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Gifts given in Chapter 900

The figure stood in midair and looked at the situation in the cylinder "prison" that was condensed by the earth element and the wind element.

The white tender face evoked a secret arc; "It's still a little!"

Below, the cloud dance was browed because the man in the yellow robe disappeared.

- Black pride, do you feel where he is?

Really depressed, what man is that man?

——Your earth element covers this area, he is in your earth element, but his soil element seems to be much stronger than you, I can't feel it.

It is because of this that cloud dance is depressed.

The man, if it is okay to kill her, at least take the initiative to show up, but now if he hides, how can she find it?

But if you remove the earth element, he ran more trouble!

- Is there no other way?

- The earth element follows the wind element is useless to him, or you try the water element!

Water element?

Cloud dance can't help but a quick, but the eyes have flashed a smattering.

He is a soil element. She may be able to imprison him with earth elements, but it is obviously worse for him to hurt him or find him.

If you have a water element, you may try it.

However, she is now supporting the earth element to follow the wind element, and then add three elements of water element at the same time, I am afraid...


The key to the power of water.

As soon as the mind fell, the cloud dance thoughts moved, and a silver pendant in the hand was caught in the hand.

The last time I got it from the hands of Jia Fatzi, even the things that Wanshoumen and Tuen Mun are looking for, she seems to have never used it yet!

"Try this!"

The spirit of cloud dance penetrates into it.


A stream of water filled with the ocean, suddenly emerged.

At this time, it seems that no one should teach how to use it. The cloud dance has been subconscious and dominated by its own spiritual power, which leads to the power of the water in the pendant.


A burst of sound like a huge wave, from afar, and the force of the powerful pressure of water vapor, gradually enveloped the entire space.

Something hidden in the wall of a certain earth element in the avatar, when it felt the power of the powerful water, a panic came out.

"You can't use it!"

The matte sound came out from somewhere.

The power of the water that can be danced here, but under the guidance of her spiritual power, suddenly slammed into the cylinder.


At the same time, a sudden sound came from midair.

The cloud dance listened to the sound, and almost subconsciously took back the force of the force of water, and turned it into raw water.

"Hey!" The sound of water waves.

In the air, the black robe figure is not hidden.

Only a black mang flashed, and a man in a black robe stood in front of the cloud dance.

Under the black robe, the woman’s pink face was hung with a smile that could not be laughed at.

This person is not someone else, it is the Lord of the Ten Cities - Night.

He seems to be relieved when he sees the original water that has been removed from the water.

"Do you have anything to explain about this?"

When I saw this "night", there was some speculation in the cloud dance.

It seems that everything today is irrelevant to the man in front of him.

Just why?

He did this and sacrificed so many lives. Is it just to play with her? Still want to stop them from leaving?

For whatever reason, this fact is making the cloud dance unhappy.

In particular, in this battle, several of them suffered a lot of injuries.

Not a moment!

Dragons and evil spirits, such as Red Fire Dragon, are quickly coming from a distance.

"Little things! Anything?"

"Is it okay?"

"the host!"


A voice of concern came, but when I saw the "night" figure, a person's face was not very good-looking.

"Are you a ghost?"


"I am really very sorry, the cloud dance girl, this thing makes you frightened." The night turned to the cloud dance and other people bowed, apologizing.

This scene, let the cloud dance a few people.

According to his strange character, which is unpredictable, how could he suddenly apologize?

However, the cloud dance still looks coldly at him: "Night son, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

After the "night" apologize, the face hangs a mysterious smile, looking directly at the cloud dance: "Sorry, this incident does give you trouble, but this is also my gift to you. a gift."


This battle that makes all of them hang on, what is the **** gift?

Cloud dance suddenly sullenly face, violent murderous rushing into the sky: "If this is your explanation, I think we have nothing to talk about."

The night blinked and pretending to be innocent: "Cloud Dance Girl, I think you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? Ridiculous."

Cloud dance pointed to the huge "pool" position. "Is this a misunderstanding in your mouth? Or is it a gift in your mouth?"

"Night" suddenly silenced.

Cloud dance is really angry, and my heart is rising.

But at this time, the cloud dance suddenly felt a shoulder on the hand.

The dragon smashed the evil spirits and pulled the cloud dance behind him. The evil spirits in the golden scorpion flashed a hint of killing: "I don't care who you are, no matter what purpose you have, but the person who hurts her has always been - dead! ”


The dragon's evil spirits surged, and the killings rolled up the wind and sand. The huge pressure suddenly spread.

The sand dunes at the foot are loose, and the sand dunes in the area where the dragons fall into the evil are trapped for several meters to form a sand pit with a diameter of several tens of meters.

Shangguan and others, including a few stinky beasts, are also murderous in an instant.

These people have spent so much energy, but they can still have this momentum!

It's really a bit of a surprise.

I can't help but raise my eyebrows!

"Well, it seems that everyone has no humorous interest. If this is the case, then it is not too bad. I will send my gift, hoping to solve your dissatisfaction."

When the language was just falling, the "night" suddenly raised his hand, and the palm of his hand was aimed at the "pool" where the cloud dance was condensed with the elements of the earth element.

A strange suction suddenly rang from his palm.


A certain figure broke through the water.

In a blink of an eye, I saw the figure of the man in the yellow robe, and suddenly flew in the hands of the "night" without any resistance.

This scene makes the cloud dance suddenly scared.

This "night" seems to be more horrible than the man in the yellow robe.

"Cloud Dance Girl, this is the gift I gave you, I hope you like it."


Send a man to the cloud dance?

The dragon's face is sinking in an instant, and the faces of the Shangguan are quite unnatural.

However, without waiting for the dragon to pour the evil to make the next move, the yellow robe man was turned into a yellow light when he was pushed to the cloud dance.

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