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Chapter 986 for burning

This is something that even the sun has not done!

The small smelly wings are tapping faster and faster, but the figure is still fixed in that place. There is no advancement and no retreat, and the golden light blooms between.

"Oh..." The little stinking screams and screams, and the sound of Fengming spreads to every inch of the land in the Phoenix world!

The dark evil beast was shocked and quickly increased the suction.

Until the power in the air seemed to be drained, the powerful suction suddenly stopped.

I saw that the black hole that absorbed the unknown strength gradually narrowed down, eventually forming a black energy ball, crystal clear black, giving people an inexplicable sense of strangeness.

The dark evil beast looked cold and looked at the small stench that was wrapped in a golden light.

The next moment, the claws of the animal are lifted, and the black ball goes directly to the small stinky swear!

"No-" Phoenix girl cryed like a blood cuckoo, directly transformed into a prototype and wanted to rush.

"The Holy Virgin is dangerous, don't go over!" The elders of the Phoenix family quickly stopped.

The high phoenix sounds, with unprecedented grief, resounding to one side of the world.

The small stench that was shrouded in golden light was not uncomfortable, and the black ball hit the front directly! The moment when the two collided, they exploded!

Like natural disasters, the entire phoenix's land shook violently.

Even the cloud dance and other people in the center of the vibration center are almost unstable.

And the phoenix woman who wants to rush up is also stopped by the elders.

At this time, the group stood together, the cloud dance set up a protective cover, protected everyone, and looked coldly at the front.

At the center of the explosion, a burst of dust flew, and those things sucked in by the black hole spit out at this moment, and the darkness of the air in the air that was sucked away was restored. This moment was restored.

It was a gray one, and it was impossible to see the battle in the field.

The dust is flying outside the protective cover, and just watching it can feel how strong the energy is.

The cloud dance clenched the teeth and supported the protective cover. Suddenly, the pressure was instantly reduced, and the cockroach looked up.

I saw that it was a layer of protective cover that was directly enveloped by its own protective cover and protected everyone.

Behind him, the dragon's sinful evil looks helpless: "Small things, so stubborn is not good."

The dust finally dispersed slowly, and the two huge figures disappeared, and the entire battle hillside was directly razed to the ground.

On the flat ground, an adult man appeared in it.

"Is this... lost?" Phoenix girl looked at the explosion center and eagerly searched for her own child.

However, nothing was found, and eventually some desperate spit out this sentence.

" Lost?" The elders of the Phoenix family also looked at it.

For a moment, I didn’t even know what to do, even the protective cover disappeared, and the wind blew on the face without any reaction.

Yun Dance clenched his fists tightly, staring at the battle ahead, and could hardly believe what he saw.

It is obvious that life is going to see people die to see the body, but now why can't even see his figure?

In the end what happened?

"Hey, a little phoenix dare to challenge me?"

The dark evil beast stands on the hillside, looking up coldly and looking at the place where the little stinky body is in the place, trying to press down the heart, I don’t know why it’s a sad feeling, and the corner of the mouth sneered a little sneer, “I thought that with your golden light Can you block my swallowing blow? It’s crazy!”

The phoenix woman stood in the distance, her body could not stop shaking, her eyes staring at the dark beasts in the distance, and even the voice was trembling: "You... you actually killed your own child..."

It is a pity that she is too far away. The weak body needs the support of the tribe to be able to stand firm and want to go forward to question, but it does not move anyway.

The cloud dance frowned, and the people around him were immersed in sorrow, but she recovered calm after a brief surprise.

How can you die?

He is pure blood and phoenix. The unique feeling between the heart and the small stench is not broken because of the contract, so the small smell is still alive, but he can't see him for the time being.

But where is it...

Yunwu looked at her eyes carefully and looked at him. The dragon around him looked at him and his mouth was enchanted.

Obviously, he sees more clearly than anyone else.

The dark evil beast stood on the hillside for a long time, suddenly turned his head and stared at the person not far away, and the corner of his mouth evoked a cruel smile: "Phoenix family, come to an end..."

In the next second, the dark beasts step by step toward the direction of the people.

The darkness of the whole body lingers, making the death in this sky more intense.

The phoenix woman trembled and couldn’t speak, only felt so sad that she could not wait to die.

The one you love, killing your own son, this kind of pain, others can't understand...

But at this time!

"Who allowed you to move them?" The cold voice suddenly sounded.

The dark evil beast slammed back.

I saw a small flame in the air, and suddenly appeared a dazzling flame in this dark environment.

Yun Wu’s heart was relieved: it really didn’t die.

The phoenix woman trembled and couldn't believe the flame that suddenly appeared, and was suddenly overwhelmed by ecstasy.

"Child, my child is still not dead, is he okay?" Like the unbelievable thing, the Phoenix woman excitedly gripped the arm of the person around her.

As if I was afraid that all this was just a dream, I was still immersed in the pain at the moment, and this moment was overwhelmed by huge surprises!

The dark evil beast stared at the sudden appearance of the flame, and the cold eyes flashed a bit strange, but also could not believe it.

I saw that the red flame color is incomparably pure, like the blood in the air, there is no power support, there is no medium to burn, as if only the air can be burned.

The darkness of death in the environment, when exposed to the red flames, has to retreat, as if they met the heavens and the earth, a hard, fresh air around the flames.

The face of the dark evil beast suddenly sinks.

"Can't see it, you are quite difficult!"

Then, undoubtedly, the palms are changing rapidly in front of them, just like the ancient imprint, a powerful dark breath suddenly emerges, pressing the flames of the flames without mercy!

As soon as the black breath touched the red, it was like a swallowing World of Warcraft, directly consuming the red.


In the black mist, the red flame is like a boat in the ocean. Without any resistance, it can only be persisted by the hard work of its own monks.

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