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Chapter 929 The Nature of Bloodthirsty

The riots that the Phoenix people have never met in the millennium may not be able to calm down by themselves. They can only look at them. He looks at the direction of the disappearance of the cloud dance and has a little contemplation.

The beast of the beast door looked at the cloud dance and left, and the look did not look a little different, as if everything was in their expectation, the leader went to the Phoenix woman from the side:

"Phoenix woman, now your son has returned, but he still does not want to admit you, want to know why?"

"Why?" Phoenix girl heard his words, and there was a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"Because it has a contract with humans, as long as the contract is destroyed, it will come back to you."

As soon as this was said, the horror of the Phoenix woman’s eyes suddenly became a bit hollow, sluggish, and finally turned to nod.

Seeing the appearance of the Phoenix woman, the smiling smile of the beasts of the beasts emerged, and then looked at the people of the Phoenix. "Your patron saint, I will help you to come back. It is to kill and stay, let me do it."

Everyone is whispering and discussing the meaning of his words.

"Do you think we can let you go?" One of them looked at the beasts in horror.

"Ha ha ha... Can you let us go, we are not the ones who have the final say." The arrogant voice echoed in the air, and the beasts of the beasts disappeared in the same place as ghosts.

Just when the Phoenix people planned to chase, the Phoenix woman was in front of everyone, her eyes sharp and cold and indifferent: "I see who dares to go!"

Everyone frowned slightly, and it seemed that something was discovered at one time.

"The saint, even if it is human, it must not be left, we must kill him!"

"Everyone is working with me to protect the phoenix!"

A battle of killing and protection began.

The black robe who is hiding in a corner looks at this scene, and the cold smile emerges. Keep this kind of battle and keep going. ——

In a desolate mountainous area, several barren hills are faintly visible. Occasionally, there are several dead trees with scattered leaves, a whirlwind sweeping through, residual blades, and the breath around them is endlessly different.

"Do you say these people are stupid?" Shangguan looked at him and no one was chasing him. He took a deep breath and was depressed.

"What can I do if I don't kill them?" Meng Bai nodded helplessly.

The dark sacred beast and the phoenix are the enemies. As a result, the two big families combine to have children, half of the dark blood, generally bright blood, do you say kill or stay?

If you keep it, if he inherits the nature of the dark sacred beast, the Phoenix will suffer. If he kills, he is still the patron saint of the Phoenix. It is a difficult problem.

But the most difficult thing to do is the emergence of the beast door...

"Little dance, do you guess what the beast door should do now?" Situ Yan raised his eyebrows at the cloud dance, pointing a little.

Cloud dance coveted, this is still asking?

Disrupting the Phoenix is ​​just an episode. It is their purpose to release the dark sacred beast. The dark sacred beast comes out, and then add some oil and vinegar. They and the Phoenix family, one can not fall!

Thinking of this, her eyebrows passed a trace of worry. If the dark sacred beast is really enchanted by the beasts of the beasts, kill them, then it will be finished.

"Oh." In the distance, a huge dull sound rang.

A few people looked at it, and all of them were surprised and surprised.

"I am not mistaken?" The first thing to speak is Shangguan.

"What is this?" Meng Bai extended a finger.


"That means you are not mistaken..." Meng Bai looked at the distance and said nothing without a brain.

Cloud dance and dragon sorrow look at the scene in the distance, the same sharp eyes with a trace of horror.

In the distance, the huge mountain peak broke open from the middle, and it fell into shape and fell to both sides. What surprised them even more was that the traces that broke from the middle section turned out to be like a knife-cut, without any traces. Turbulent, smooth like a polished stone wall.

In the distance, the wind blowing through the dust is coming quickly, and the cloud dance can feel the strange power of the wind.

She is shrinking, it is it!

"Get rid of it!" she shouted.

Just as the next second of her voice fell, the hurricane swiftly passed, like a sharp blade, passing by.

Looking back at God, the original end of the dead wood standing behind them, now half-length has been cut off, looking into the distance, as long as the distance beyond that, all were cut off.

A mountain can be cut off by the wind without any effort, how strange and powerful.

"What is that?" Nangongyi looked at the wind that was still destroying and the frowning of rare.

That power is absolutely difficult to compete!

"The answer you want to know should be there."

Cloud dance looked at the mountain that was cut off in the distance, and the sharp eyes passed a sneer. Just that moment, she saw a shadow, although I was not sure whether it was a figure, but it was definitely not an illusion.

She wants to see what the shadow wants to do!

"I don't know if I can come back after I go in."

The dragon pours evil and looks at the cracks in the mountains. With a sinful smile, he glances at the clouds and dances. The tone of the words is very strange.

"I don't know if I don't want to go there?" Yun Dance returned to him with a calm smile, then looked at the mountain again, and the smile became cold.

Even if they don't pass, they turn back and turn back. She believes that it is easy to come in and go out.

"Then go and see, if you look bad, you will be flat, and if you are upset, you will kill!"

Shangguan’s mouth is not raised, and the strange atmosphere around him, all of them feel it. It’s a demonstration, a threat, and it’s naked and bare to give them any retreat!

"After leaving the human world, it seems that for a long time there is no such feeling of giving life to God, using life to kill." Stuart pressed a few fingers, and the handsome smile concealed the ruthless indifference.

The dragon refused to agree and nodded, then circled the waist of the cloud dance, all the way forward, and the corner of the mouth was glamorous.

"Small things, just that thing, is a phantom, a phantom is sand, ten phantoms have power, just those forces, there should be hundreds of phantoms inside, if not so much, it is not easy to do ..."

The phantom, the ghost of the saying goes!

That wiped the shadow, not only the cloud dance saw it, but the dragon dumped evil also saw it.

Cloud Dance certainly understands what he means. If the number of phantoms is not so much, the power of a phantom is enough for them to deal with seriously!

In the dusty wind, there is a trace of secret and sinister, and it is flying in the ears of several people, like what is said in the forest, and what is crying.

A few people walked cautiously into the peaks that were cut. Under the rupture marks, there was only one hole wide, and the black lacquered piece looked along the hole without a trace of light.

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