Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 921: Belonging to the wonderful

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Chapter 921 is a wonderful work


Under the surface, there was another earthquake-like roar. This loud noise was more violent than the previous one.

Looking at the tiny marks on the surface of the ground, the clouds dance under the eyes, what is this below?

Is it the dark holy beast?

After thinking of this possibility, her mouth raised a bloodthirsty arc.

"Let's go see?" The dragon stunned and smiled, knowing her heart.

"Oh..." a more violent tremor came again.

Cloud dance Emei, Wan Beast Gate has been controlling the Phoenix girl for a long time. If this place is so busy every day, the Beast Gate should have been lurking in it long ago?

Is it really because of the seal of the priest’s own strength, or because... she glanced at the small stench that was evolving and her eyes were deep.

"Go." Yunwu glanced at the dragon and turned his mind, determined to go and see, and then screamed at the crowd, "You help look after it."

"There are walls everywhere, how can you go on?"

They all know that the things underneath are definitely not simple. If you look down, you will have a bottom in your heart, but these are all stone walls. If you say the entrance, there is only the magma-like flame pool...

"You are not really planning to go here?" Situ squatted on the forehead, although some doubts, but already know the meaning of cloud dance.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Cloud dance raised eyebrows, the temperature inside is much higher than the temperature of the red fire ban, they can come in, then there must be no big problems when jumping, as for small problems... ignore it.

"You are a wonderful thing, it should be okay, but he..." Shangguan Fox suspected that he had smashed the dragon and turned his evil eyes, and touched the dragon's sorrowful smile, and he stopped talking.

Hula's burning flame of the holy fire pool seems to understand the words of the Shangguan, even more arrogant, one swaying to the sky, the flame directly rubbed over the edge of the dragon's face, like a demonstration.

The dragon dumped evil just smiled, and the smile made someone in the place could not help but take a breath.

Cloud dance frowns, this guy is really easy to clean up.

Looking at the more restless flame, the cloud dance condensed and threatened. "If there is something wrong with him, if he has something, I will let the little stink be buried!"

In a word, the swaying flame stagnate for a second in midair, and then returns to the holy fire pool, smashing waves, and a lot of peace.

Cloud dance is satisfied with a smile, and the dragon's evil spirits make a look, the dragon tilts evil and nods, and the two wipes disappear together in the holy fire pool.

At the moment of entering the holy fire pool, Nangongyi quickly ran around the holy fire pool and looked at the two smaller and smaller figures, and gave a slight relief.

The two of them together, as long as they go in, it’s almost okay.

And they didn't see it. Just as they jumped into the holy fire pool, the imprint on the shoulders of Yunwu suddenly gave off a strange brilliance. The glory has always appeared without disappearing, and seems to be escorting them.

The cloud dance looked at the shoulders, and the corners of her mouth were lightly picked. Just as she relaxed her vigilance for the next second, the dragon fell into a shadow and quickly turned her to herself.

The fire element condenses and grows the sword. In the burning flame, it is strong and swaying, and it instantly appears and is swallowed up by the flame.

At the moment when the fire sword disappeared, a black object continued to fall, and finally melted into water under the eyes of the two people, and evaporated in the sea of ​​fire.

"What is that?" The cloud dance looked at the last trace of the burnt, and the look was a bit abnormal.

"It should be something that is imprisoned in this fire pool. Once it comes out, it is this end." The dragon has not found the abnormality of the cloud dance, but there is a hint of coldness in the speech.

These things that are imprisoned in the holy fire pool, should know the power of the holy fire pool, how can they suddenly come out to find death?

Suddenly, the cloud dance and the dragon dumped evil face each other, and the eyes could not help but look at the imprint of the red light.

Just that thing is for this imprint?

There must be no mistakes. With this imprint, they can leave this holy fire pool!


At the top of the holy fire pool, Nangongyi and others stood on the edge of the holy fire pool, the atmosphere was silent and depressed, and there was a worry on everyone's face.

Among them seven people, there is also a touch of figure, deserted.

Indifference to the raging flame pool, the handsome eyebrows wrinkled tightly. "It seems that they have already encountered trouble."

"What will be the result?" Nan Gongyi's calm tone with a hint of urgency.

"Either kill the imprisoned monsters or kill the monsters."

"Monster?" Shangguan has some doubts.

"There are some formed World of Warcraft that have eaten the Holy Fire. They are eroded by the Holy Fire, and the body is mutated. Some people have animal heads and faces, some people have legs and animals, and finally they cannot accept it. They kill the Phoenix people, so they are imprisoned in this holy fire pool."

"Why is it imprisoned here?" It is rare to pray for the night, but this question is a question for everyone.

"It is not the people of the Phoenix who eat the holy fire. It will be better than death. The holy fire will melt from the inside to the outside, slowly melt the internal organs, the lungs, and melt it bit by bit. Stay in the holy fire pool to avoid suffering, or let them Restoring normal form can be considered a punishment."

"The mark on the little dance is burned up, how do they use it? Cut the piece of skin?"

Situ Wu did not understand to raise his eyebrows. Even if he cut the skin, he would not use them.

The innocent shook his head. "I don't know. The phoenix priests recognized by the Holy Land, the imprints are always born, but the priests are limited to the Phoenix, and she..."

What do you want to say when you are indifferent? If you think about it or don’t say it, you can’t get an answer if you say too much.

Several other people understand what he means, and his eyes can't help but look at the small stench that still sleeps in the golden light.

Why did it imprint this stamp on her? Is it unintentional or intentional?

Of course, the cloud dance hides the small stench in the enchantment, and the indifference does not see the existence of a small stench.


In the holy fire pool, I guessed why these things attacked her cloud dance, while resisting the attack, and quickly moved to the pilgrimage pool.

More and more things appear below, and the cloud dance uses the spirit to explore the bottom of the holy fire pool, but still can not see the end.

"Be careful!" The cloud dance looked down at the dragon and fell low.

The dragon had not turned back, and the purple vindictively slammed back behind him. He slammed, and a half-orc was shot. With a burst of smoke, the half-orcs had no traces to find.

Just after the cloud dance thought that she had escaped the fatal blow, the red glow in front of her made her slightly surprised.

It is a half-human beast!

A fire half-human beast!

If it is a fire system, does it mean that she can come and go in this holy fire pool?

"Give me something on you, I can let you leave with me!"

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