Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 964: The Virgin of the Phoenix

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Chapter 964 The Virgin of the Phoenix

There is no time for the emergence of a few people in the cloud dance to take care of it.

"Fast, there is a serious injury there. Let's go see him first." The team leader directly attacked the injuries of these people and arranged for the people in charge of the treatment to heal them. They were busy.

"Several of you, go there to help, there are not enough people there." Seeing the four people standing in the clouds dance, there is nothing to do, and they are conspicuous in the crowds of people coming and going, so the leader of the team does not lift the head and points to them. .

"..." Yunwu four people's mouths pumped, feelings, this is to make them as a small soldier?

So several people stood still and did not move, and no one spoke, just waiting to be discovered.

"What happened? Why are you still standing here..."

The team leader was finally impatient. When he stood up, he wanted to reprimand a few people. As a result, his eyes fixed on the Phoenix woman. "Feng... Holy... Saintess?"

Although the phoenix woman had previously given birth to a small stench, the tribe was once shameless.

However, at this time, the Phoenix family has been broken, and the only Phoenix family can count on it. Only the phoenix woman of the animal family is the virgin of the Phoenix family.

For a moment, the expression on the leader's face was simply colorful, and the look of the Phoenix woman was full of disbelief.

"How? Even your own saints can't recognize it?" Meng Bai stood by the Phoenix woman and said with a smile.

He erected his ears and heard the conversations of the people nearby. He had already known what happened here. When he saw the leader, he couldn’t help but ridicule.

Meng Bai’s words made him groan for a while, and he made a mistake before, so when he first saw a few people, it didn’t change like the last time.

It’s just that it’s being taken out now, and it’s still a little embarrassing.

"Jokes..." The team leader smiled and said, "Please go inside and sit down."

Several people followed the team leader into the temporary building, and the leader invited the Phoenix girl to the seat, but the Phoenix woman made an invitation to the cloud dance.

"Several benefactors, please sit down." The Phoenix woman's attitude is extremely respectful, but it is very inappropriate in the eyes of the leader.

The saint of her own family has always been noble, when is it so respectful to others?

On the spot, I wanted to stop the saint, but it was interrupted by the phoenix woman's next words.

"It takes a few help to defeat the beast door. Several of them are the benefactors of many of my phoenix people. I treat myself as a courtesy."

The Phoenix woman said with conviction that she would not be able to refute her words even if she was a leader.

Cloud Dance couldn't help but look at her. When the woman returned to her position, she knew what to do.

She needs to use the name of the saint to summon the people. If she is kneeling at the human race, the appeal will naturally be discounted.

Still smart.

Yunwu gave her a comment in her heart, and then she said, "The saint is polite, don't have to stick to it, sit down at will."

With the cloud dance, other people are no longer entangled, and they are free to find a place to start discussing business.

"Shangguan, have they fallen?" The cloud dance took the lead.

She knows what these people have done, and even beat her people. According to the **** of Shangguan, I am afraid that these people will suffer in the future.

The team leader turned red and quickly said: "Not yet, but I have sent people to look for it. Because I am worried about the door of the beast, I have not let too many people go. People who want to send out should be coming back soon."

Cloud Dance nodded and stopped talking.

"How much combat power is there in the valley now?" asked the Phoenix woman.

"Returning to the Virgin, most of the valleys are old and young women, about 200 people with combat power, plus about 400 people who have just returned," the team replied respectfully.

These days, he is in the middle of the valley, and naturally these things are clear.

The Phoenix woman nodded and said: "When can the wounded recover?"

"Some minor injuries can be done within two days. Seriously, I am afraid that I will wait for more days."

The cloud dance frowned, and I didn't expect to be seriously injured in the prison. It seems that those who are the beasts are at a heinous level.

"Then wait for those who are slightly injured, and take them all to the underground palace."

The Phoenix woman said that her tone is incomparably firm. "We will have a big battle with the Beast Gate. I will lead and our guardian beast will accompany us. Ask those people, willing to contribute and kill the beast door." !"

The leader’s eyes flashed a touch of excitement, and quickly stood up from the position, and squatted at the Phoenix girl, excitedly said: “I’m obeying the order of the Virgin! We have been waiting for this day! I will go and tell. Go on!"

After all, he quickly stood up and hurriedly walked outside.

Like an excited over the head, it almost fell.

"Report..." The sound of the rush sounded.

The phoenix female eyebrow sitting in the seat took a look and said: "Come in!"

Then, three figures approached the house.

"Saints?" seems to have not expected that the people in the house will be holy women, when the three are squatting there, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

"The saint is back? So what is said outside is true? Are we really going to play the door of the beast?" The words of excitement are almost incoherent.

But the cloud dance directly captures the content of the words.

"What are you talking about outside?" The cold voice sounded with deliberate coldness, directly reminding the three people that it was not exciting now.

The three men found that there were three humans sitting next to each other.

"Human?" The three of them stunned and quickly stopped.

"It doesn't matter, just say it." The Phoenix apologetically glanced at the cloud dance and told him.

With the command of the saint, the three men went on to say, "Go back to the saint, and outside said that the saint is ready to summon the remaining Phoenix people, ready to fight against the beast, and the guardian beast will also lead us."

Said here, the three people were excited again, "Saints, is this true? Are we... can we go home?"

A phoenix woman, a smile on her majestic face, affirmatively said: "Yes."

"Great! We can go home!"

"We will definitely win! With the Virgin, even the patron saints of our family are coming out, we will bless our Phoenix!"

"We will be able to defeat the beast door!"

The three people said excitedly, as if they had been in an emotional mood since the beginning of the visit to the Virgin. It seems that they will not stop for three days and three nights.

Cloud dance frowned, these people only care about excitement, not even doing something right?

"Let the people you find find it?" The cold voice sounded with infinite pressure.

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