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Chapter 897, a strange man

A few people in the dragon, still killing in the loop!


Although the surrounding area has been covered by earth elements, creating a space, but still under the ground.

The thick yellow earth elements are wrapped, and with the raging momentum, the cloud dance feels a soft and painful face.

As the speed speeds up, the support of the earth elements, the physical strength of the cloud dance is gradually overwhelming.

- How far is it?

Black proud silence.

After half a ring, I heard him open his mouth.

- It seems that the thing seems to intentionally hide your breath, I lost it.

Can you hide your breath?

- Then can you find it again?

- Don't worry, give me some time.

Cloud dance "."

- Then you hurry, I am worried that the longer the delay, the more unfavorable to us.

The cloud dance body emits black mist, and under the control of Black Pride, it quickly spreads out along the long yellow sand of the surrounding space.

Black arrogant intends to use the yellow sand as a medium, and the power of darkness penetrates the yellow sand to find the target.

The power of darkness is chilly, and the land of the yellow sand deep in the ground is unexpectedly cold and incomparable.

In the black arrogant power of the toss, let the cloud dance can not help but shudder.

--found it!


--Behind you!

The cloud dance figure came to an abrupt end.

Behind me?

But the cloud dance did not hesitate, and the eyes were cold, and the figure had turned around.

Yuanli shot, the strength of the earth element is like a volcanic eruption, and the turbulent momentum stirs the yellow sand of the ground to form a huge vortex.


Some kind of frosted sound.

I saw that the cloud dance attack power was actually resolved by the surrounding yellow sand.

--Be careful!

Black arrogant screaming, just shouting out, a strange black shadow, has hit the deadly position of the cloud dance.

The cloud dance reacted to the moment, and the foot moved, and it flashed at a rapid speed.


The clothes were under the shadow of the shadow, and a **** mouth was opened.

- It uses earth elements and leaves here.

In the black arrogance, the words of the cloud dance are smashed, and the earth element is instantly turned into a drill, which is straight out to the ground.


The Huangsha vortex center burst into a soft figure.


Another ground explosion.

Another figure, also emerging from the ground.


The light flickered, and the two figures slammed together in the air, rolling up a hurricane.

Subsequently, the two figures fell on two opposite sand dunes.

The cloud dance stood straight and stood, and a corner of the mouth oozing a trace of red blood, which dripped on the yellow sand and slowly disappeared.

So strong!

This person is very strong, above her.

This was the first reaction of Yun Dance. When she rushed out of the ground, her intuition told her that she had a breath and attacked herself. Therefore, the body force was instigated, and the ancient swords and black flames smashed past.

Under such a fierce offensive, the other party can still be free to pick up and use the darkness to make himself hurt. The cloud dance can't help but be shocked.

Is this person who manipulated those black shadows into beasts of the desert?

Who is he?

Yun Wu’s heart raised 12 points of vigilance.

"who are you?"

Not far from the sand dunes, a faint yellow light shrouded a figure, and the man carried his hands, the sand-colored robes completely blocked his face, only to see a red lips.

After the cloud dance had been heard for a long time, a scorpion like a sand scrub was very slow and slow: "I am me, you don't know me."

Cloud dance "."

Is not this nonsensical! Saying it is equal to not saying.

However, no matter who he is, and want to lift the crisis that surrounds the dragon and slay them, it is only killing him.

The cloud dance is cold and cold, and the chilly chill is like a sharp knife stabbing the past: "The beasts of the desert who are besieging us are controlled by you?"



The cloud dance brows are screwed up.

However, the man added another sentence, "It is only part of me, I want to besiege you."

Part of his body? What do you mean?

However, what does he mean in his words is not the same as his manipulation?

In a word, let the cloud dance kill and break out; "Is it? It seems that I can only end it if I kill you."

The cloud dance chill broke out in an imposing manner, and the ancient Wu Dadao took the lead with a strong momentum.

The man doesn't seem to be in a hurry, just like a woman's delicate and rosy mouth screaming, and there is a strange feeling in the body.


The blue silk flies, and the ancient Wudao sword in the hands of the cloud dances will bombard the sand dunes into sand bunkers.


What about people?

Yunwu put away the big knife, the whole bunker was empty, and the figure just disappeared.

Did he use earthy elements to smash it?

"Your strength is very strong, but not as good as me." The general sound of frosted came from above.

Looking up, I saw the figure, and the volley was in midair.

The cloud dance brow wrinkled, just this hit, she played at least 80% of the power, but was easily taken away by the man, this person is not only strong, but also very fast.

——Cloud dance, this person is a bit strange, there is no life fluctuation in the body, and the strength is very strong, even if I estimate it is difficult to have a grasp of winning, do not resist, you try to deal with him, wait for the right time I won by sneak attack.

Sneak attack?

Although this black arrogant was imprisoned in the chaos hall, but always proud, when did he use the words "sneak attack"?

But the cloud dance understands that letting him say the word means that she is facing the strength of the entire opponent.

- Ok, but the action is going to be faster, I am worried that the dragon will ward them.

Nangong Yi has a lot of human body consumption, and the beasts of the desert are too strange, and the siege of killing is not good for the dragons.

--Be careful!

Yunwu suddenly noticed that an imposing surge suddenly, and quickly returned to the mind, raising the hands of the ancient Wudao to resist the attack.


The yellow sand splashed, the cloud dance arm sank, and the huge impact smashed the legs of the cloud dance into the yellow sand.

And the next second.

The man's figure turned around, carrying his hands on the edge of the bunker, with a strange smile on his lips: "You don't concentrate on fighting, this will soon kill your life, are you worried about your companions?"


There was a stream of blood flowing from the corner of the mouth, and the throat was sweet. The cloud dance forced the blood to swallow.

"none of your business."

The cloud dance chilled the man, and the glamorous scorpion flashed a bit of worry in the depths.

This person is too strong, why not attack directly, is it delaying time?

No matter, since he doesn't shoot, she comes.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. In a word, will you let the desert beast go back?"

When talking, the cloud dance glamorous scorpion straight hooked the figure, and the ancient Wudao knife was tight.

The man remained as it was, and the **** lips were slightly hooked. "I want to stop, unless you can hurt me."

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