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Chapter 904 is divided

The spiritual power of the first layer of the door is extremely pure, and the cloud dance stays here to summon the small stench, and the feeling of the already dry power has been restored.

After a while, the spiritual power in the living room suddenly gathered, the shape was awkward, like looking for something to wander around, and finally staying around the cloud dance, feeling.

The cloud dance was calm, and the meditation summoned the small stink, and naturally did not find this strange scene.

Just when I didn't know how many times the cloud dance summoned the small stench, the spiritual force left the cloud dance and disappeared instantly.

Just in the blink of an eye, a smudge of red light suddenly appeared in the gate.

The cloud dance sensed, and instantly opened the phoenix, and then saw the small stinking stunned and unconscious, sleeping on the ground, and the dawn was very happy.

It seems to be a success!

"I didn't expect to use the call for the first time, you have succeeded."

Black arrogant with a strange sound.

Yun Dance Liu Mei slightly picks up, a touch of arc rises, "I will trouble you to take care of it."

"Although I can float to the next level, my real range of activities is only two layers. I can't intervene in one layer of things." Black arrogance is helpless.

"Can't intervene to interject?" The cloud dance is indifferent, and a phantom disappears into the door.

"..." Black arrogant shook his head, "Hey!"

Looking at the red desert, the cloud dance is contemplative, and the small smell is in the door. For the time being, there is no need to worry. Then I will enter the Phoenix family.

The extremely cold Dan in her body has been unable to withstand higher temperatures, and only crossed the red desert at the fastest speed.

The wind element picked up and a touch of shadow disappeared instantly.


the other side!

The hurricane was arrogant and messed up a group of people.

"I am grass, what is this ghost weather!"

The curse of Shangguan was caught in the wind, and there was no trace of the moment, and the hair was flying, and it was straight in a straight state. One hand was holding the clothes, so as not to be pulled away by the wind, not naked.

one day!

It’s really a day, the dragon is mad, and in order to hurry, a lot of transmissions are made directly along the way to greatly shorten the distance, and the risks are not explained.

However, the bad situation here is really unbearable to curse...

"After this popular style, it should be the phoenix enchantment."

Nangongyi looked at the hurricane that was sharp again in the distance, and his look was calm.

"Well, this wind should be a protective barrier." Stuart nodded with approval.

This style is very simple. If it is not their strength, I am afraid that it has been smashed by the wind like a sharp blade.

"How are you all right?"

The Shangguan was blown in the wind, and a little nose and tears looked at other people who were still calm and calm, like gods.

"You don't know how to use force to counter this trend? See you are really blown into a fool." Meng Bai ruthless irony.


"I don't know what happened to her." The night was cold and cold.

Although no name is given, everyone knows who she is talking about.

"Or worry about worrying about us first!"

"Sure enough, it will not pass so smoothly."

"It is actually the wind state of Warcraft!"

"Warcraft formed by the wind? Is this a natural series of Warcraft?" Stuart looked at the only dragon that could be known, and was awkward.

"It can also be said that it is natural World of Warcraft. After all, the wind is from nature, but the shape of Warcraft should be artificial."

The dragon sorrows the evil spirits and the scorpion is dangerous.

"Do you mean that someone is controlling the wind?" Nan Gongyi's cool voice is hard to reveal a strange look.

"It was set in advance." The night was stunned by Nangong Yi, and the cold tone was slightly relieved.

The dragon fell to the evil and nodded. "This real wind compares the power of Warcraft..."

The words didn't finish, the next second, a blast hit, the dragon tilted the figure back a few steps, stopped the body again, breathing a little rush.

Jin Haoque jumped to the bloodthirsty smile, he looked at the distant World of Warcraft, the breath is dangerous.

Everyone looked at the repulsed dragon and turned evil, and it was a bit stunned. It made him unable to guard against the speed of resistance. It was terrible! It's a bit tricky.

"We move..."

Daddy, a strange blast passed over the ear.

Situ’s words, “We’re doing it,” haven’t been spoken yet, and the figure of the night has already joined the battle.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but think of the cloud dance. His face was black and he joined the battle.


Among the red deserts, the purple afterimage moves at an uncapturable speed.

The high temperature keeps blowing and burning, and the extremely cold Dan in the body has reached the limit.

The strength of the body recovered by the absorption of spiritual power in the body has gradually begun to be lost. The scene in front of the scene is nothing but a scarlet, and no other can be seen.

The double singer star has completely become a scarlet.

damn it!

Why can't you see the Phoenix?

The cloud dance frowned slightly, and there was a worries in the twilight. Looking down, the skin on the arm was already cracked, and the pieces of dander were vaguely cracked.

In this way, life will be explained in this red desert and the blood will evaporate.

Although extremely worried, the elements of the wind did not stop at all, still rushing at the fastest speed.

In the distance, there is a faint eclipse, a touch of gray light, in this completely scarlet and burning world, especially eye-catching.

The cloud dance eyes passed by, and finally arrived?

But just the next second she relaxed her vigilance.


A powerful impulse hits the wind and directly hits the wind behind him. The powerful force directly breaks into her lungs and turns over the river.

The blood flowed through the corners of the mouth, and the foreground of the eyes was like a **** scarlet. The painful convulsions in the lungs made the cloud dance feel a suffocation.

Fire unicorn.

In the last second of her coma, she seemed to see the shadow of the fire unicorn.

The purple shadow fell to the ground and fell into a completely dark world.


Hongyang is full of days, quiet, surrounded by numbness, cold, some chill.

In the dry woods, a glimpse of the figure lies quietly by the stream, and the slightly pale mouth still has a trace of blood, which has dried up.

A touch of motion appeared between the trees, and two smudges walked toward the figure. The pace was subtle and the breathing was slow. It seemed to be very rigorous.

"Master, she seems to have a cold poison, do you want to help her?"

"She is human."

"What? Actually... actually human..." Can humans actually have the ability to break into the Phoenix? Is this the so-called human?

"Let's go, the Phoenix will not accept the existence of human beings without pure noble blood."

The two smear figures went one after the other and left.

"See two things that can't be saved!"

A condensed curse spread, and the cold eyes looked like a sharp blade to the two.

The man who was called the master, when he felt the back of his back, was a little mysterious.

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