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Chapter 968, a pair of pleasing

"You...who is it?" Before the black robe guarding the law, he had never seen a cloud dance party, and he had never seen the Shangguan. He only thought that he was too lucky to be able to get his actions out.

"Who is not important to us, the important thing is that I need to ask you a few questions." Situ Wu said.

The black robe protection method flashed and asked yourself questions? Does this mean that you still have a way to live?

"Why should I answer you? Answered, can you let me go?" The black robe was changed and the price was changed. The result was just finished, and it was directly on the ground by Shangguan.

"Wow! It’s time to dare to bargain? You look at your qualifications for bargaining now? Bargaining with me? Lively?" Shangguan stepped on the black robe, and said evilly.

"Hey, hehe..." The head of the black robe protection method was buried on the ground.

The thick implants are close to the body, and some have small serrations on the top. The thorns of his face are itchy, but they can't be scratched. They hurt and itch very hard. They can barely make a "squeaky" sound. Expressing his discomfort.

Shangguanyiyi, the foot was taken down, and the back collar of the black robe was protected. He said, "I tell you! I ask you what you say, if you don’t say it, I will make you want to die." !Did you hear me!"

The black robe protection method "snapped" two times, indicating that he heard it, but he did not want to lose it.

Another foot was directly smashed over, in the middle of the temple.

The black robe protection method was directly dumped to the ground, and fell in the direction of Situ Yu, a tearing headache in his mind.

"Rely! Where are you going to smash it! I almost got to me." Situ slammed to the side, staring at the black robes on the ground.

Shangguan’s mouth glimpsed and ignored him. He said, “I will ask you again, I heard no?”

The black robe protection method burst into tears, saying that people do not hit the face.

However, this person picks up people and greets them on their faces. If they are not good, they will also say hello to them. This is even more shameful than violence.

My heart was vomiting, but the face was only respectful: "I heard it, what do you listen to when I say something..."

I got such an answer, and the attitude of the black robe protection method was completely different from before. The Shangguan was satisfied with this.

"I ask you, how many people have you come this time? Are you only a few of them to inspect, or are there others?" Situ asked the first one.

"This..." The black robe is hesitant, don't tell them.

If only a few of them are there, will they ruin themselves unscrupulously?

If there are other people, will they still kill themselves?

I think that I only have to be ruined...

When Shangguan saw the black robe protection method, he hesitated again, until he wanted to lie, and he wanted to follow his face.

"Don't stop, I said, I said, I said, I said everything." The black robe protection method quickly said, watching the direction of Shangguan lifting his feet, obviously want to face...

"Say!" Shangguan put his feet down and glared at him.

The black robe was completely shaken, and the trick was: "We have come a lot of people this time, and almost the entire forest is everywhere.

Each team has 11 people, a team leader, responsible for a region, a total of 30 teams, most of them are not strong, usually 5 people who are mixed, only responsible for finding the entrance to the underground palace. ”

Shangguan saw Situ but asked a question, but the black robe protection method took everything, and suddenly nodded with satisfaction, said: "Yes, good."

The black robe protection method was very happy when he saw Shangguan. Suddenly he saw the way out. He smiled without a face and skin, and looked like a good one.

Just matching the evil darkness of his body, I feel that there is a sense of violation.

"Then I will ask you again, can this action have a master?" Situ Wu did not have so much thought, but instead one after another to throw out the doubts in the heart.

"Hey..." The black robe is divided into a law, "I don't know what kind of master?"

Situ wrinkled and said: "Tell the master you think."

"This action, the division of the leader in the team, my strength is the weakest ..." Speaking of this, the black robe is still a little embarrassed.

"The strongest should be stronger than the two. It is already the number one in our line."

Situ and the two looked at each other and could not help but frown.

Just a patrol job sent a master out is it necessary to take the opportunity to kill the palace?

"The one you said to send a letter to you... Who is it?" Shangguan suddenly thought of this question, so he asked.

He had long wanted to ask, but Situ was always inquiring about the enemy, and he was not good at interrupting. Now he saw Situ Yu’s question, and he finally said something.

"I don't know this too..." The black robe was weak and said that it was afraid that he would be embarrassed when he said this.

Sure enough, just finished, I saw Shangguan wrinkled and his feet were lifted.

The black robe protection method quickly said: "Really! I really don't know who he is, because I have never seen him! They secretly sent me a letter!"

Shangguan did not believe that he looked at him and seemed to want to ask again.

"Okay." Stuart stopped him. "We don't have to ask again. It seems that he is telling the truth."

Shangguan brow wrinkled, do not understand how Situ Wu suddenly helped him to talk.

But looking up at Situ, but I saw a smear in his eyes, so I swallowed my own words.

"My questions have been answered. I don't know if you still have to ask?" asked the weak black dressing method.

"No," Stuart said casually.

The black robe is looking forward to looking at the two: "Can I leave?"

"Leaving?" Situ Yu said thoughtfully. "No, let me go back. Wouldn't it let you contact the traitor? Since you can't tell you, then you have no effect, Shangguan, or not. Killed directly?"

Shangguan nodded and said: "Well, then kill it directly."

After all, the light flashed on the hand and I wanted to start.

"Don't stop! I still have value, I still haven't said it!" The black robe was screaming, but the cold touch had reached his neck, scaring him to move immediately.

"Oh? Still haven't said it? Then you talk about it." Shangguan smiled and asked, a human and animal harmless look.

However, the eyes are extremely cold, and in the eyes of the black robe, I only think that this person is a demon.

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