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Chapter 939, the so-called summoner

"As long as you hand over something, I can let you leave the Phoenix family safely."

The Shangguanli compromised a step. If the cloud dances, it will choose to leave and will agree to leave.

Unfortunately, she will not leave, but she does not want to die.

"Since you take a step back, then I will take a step back and make a bet with you, you win, it belongs to you, we let the deal, I win, everything of the Phoenix family belongs to me.

"Don't play tricks with me and hand it over." The Shangguan calendar does not seem to agree to play this bet.

Cloud dance sneer, is it too pediatric or afraid of losing?

"That's okay." Yun Dance sighed helplessly. "Since you want, I will give it to you, catch it!"

With a palm of her hand, the little potato instantly flew out in a perfect arc, and happily made two rolls in midair.

At the moment when she threw the small potatoes, the purple figure instantly moved out of the dozens of steps and disappeared in front of the Shangguan calendar, and the dragons fell behind them.

"Small five, is this too embarrassing?" Shangguan has some helplessness.

"You can go back." Cloud dance gave him a look.

Shangguan licked his mouth and didn't talk anymore. His father alone was enough for them to drink a pot, let alone other people.

Things have become more and more difficult to clean up. The beasts of the beasts only wanted to control the Phoenix family with the dark evil beasts, but they slammed into them. Now the situation has changed, all the spears point to them, and they dare to come. For the beasts of the beasts?

Just as a few people left and left, there was a very angry screaming behind them. It was the roar of the beast, full of domineering sharpness.

Situ looked back and saw that the body of the little potato at the moment seemed to be red with a layer of flame. It was burning at the source, and the power was definitely not as powerful.


A beast, with a scream of screams, several black robes ignited the fire immediately, and the raging fire directly burned several people beyond recognition, leaving only some ashes.

The Shangguan calendar looked at the small potatoes, his face was gloomy, and the palm of his hand was pinched, and the small potatoes were directly controlled. The small potatoes struggled a few times but did not break away.

"Oh..." The small potato sprayed the flame up to the official calendar again. The Shangguan calendar did not hide even if it was hiding. It directly accepted the attack of the flame. The strange thing was that after the flame was withdrawn, he was unscathed.

The little potatoes saw this scene, and the round eyes were a little surprised. When things were not good, they began to struggle fiercely in the hands of the Shangguan calendar.

The more it struggled, the tighter the Shangguan calendar was, and finally the face was pinched and deformed. The nose and eyes were all squeezed together, and it looked a little funny.

In the next second, the small potato body suddenly shrank, the Shangguan calendar only felt the strength of the hand is loose, where there are small potatoes.

Looking at the disappearing little potatoes, the Shangguan calendar mouth raised a smug smile, strange and gloomy, and the figure shook, and swept in the direction of the cloud dance.

"This is the so-called summoner, will it only escape?" The sullen voice forced several people to stop.

Like a ghost, the Shangguan calendar has appeared in front of several people.

"Just don't want to see your face." The cloud dance is lazy and embarrassed, a casual and elegant look.

After the language was finished, the Shangguan calendar was a yin, and the palm of the hand hit the cloud dance.

"Oh..." The next minute, the official's face suddenly changed, and a few steps back, a blood spurted out.

Seeing this scene, the cloud dance mouth slightly raised, finally came in handy.

"You..." Shangguanli micro-scorpion, trying to adjust the body to tumbling, but the depths of the eyes are still somewhat strange, "you actually know how to use summon enchantment!"

Summon enchantment, as the name suggests, only the enchantment that the summoner can use, its power can bounce the old official blood to a blood, so there is no need to say more.

"It turns out that this is called summoning enchantment." The cloud dance is slightly pretending, as if he just knew this.

The Shangguan calendar wiped the blood of the corner of his mouth, and looked at the cloud dance gloomyly. At that moment, the people of the Phoenix and the people of the Beast Gate had already arrived.

The people of the Shangguan dynasty to the beast gate made an offensive look, and both hands were volleyed and directly emptied, seemingly trying to tear the summoning enchantment.

Looking at the summoning enchantment began to appear a trace of the gap, the cloud dance Liu Mei slightly, it seems that the summoning enchantment can not be isolated from the Shangguan calendar.

"Small things, this old guy is handed over to the husband to teach the lesson." The dragon slammed the evil lips and the epee slammed along the eclipse of the Shangguan calendar. The white figure with a cool taste, already Appeared outside the enchantment.

One black and one white, two wiping figures fought fiercely.

Yunwu knows that he wants to test the real strength of the official calendar first. This summons the enchantment. Except for the Shangguan calendar, the people below are probably not open.

"You want to solve him alone, I can't agree."

"The things of the beast door, it is more appropriate for me to solve this problem personally."

"How can this be less for us?"


Every word falls, there is one less person in the enchantment, and for a while, everyone leaves the enchantment.

"Oh..." With a fierce sound, the battle really began.

The cloud dance waved the black flame knife and dealt with the Shangguan calendar with the dragon.

The Shangguan calendar is also the deputy lord of Wanshimen, who can cope with them at the same time. This makes Yunwu realize that although it is important to find four elements, her strength needs to be improved and needs to be strengthened.

Nangong Yi and Shangguan and others deal with the Phoenix and other people.

The force of the powerful force screamed and screamed, and the leaves were curled up and smashed.

In the distance, the phantom of the Shangguan calendar suddenly came.

The dragon smashed the evil spirits and smashed the epee, and separated the Shangguan calendar from the cloud dance. The gesture was lazy but dangerous: "It seems that you are not here."

Just the blow, his goal is not the small potato that is sleeping behind the cloud dance, but the cloud dance.

The Shangguan calendar was so dark that he had just collided with the epee. His fingers were almost shattered. His strength was completely opposed to him, and he could never be hard.

The cloud dance turned back and showed a smile: "The deputy lord, is your goal?"

She took out an object wrapped in enchantment from the space. In the eyes of the outsiders, they saw an enchantment, but in the eyes of the Shangguan, he saw the map of the temple.

The Shangguan calendar stretched out the palm of the hand like a white bone, and the voice was chilly, "Give it to me!"

Yunwu laughed. "If you give it, then I don't have a face."

"Then don't blame me, you are welcome!" The Shangguan calendar was indulged, and the momentary killings filled the atmosphere, and the darkness of the atmosphere rolled in, and opened to the side of the cloud dance and the dragon.

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