Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 925: Get into a fierce battle

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Chapter 925 is in a fierce battle

"Go!" The dragon smashed the clouds and danced and jumped into the transmission array.

"It’s actually a transmission! The deity will not let you both!"


In the Holy Land, the gravel is flying, the flames are burning more intensely, the long swords of the dragons are slamming, the suffocating body touches the ground, and the stinging flesh is cracking.

Against the backdrop of the flames of the flame, the color of the blood is particularly bright.

"Notice the little dance?" Situ squatted half-squatting on the ground, holding a long sword, shaking his hand with a long sword and looking at the Nangong Yidao.

Nangong Yi nodded. "I just gave her a voice, can't be sure."

Opposite, the two black robes were shaken and disappeared in front of Situ and Nangong.

The next second suddenly appeared behind the two people, suddenly attacked, the two looked at each other, eyes met, a misplaced turn, killed two black robe people.

"How can the people of Wanshoumen suddenly come?" Shangguan solved several people and came to Nangongyi. He always felt that things were awkward.

The only person lurking in the door of the beast has been solved by Xiaowu. Does it take time for a large number of beasts to come?

How come there is no sign to check?

Nangongyi shook his head, under the white gauze, there was a trace of tiredness in the flat mirrored eyes, a robes that had always been dusty and stainless, with tiny blood on it, and he was so engraved.

At a moment of time, everyone stopped the battle for a while, giving himself some breathing time and starting the next chattering delay.

"Less master, follow the genius, the lord spares you from sin." A blue-eyed black robes looked at Shangguan, and the attitude was complimented, but the tone was not humble.

"Do you say that?" Shangguan asked casually, and he was also trying to get a rest time for a group of friends who were behind him.

"This is the order of the sovereign, and there is no right to speak."

"If I say no?" Shangguan did not raise his eyebrows.

"That can only perform the second order of the lord." The blue-eyed black robes face no worries, as if the Shangguan did not leave.

"The second order? Kill me?" Shangguan Jun stunned, not convinced that this is the order of Shangguan.

"Take your head back." Qingyan swept the Shangguan and several people behind him, and finally stayed in the back of the holy fire pool.

In the holy fire pool, the clouds danced coldly, holding a black flame knife, walking along the way, watching a few people look like a wolf, then looking at the green eyes and a group of beasts behind him, the scarlet burning scary burning .

"Little five?" Shangguan looked back and saw, not who is the cloud dance.

"Is it finally here?" Meng Baiwei relaxed a sigh of relief.

"It’s finally coming, or we can’t eat a few of them.” Situ’s sloppy look at the dragon’s evil spirits is no exaggeration.

The strength of several of them must not be underestimated, but the people sent by Wanshimen are not ordinary shackles. The strength of each person can compete with them for a while, more than twenty people, so go on, most The good result is also after the death and injury, both lose.

Nangong Yi and the praying night look at the cloud dance, his face is slightly relieved.

"Is it okay?" She looked at the look of a few people, and the frosty frost between the eyebrows.

"It’s still timely." Nangong Yi smiled indifferently, and more smiles were comfort.

The cloud dance is slightly shivering, looking at the small stinky smell in the air, the small stinky smell is still sleeping in the moment, but the golden light around the body is much darker. Seeing what he is now, he should wake up quickly.

The mind is moving, the cloud dance is isolated from the small smell, and the small smell is evolving, and it must not be disturbed by the next.

"First solve them and then go to the lord to explain."

"Oh..." The powerful force of the black flame knives was instantly blasted, followed by a roar.

"Except me, who allows you to hurt them?"

For a moment, the Holy Land once again fell into a fierce battle, the swords touched each other, the red stone walls burst into flames, and the traces of fierceness continued to be portrayed on the stone walls.

The black flame knife volleyed, and a black shadow was instantly shot.

"Ah..." A screaming rise, the flame in the holy fire pool rises, and the shadows evaporate instantly.

Qingyan looked at the same door and was killed. The blue-eyed eyes turned into scarlet, and the white bones of the gloomy volley volleyed, directly controlling Nangongyi not far away, and exerting a force, Nangongyi’s figure was out of control in the direction of the pilgrimage pool.

At the moment of falling into the holy fire pool, the white figure was a illusion, and a black figure fell into the flame pool and burned out.

The conversion of that moment, even the cloud dance did not see clearly.

Just when everyone thought that Nangong Yihua was in danger, the figure of the nightmare appeared again in the sky above the holy fire pool.

The hail was slightly closed, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth. The moment of sorrow, her opponents were able to take advantage of it, and she was hurt by the road. She also recognized her life.

Just before she fell into the holy fire pool, a white phantom instantly threw her out. At that moment, the white figure was swallowed by the flame and disappeared into the sea of ​​fire.

This moment of life and death conversion, so that everyone can not return to God, cloud dance looked at the disappearance of Nangongyi, the eyes are calm and terrible.

The first reaction was Situ, who ran to the edge of the holy fire pool and looked at the blazing flames, and the handsome eyebrows wrinkled.

In the holy fire pool, there is no such a sudden figure that he expected.

Cloud dance looks back to the green eyes, the eyes are cold, the cold figure is surrounded by black power, like ghosts.

"A life, I want to be buried with the whole beast door!"

The cold screams made everyone feel cold.

"The master, the lord just let us release the dark sacred beast, did not say kill them, or we..."

The person behind the green eye looked at everyone and did not give up, some hesitant.

"Hey." With a heavy palm, the figure of the man was instantly embedded in the stone wall, and the mouth spit blood, struggling twice and no other movements.

Qingyan looked back at a few people behind him. "At the moment, if you don't kill them, you don't want to finish the task. If you can't complete the task, you might as well die in their hands!"

Behind the black robe people heard the words, brushed their heads, and a hint of killing instantly infected the space.

The clouds dance to the cold, the ghost power of the demon, constantly lingering in the body.

At that moment, her whole person was merged with the power of the magical power, and the power of the magical creature dyed the elements of the wind element and directly attacked the green eye.


Then praying for the night, a flame red dress, like a piece of ice frozen in the flame, the snake sword shines brightly, with a trace of bloodthirsty scarlet, swiftly hit, each hit is fatal.

The dragon slays evil, Situ 澜, Meng Bai, the Shangguan is followed, and the struggle for killing and murder is unfolding. The result is that only one party can live.

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