, and the fireball in the mouth became more fierce, and the housekeeping skills were also made.

However, these desert beasts are really **** strange, as if **** can not kill, **** can not kill.

Even the air, they can also volley and stay.

"Small things, don't force too hard, be careful of the wounds." Long dumping evil guards beside the cloud dance, a touch of Yin Hong on her left shoulder clothes deeply stimulated the golden dragonfly of the dragon.

"The desert beasts that have become black shadows seem to change with our strength."

"What the **** is this?"

"It seems that more and more, we don't attack separately, concentrate on one point and first break out and say it."

Yes, the original dozens of desert beasts seem to be breaking the number of hundred.

If this continues, let alone break through, I am afraid that the consumption of such a cycle will also kill them.

"Spread one point and rush out!"

Yunwu also sighed, forcing the pain in his left shoulder, wielding a big knife to kill the enemy, splashing **** fog.

Gradually, the face of the cloud dance became paler and the blood was completely red with the left shoulder.

"Your wound has cracked." The dragon fell into the evil spirits and quickly stopped in front of the cloud dance. One hand and one hand, the void was pinched, and the heads of the two desert beasts were smashed.


Cloud dance bites his teeth, completely ignoring the left shoulder that is soaked with blood, and slashing a knife to fly a desert beast.

The dragon pours evil in his eyes and hurts in his heart.

Yunwu's character dragons and evil spirits understand each other, but want to cloud dance to admit defeat, set friends in life and death regardless of her death!

This little thing is really...



A desert beast dies and more desert beasts rush.

The cloud dance swayed the ancient martial arts knife, and the chill was murderous, and the momentum of the sky was rushing to the sky. The beasts of the desert that had taken their lives to their lives were opened up.

The **** smell filled the entire sky, but the **** body on the ground quickly turned into a black mist.

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