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Chapter 960 was misunderstood

Sure enough, they and the cloud dance teamed up to be their most correct decision. I thought about things that I haven't done for a long time, but she did it in just one day.

The people of Phoenix are arrogant and do not like to be too weak in front of people.

However, at this time, the Phoenix woman seems to have forgotten the arrogance, but she couldn't make a sound, but she still expressed her gratitude to the cloud dance intermittently, and she was incoherent.

"Thank you, thank you very much... I thank you for the entire Phoenix family..."

Cloud dance has always been accustomed to this kind of gratitude. I always feel awkward. The thing that saves people is not what she did. Thank you for going to Shangguan and Situ.

"They saved people and will definitely join other Phoenix people. We will pass as soon as possible to discuss the next plan." Yun Dance took the initiative.

Several people no longer delayed, and immediately set off for the Shangguan to join them.


In a valley where darkness has not yet shrouded, groups of Phoenix people live in it.

Since the place of the Phoenix family was occupied by the Beast Gate, the entire territory was shrouded in dark and gloomy atmosphere, and the Phoenix people living in it were very uncomfortable and even often oppressed by the Beast Gate.

Some ethnic groups who are unwilling to be oppressed again have fled.

But after all, the Phoenix people are the places where they are born and raised. They still hold a glimmer of hope. They barely found this place that is not invaded by the darkness. They want to survive and hope to return to the former Phoenix family one day.

Just never got the news, and no one has come to bother them.

In the fear of the beasts, they rarely go out and have been huddled in this valley.

Therefore, when the Shangguan two people appeared with a group of people, their first reaction was not excitement, but instead thought that the Shangguan two were the beasts.

Especially when I saw that all the people were seriously injured, they became even more angry.

"Awful beasts! Will we push us to this level?"

Living in the valley for so long, there has been a prestigious person who has become the leader here.

At this time, I heard someone saying that the beasts of the beasts came in, and brought a group of seriously injured people. Where can people who have been hiding for nearly half a year can still endure?

"The beasts are so deceiving! We have been hiding here for half a year. Do they really think that we will not resist? If we bully the door, we might as well fight with them!"

"Yes! Anyway, if you go on like this, you can't live well. It's better to play with them, and it's big to die!"

"Play a game! Even if you die, you will never give in! The beasts of the beasts are not worthy of letting us yield! Fight with them!"

"Hit! Hit! Hit!"


The shouts are getting higher and higher, and the high warfare is thoroughly motivated. The humiliation in the past six months has brought their patience to the extreme.

After all, it broke out.

"Good!" The man sitting in the first seat took a picture on the table and screamed.

The crowd immediately calmed down, staring at him with a burning gaze, waiting for his orders.

"Protect the old people and children, let them go to a safe place, and other combative forces, all with me, and the battle of the beasts!"

The man ordered that the Phoenix people below cheered immediately.

The news of the battle with the Beast Gate quickly spread in the valley, and the **** tribes put down their hands and went to the entrance of the valley.

Without complicated commands and commanders, it seems that everyone knows that this may be the last battle of their lives. With the mortal heart, they settled in the old and young homes, and they joined the big forces without returning.

There were only a dozen people who had originally set off, and more and more people joined the way. When they arrived at the entrance to the valley, there were already hundreds of people, and they were full of voices and shouts.

When Shangguan and two people just entered the valley, they heard the shouting of the sky, as if they were going to smash the entire valley.

With a strong sense of war and hatred.

The Shangguan couldn't help but sneak a peek at the Phoenix people behind him: "Why have you been training specifically? Have you thought about fighting against the beasts?"

Some of these captured tribes survived in the valley and were later arrested for accidental outings, but they did not hear about training when they were there.

"This...maybe..." said a Phoenix man with uncertainty.

Did it start training after he left?

The Shangguan and the two met with each other and saw doubts in the eyes of the other party.

"Kill them! Revenge for the tribes! Kill them! Revenge for the tribes! Kill them! Revenge for the tribes..." The shouts of the sky are getting closer and closer, almost to the point of deafening.

"Is this going to be a war?" Shangguan was even more confused. Listening to this voice is obviously shouting slogans while preparing to go out.

"I don't know." Situ screamed, "Let's see."

Therefore, the two led a group of Phoenix people standing in the same place waiting for the arrival of the team.

But for a moment, the big force shouting the slogan finally appeared in front of it. When the two people finally met, the slogan of the other party gradually stopped.

The eyes of everyone have fallen on those who have been seriously injured. Just watching them can imagine how much torture they have suffered.

Suddenly, the eyes of each one became extremely angry and humiliating.

Shangguan felt that it was not a matter for them to look at it. At the moment, they cleared their throats and stepped forward to prepare for the opening: "Everyone, we are..."

"Kill them! These wicked humans, despicable beasts! Kill them and avenge the people!"

"Kill them!"


The anger of the tribe is like a bubble that rises to the extreme, and it can burst out with a touch.

The voice of Shangguan’s opening attracted their attention, and it also ignited the anger that was burning!

A banging sound rang through the valley, and many ethnic groups immediately turned out the original body. The phoenixes of various colors traveled among the valleys and attacked with the strong anger toward the Shangguan!

Shangguan did not have time to say the rest of the words, and quickly retreated.

These are all people of the Phoenix family. Their current partners seem to have misunderstood what happened. If he accidentally hurt one or two, he would not be able to explain it in the face of cloud dance. .

When Shang Shangguan began to get annoyed, how did the two of Nangong do things?

Didn't you all say that you want to call? How did these people still not receive the news?

"You made a mistake! We are not..." Shangguan hurriedly explained, and the result was not finished in one sentence. The attack with strong anger was directed at himself.

Shangguan’s face didn’t change, and he quickly went to the side.

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