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Chapter 919 is exceptionally abrupt

Her strength was a small person at the beginning, and she felt that it was difficult to resist the fire of the source. Now her strength has reached Wu Zong, and there is still a feeling of irresistible feeling.

What is there inside?

Step by step into the inside, the spirit explored the surrounding, but did not hear any fighting and breathing, but the more you walked into the inside, the more unbearable heat.

What is even more strange is that when you walk inside, the cave that was originally the same as ordinary stone is actually red, like a flint, just like being in a world of fire, completely scarlet.

The fire illuminates the surroundings, and the reflections are all fire-colored. The air is smoldering with the scent of fire, like a fog, and the circling rises.

Daddy, she suddenly stopped, staring indifferently and staring at somewhere above.

I saw a cloud-like thing appearing, and it was exceptionally sharp under the red flame.

With the appearance of a strange smell, the white mist gradually formed, and finally turned into a phoenix of white mist.

Looking at the scene in front of me, Yun Dance Liu Mei slightly.

Is it the phoenix remnant?

Seeing that the remnant of the soul is not malicious, she is trying to leave, and they are still waiting for her, and can't stay longer.

"and many more."

Just as the first step of the cloud dance, the phoenix remnant suddenly stopped her.

The cloud dance stopped and turned and looked back. "I am in a hurry, I have something to say, I can't chat."

The white fog phoenix is ​​vague, she can't see her look, but she can see that the phoenix itself is not malicious, otherwise she has already flew her, saving time wasting here.

"I am a priest of the Phoenix family 100 years ago, no snow." No snow hangs over the sky, the form is hidden, and I want to sneak away, and the sound is barely able to hear clearly.

A priest a hundred years ago? Cloud dance is awkward.

"How come you become like this?"

As a phoenix, like the Dragon, although it can't live forever, but now she has only been more than a hundred years away, will not be dying out?

"It’s a long time, I don’t have time, I will make a long story short. I succeeded the priest 100 years ago. The priest of the previous generation gave me a confession before the end of the dying. The Phoenix family will have a catastrophe in a hundred years. The source of the catastrophe is imprisoned in this holy place. Dark Holy Beast."

After a period of no snow, the cloud dance clearly felt that its shape was more blurred, and it seemed that it would be invisible immediately.

"Can I help you?"

It doesn't matter if you want to die. At least, what you want to say and what I want to know is dead.

"I have come to an end, I can't live without it. You continue to listen to me. I have been in the Holy Land for centuries, and I have sealed the dark sacred beast with my own spirit, so that he can't escape, but now I have no strength to continue to seal. He is, so... the Phoenix is ​​entrusted to you."

The white mist is already on the verge of collapse, and the snow-free phoenix is ​​almost impossible to capture.

"So, is he going to come out?"

Cloud dance frowns, indifferent eyelids pass a trace of worry, dragons will not be entangled by this dark sacred beast?

"No, there is a seal that imprisons him. Its power cannot be broken. But if the seal is opened by outside forces, it can be effortless. The last priest predicted that the dark sacred beast will destroy the Phoenix, so I must think The way, you can't let other purposeful people enter the holy land to open the seal."

"Please, you can only wake up the pure blood and protect the Phoenix."

"You please do me, I am not..."

Looking at no snow, her words have not finished, the white mist has disappeared all around, the stars are falling and drifting, and finally fully integrated into every corner of the holy land.

Dark sacred beast, pure blood phoenix, who knows what it is.

Cloud dance regained his gaze, and the figure swept away and quickly hit the inside.

The people of the Beast Gate have already controlled the Phoenix woman. Maybe they already know the existence of the Dark Holy Beast. If they come to the Holy Land to make trouble, then the Phoenix family can be in danger.

Listening to no snow, only the pure blood phoenix can protect the Phoenix, but where does she know what pure blood phoenix?

When I heard the pure blood, I knew that it was rare in the best. I didn’t see it for a long time in the ordinary phoenix. Where did I go to find the pure blood phoenix?

Shaking his head, Yun Wu put this matter on hold for a while, or they must first find the dragon to ward off evil.

These people are really, nothing to do with the Holy Land, you will be embarrassed, and you are so eager to find it, it is so hard to find!

Just as she cursed her heart, the front line of sight in the next second suddenly opened up. In the wide line of sight, there seemed to be a burning flame in the inside. If she did not use the fire element to resist the temperature, I am afraid I could not bear the heat.

"Little dance, we have been waiting for you for a long time." In the broad field of vision, Stuart's voice passed over.

After hearing the lazy voice of Situ, the heart that she carried all the way was finally put down. It seemed that nothing was happening.

She glimpsed a sigh of relief, and the dangerous breath passed over, as if she realized what it was.

Behind him, a familiar atmosphere appeared, and the cloud dance looked back at the person hiding in the corner, and the lips were slightly picked, and the laughter was cold and decided.

"It hurts so fast, it seems that the effect of the drug is good."

"It’s not my business. It’s a few of them.” Shangguan looked at her dangerous smile, his body trembled, pointing to the dragon and the Mengbai several people, and the responsibility was clean.

She regained her gaze, no one saw her in the moment of retracting her eyes, the blackmail in her eyes.

The cloud dance went to the spacious space. After thoroughly seeing the scene in the space, the bottom of the eye still had a slight horror.

The space is round and about 20 meters in diameter. In the middle of the space is a huge fire pool. It is burning with a blazing flame. It is like a magma under the ground. It seems to be thicker when it touches the bone.

When I saw the fire pool, the cloud dance felt it. The fire in this fire pool is definitely more powerful than her source fire.

The dragon fell into a cloud dance and looked at the fire pool. Jin Hao was awkward. "This should be the holy fire pool."

"Holy Fire Pool?"

"After the Phoenix people's source is injured, there is no way to recover. They can only come to the holy fire pool to absorb the fire source. If it is an ordinary Phoenix family, it can only rely on the holy woman to bring some fire sources."

"How do you know so clearly?" Cloud dance raised his eyebrows. He seemed to know a lot about the things in the holy fire pool.

"Is the son of the Phoenix woman not injured? So I just inquired about the way to recover." The dragon poured evil and lazily smiled, seems to say that worship is a husband? Enjoy it.

Edit, continue to edit! She is too lazy to poke him.

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