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Chapter 942

The cloud dance was light and cold, and sneered: "The meaning is from the inside out, the bones are gone?"

The man nodded with a scorpion.

"Then I choose the fourth road." The angle of the cloud dance mouth raised the cold arc.

Four roads, get out of the enchantment, get the heart of the wind, and leave smoothly!

"Hey..." The man looked at the cloud dance and shook his head slightly. "It’s really a newborn calf not afraid of the tiger."

The cloud dance smiled, and no emotion was added to the smile. "Can I tell me the whereabouts of the person who fell with me before I leave?"

"Are you sure you want to take the fourth road?"

The man looked suspiciously at the cloud dance, and there was no joke between her looking words. She sat up and began to look at her formally.

"This will not bother you to worry about it." Cloud dance indifferent.

She clearly felt that outside the enchantment, it was another world. As long as she got out of this enchantment, her cultivation could be restored. This is why she had to choose the fourth road.

This man, the surface is lazy, but there is a blackmail between a word and a smile. In the face of such a person, it is dangerous to not repair it.

She can almost certainly determine that if she did not use some of the value, she broke into his territory and was killed by him.

The man turned slightly, and the transparent figure seemed to be a bit more sloppy, as if it were coated with a layer of tulle.

"Your friend should not be able to withstand it now, and it has been repaired very badly. Since you insist on choosing the fourth article, then I can only do what you want."

"Shit!" Yun Dance Mori cursed and turned and walked toward the enchantment.

"Give you something, you can save your life in a pinch." The man shook his shadow, and a straight thing hit the cloud instantly.

The speed is far away, because there is no repair, that rapid, she can not hide, seeing the shadow is getting closer and closer, in the blink of an eye has been hiding, can not hide, the ground, the shadow stopped in front of her eyes, the cloud After the dance returned to the gods, it was discovered that the snake was flying in the air!

This is the gift that can save lives?

If you want to see it, seeing it, her mood and mood are not very good.

No more words, she turned and walked out of the enchantment, followed by a very imposing arrogant and very awkward serpent...

The man looked at the cloud dance and left. If he thought about it, he looked up at the stone wall. The stone wall in that place was different from other places. It was highlighted and radiant.

She came in from there.

This space, only the summoner can come in. He waited for a thousand years, and when he was dying, he finally waited for a summoner.

Looking at the more transparent body, his mouth raised a sullen and dark smile, and when she cleaned up the old things on the battlefield, he could leave.

Leave by her body! ——

Just as the cloud dance came out of the enchantment gate, a strong radiance shone outside the enchantment, and the clear light came into view, which made her have to close her throat.

After a long time, she adapted to those strong, slowly opened her eyes.

At the moment of her embarrassment, the look at her eyes changed from awkward to complicated, and then she was a little bit surprised.

In front of it, it was covered with white snow, covered with white snow, and the vast white space was like a desert. There was a piece of stone on top of the white snow. After the stone tablet, it was a coffin.

The entire vast space, endless all stone monuments and coffins, at first glance, is a cemetery.

An extremely luxurious and artistic cemetery...

The cloud dance looked around and did not find the dragons smashing their shadows. The man just said...

She frowned slightly, and her mouth raised a helpless smile. She also believed in the ghost...

That guy is a remnant of the soul, and it is a remnant of the dying of smoke, if there is nothing unexpected, they should not meet.

But the premise is that there is nothing unexpected.

Looking back, I looked at the giant snake who was proud of her head. She frowned. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t say what was wrong.

Suddenly, she found that the pressure in the space was gone, trying to use strength and finding that the repairs were all back.

Looking at the enchantment gate, her eyes were dark, and it turned out that there was a flaw in the cave.

Daddy, a strange stream of wind across the ear, as soon as the body lifted, the body suddenly jumped sideways, but still a step later.

The jade-like ear lobes fell down by drop, a scar like a blade, and only a layer of skin was cut.

Cloud dance touches the earlobe, looks at the **** fingers, and the bottom of the eye is reflected in a scarlet.

Just the blow, if I want her life, now this cemetery already has her position.

What should the epitaph write, a certain visit to this place?

She looked at the smoldering soul sitting on the coffin in the distance, sneer and cool.

"Just like this little girl, I have to bother myself and use it."

"I didn't tell you that I didn't hurt this beautiful woman. I have never seen a woman in the millennium. The first time I saw a beautiful woman, you don't do it. I personally greet her."

"People are different."

"I am going to your mother's ghosts."

"In my opinion, no one of you is her opponent."


As the wind hurt her ears, on the coffin of the snow, a smattering of the soul appeared one after another, and finally she counted a total of ten shards.

Looking at the coffins where the souls are sitting, they have their introductions on the stone tablets.

The tomb of the left winged general of the Phoenix family, the tomb of the right wing general, the tomb of the **** orc family, the tomb of the holy beast family, the tomb of the right side, the tomb of the left side

All who appear are the people of the Phoenix and the Dark Sacred.

Cloud dance has passed a trace of horror, which actually includes the sacred beast, the battle of the millennium, and the dark sacred beast family is left with only the dark sacred beast.

"Little girl, how come you broke in here?" The Phoenix right-wing general looked at the cloud dance, and the shadow touched the beard.

Between words, he seems to have lost some of her killings.

"Inadvertently rushed in, what is the offense, please also bear." Cloud dance slightly bowed, in front of these old immortal predecessors, she took out some of the attitude of the younger generation is also appropriate.

"Inadvertently rushed in? I see it for the sake of the holy things!" The left wing general looked at the cloud dance, and the fierce eyes with a hint of insight into everything sharply, directly spoke out the thoughts of the cloud dance.

The cloud-dancing scorpion passed a smile, then carried it up, and said coldly: "You are not dead for thousands of years, just to protect and compete?"

She is guessing, trying to guess what is wrong.

When the words came out, everyone looked at her eyes with some strangeness.

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