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Chapter 978 Bad Premonition

"Yes, yes, this is the command of the subordinates." After that, he turned and went to the back.

The team marched neatly toward it, through the passage, and then to the den inside.

The transmission array has been exposed to the public at this time, and the big guardian has ordered: "Offensive!"

A large number of beasts of the beasts flocked to the transmission array!

In an instant, the light shines!

The people in the transmission array turned around and quickly stood in the underground palace.

A gust of wind blew through, and everyone in the underground palace was instantly guarded to guard against the surrounding attacks.

However, after half a mile, nothing was felt. The whole palace was as if there were no creatures, and it was silent.

Several people from the advanced place are directly stunned. What is going on?

Just as they were squatting, the transmission array behind them flashed again, and a group of people appeared in the underground palace, and the reaction was exactly the same as them.

"This... what is going on? How does it seem that no one is like?" One person said, and some looked at the companions around him.

“Is it a message, ran ahead?” the other person said.

There are more and more people coming in behind, and each one is the same reaction, and finally someone finally reacts.

"Go and tell Dafa, no one here!"

In a word that awakened the dreamer, someone immediately woke up with this voice and turned to walk towards the transmission.


"What? No one?" The Dabao Law got the news and directly pushed the people who came to report the situation, striding toward the transmission array.

When the light flashed and the figure of Da Huo appeared in the underground palace, his face became difficult to look instantly.

"Give me a search! From the door-to-door search, I gave all those houses to me, and I don't believe that there is no one!" The big guards rushed to the order.

"Yes!" The soldiers took the lead and flew to the houses in a hurry.

The Dafa method is in a bad mood now, and it will be implicated if it is left behind.

In the underground palace, there was a burning and robbery. I don’t know if it was because of fear of the anger of the law, everyone was very hard.

Where the beasts of the beasts passed, no complete house was left, and even the tools were destroyed and flattened.

Da Hufa looked gloomy at all of this, and there were still soldiers coming out of the transmission array, and then joined the destruction under the reminder of the partners.

After half an hour, the entire palace was razed to the ground, but still no one of the Phoenix people saw it. Instead, almost all the soldiers of the beasts entered here and filled the palace.

The soldiers responsible for the destruction pushed each other.

Finally, a person came out and trembled to the front of the big law, and said with trepidation: "Returning to the law, all the inspections have been completed, no... no Phoenix people."

'砰——', the big guardian palm turned over, directly flew the man out, and slammed into the side of the mountain wall. Then it fell like a shelf, falling heavily on the ground, life and death. .

"The horrible phoenix was actually put together by them!" Da Huo glared with red eyes, "all retreat, back to the mountain palace!"


A large number of beasts were sent out with a little bit of transmission, and then gathered again in the forest.

How long did it take to get in, and now it took a long time to come out.

After many days of spiritual torture, nowadays it has been so tossed, even the time of rest is not enough. These people have long been exhausted, but they still insist on obeying orders.

Fortunately, after the collection, the Dafa Law gave orders and went straight back to the mountain palace. The spirit of the people was better.

The large forces flew toward the Phoenix Hill Palace. It has been a long time since the night. In the darkness, the footsteps of the road did not stop until they saw the hillside not far away, and the ignition light was waiting for them. .

The big guardian eyes looked like a mountain, and suddenly there was a bad pre-feeling out of my heart.

"What happened?" The second guardian slammed and turned to the side of the person and said: "Go and see who is here, how to wait here."


The man took the lead and turned and went to investigate.

The team of Wanshenmen used this time to take a break, and how much wronged ones would be wrong in one's heart.

However, the people who did not wait for the investigation came back, and the ignition light moved toward them.

The big protector's eyelids jumped, and then, in the light of the ignition, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, like the sun rising suddenly in the night, illuminating one side of the heavens and the earth.

"Everyone of the Beast Gate, you are deceiving too much. It is also necessary to plant it in our hands." A voice sounded, it sounded very young, but it only seemed to be vicissitudes, but quite a few pretending to be the old city. Look like it.

It’s just that, even if it’s like this, it still makes the Dafa method feel bad.

Just listen to the voice and continue to say: "The days when you enslaved our phoenix family have come to an end. In the Phoenix Hill Palace, I am afraid that it is already the site of my phoenix family, you... don't have to go back!"

"Not good! It is to adjust the tiger away from the mountain! Big Brother, we have to go back to support as soon as possible!" The second law was first reacted, and quickly frowned and said to Da Dafa.

The big guards were frowning and staring at the golden phoenix in front.

If there is no guessing, I am afraid that it is the ignition light. Every one is a Phoenix people. What a terrible quantity is like the light of the Xinghai!

"Chong!" The big guardian law was broken, and the people behind him immediately rushed up.

However, after suffering the spiritual torture of so many days, I experienced the disappointment of the talents. At this time, I faced so many enemies. Where else did anyone have the courage to go forward?

Although the current is rushing forward, there are more than half of people who have timidity in their hearts.

The two law enforcement methods took the lead and led the team forward.

They are not trying to defeat this person, but to bring the team back to the mountain palace as soon as possible! Otherwise, if the mountain palace falls, then the situation of them and the Phoenix family will be reversed!

"Listen to my orders, stop them, how many kills can be killed!" A small stinky sigh, the golden light shrouded him, even if it was said that it was not like a serious command, it was still like the light. Fall in everyone's ears and heart.


The Phoenix people were excited, and then a phoenix appeared on the hillside.

Unlike Yun Dance, the people here have no strict orders, and with their passion and hate, they have maximized their combat effectiveness...

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