Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 980: Victory King, loser寇

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Chapter 980 Victory King, the loser寇

After that, the dragon fell into the hands of the cloud dance and said: "I don't hurry to go back. It is not so easy to wait until the end of the battle. We will go around and see, maybe there will be something. Find."

Cloud Dance nodded, and then the two went straight around.

The dragon can only feel the general direction, but the specific location can not be judged, the two can only wander around.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about the battle outside. Even if they are not able to win, they will be tied.

The dragon and the evil spirits directly entered the apse of the deliberation, and the magnificent decoration was dyed with darkness because of the residence of the beasts.

Despite this, the furnishings here are still set by the Phoenix people, with a sense of dignity and honor.

There is nothing strange in the whole apse, like the general apse, seats, pillars, cups and tea sets on the table...

There are even things hanging on the wall, a lot of decorations on the shelf, and some things that are good for cultivation.

“Where?” Yunwu couldn’t sense the existence, and could only turn his head to look at the dragon’s evil spirits.

At the same time, there are doubts in my heart. It is obvious that her own perception is not bad. Why is it not sensed?

"Go there and see." Long said, and took the cloud dance and walked toward a table.

On the table, a transparent crystal ball appeared on it, it seems to be just a decorative effect, no one knows what it is used for.

In fact, even the Phoenix people themselves do not know his usefulness, except for the Virgin of the Phoenix.

"It seems to be here. From here on, it feels broken." The dragon fell in front of the crystal ball and said to the cloud dance.

The clouds danced around and looked around. The final sight fell on the crystal ball in front of him and said, "Is this the case?"

The dragon pours his frown and says, "I will try."

Then, the hand quickly changed, just like doing the array.

Soon, a small array of tactics leaped now in his palm, a purely as if from ancient powers emerged from the formation, and then poured into the crystal ball.

The cloud dance was amazed at how the dragon pours the evil to know how to use it, while watching the reaction of the crystal ball.

I saw the crystal ball, a burst of light, the whole apse is like a white.

The ancient energy was directly sucked in by the crystal ball. After a light beam slowly changed in the light, it suddenly shot into the center of the roof.

The two people looked at the cloud dance, only to find that the roof had a complicated pattern, which was extremely old and solemn.

After the blue beam was injected, the entire pattern suddenly glowed blue, like a map, forming an identical light pattern on the ground.

The light lines slowly rotate, like the water waves are generally good-looking, and finally turn to the pattern carved on the ground to match each other, there is a "rumbling" sound in the entire palace.

Then, the land of a large prototype on the ground suddenly sinked down. It didn't take long for a circular passage.

Yunwu was shocked to see everything in front of him. I did not expect that there was such a place in the Phoenix family.

The dragon is also very surprised. In fact, he does not know what is going on, but he did it by his own instincts. He did not expect to really guess it.

The feeling of the breath in my heart reappeared.

This time, even the cloud dance felt a different place.

At the moment, the palm of the hand turned over, the palm of the line was taken back, and the cloud dance looked at each other. The two nodded and quickly walked toward the passage and entered it together.

After the two entered, the ground was restored to its original state. Everything seemed to have not happened, and it fell into silence again.

The two people walked along the channel and walked inward, and the feeling in their hearts continued to strengthen.

This passage seems to have no end.

The two walked for a long time, and finally, they met a fork in the road.

"Go here." Long Dingxiang pointed out one of the directions accurately, and took the cloud dance and turned it in.

It is also a long way, and this road makes people feel dizzy. Fortunately, it is only a road, and there is no road junction.

The one who finally waited for the two was an empty cave.

"What is the situation?" The cloud dance frowned, and some funny said: "Did it take so long to see the cave?"

Dragon Pour Evil also made a helpless look, the evil charm smiled: "Maybe it is true. The ancestors of the Phoenix family like to practice here, so there is this place."

The two looked at each other and shrugged!

After that, the dragon fell into evil and looked around seriously. "My instinct tells me that there is no danger here, but the strong feeling, what I am looking for is here, how can I not?"

Cloud dance frowned and looked around in the cave.

I saw a word on the top of a mountain wall.

"The winner is the winner."

The simple six words, listening to the words that do not know how many times, appeared here at this time.

The engraved imprint went deep into the wall, as if using a lot of power. The six words seem to be flat, but there is a hidden arrogance. Those who want to engrave this word will be a heart-arrogant person.

"Here!" The cloud dance eyes lit up and suddenly found something like it. He quickly reached out and pointed his fingertip at the king of the "winner king."

I saw that in the word "王", there is an invisible gap in the middle of the horizontal and vertical intersection.

If it is not the careful look of the cloud dance, I am afraid that it will not be discovered at all.

The dragon fell in love and smiled and held the hand in the waist of the cloud dance. The evil charm said: "The little things are really smart, just like I think."

Yunwu picked up his eyebrows and took out a long silver needle from the space where he was carrying it. He inserted it in the middle of the word "王".

As the silver needle penetrated a little bit, a strong shock appeared in the cave.

I saw a stone door slowly open above the mountain wall.

After the Shimen, a white light blooms, and with the opening of the stone gate, it reflects the entire cave.

Yunwu took back the silver needle, and both of them retreated backwards, waiting for the opening of Shimen.

Finally, when Shimen was completely opened, the two men looked at Shimen after shocked eyes.

The soft white light is filled with the world behind Shimen. There is no white color of impurities. It seems to be extremely rich in energy. It is like the fog of life. It is always white, but it is not in this dark cave. Stinging.

Both of them saw the shock from the other's eyes.

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