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Chapter 992 left the prison

"Open the door." The Phoenix woman stood at the forefront of the team, and told the guards coldly.

The little stinks stood by her side, and she also learned a faceless expression.


The gates of the prisons slowly opened, revealing the blue array.

The dark evil beast stood in it, and as soon as the door opened, he turned directly, just in time with the eyes of the Phoenix woman.

In the heart of the Phoenix woman, don’t go too far and say to the guard: “The law will be closed.”

Watching a glimpse, there was no reaction at the moment.

"The Virgin, the strength of the dark beast is too strong, if there is no constraint of the law..." Behind him, the Pharaohs frowned, quite worried.

"If you don't change the law, how can you recover the darkness of death? If you escape, you will catch it back." The little stinky eyes squinted and did not leave these old faces. "Don't you have strength for me?" Do you suspect that?"

"Don't dare not." The pharaohs quickly said, "Isn't it too fast to shut down the law?"

"Hey." The little stink snorted.

These old men, others will not, will be here to talk to him, the key moment still have to rely on fists to speak.

Of course, the Phoenix family has become "pride" into a habit. For the attitude of small stinky people, the people of the Phoenix family do not feel anything.

On the contrary, the higher the level, the more proud, the more seemingly taken for granted!

"This guy has learned badly with you." Shangguan went to the cloud dance and snorted twice. "Know that everything is a fist."

The cloud dance mouth is a hook, this style is really quite a bit like her, "What is wrong with this?"

The Shangguan licked his mouth and suddenly grinned: "Yes, very good."

The array was closed, the blue light dissipated, and the prison was darkened, leaving only the night jewels inlaid on the walls.

The elders of the Phoenix family, at the moment when the formation is closed, will be like an enemy, fearing that the dark beast will suddenly attack.

However, the array was closed, and the dark beasts did not have any movements. Then they stared at the Phoenix girl for a long while, and then slowly said: "Let's go."

"Yeah." Phoenix girl nodded, and her heart was mixed, but she had to order people to watch the dark beasts tightly. The group left the prison.

"How is this dark evil beast so honest?" asked an elder who did not know the truth.

"I am afraid it is done on the face of the saint." Another elder knew more.

"For the saint?" The former elder glimpse.

Suddenly thought of the things I had heard before, and then contacted the dialogue between the dark beasts and the saints when the beast door was there, suddenly his face sank, which seemed quite taboo.

"I am afraid that the saint will protect him, after all..." The third elder came in and spoke in half.

However, all the elders who were present felt that their hearts were sinking. Many people made up their minds and absolutely could not let the Virgins favor.

"Oh." The small stinky scent walked in front, but the conversations of these people were clearly heard, and suddenly they snorted.

If it weren't for the Phoenix girl and the cloud dance, I was afraid that he would tear the mouth of these elders on the spot.

A high platform in the Phoenix family, a group of people standing below.

"When I take back the darkness, my side will be the breath, you can't stand it." The dark beast stopped and turned to the Phoenix girl. "So you don't have to follow me."

"Don't think about it!" The Phoenix woman has not yet exported, and the elders behind him immediately screamed coldly: "Don't follow you? Who knows if you will take the opportunity to escape?"

"Shut up!" The Phoenix woman snorted, and her cold eyes looked at the elder who was vocal. The elder immediately snorted.

However, almost all the elders colluded with each other. At this time, seeing the Phoenix woman really had a partiality. Immediately, some people ignored the anger of the Phoenix woman and said, "The saint, this time is not the same, please don't believe him easily."

"If you let him escape, the disaster of the Phoenix is ​​not over yet."

"The dark people are insidious and deceitful and cannot be easily believed."


Everyone's words point to the dark beast, and I am afraid that the Phoenix woman will agree to his request.

The Phoenix woman frowned and wanted to stop them.

However, as a virgin of the Phoenix family, she must do everything she can. These are the people who are very prestigious in the family. They have made great contributions to the Phoenix people, and they cannot be ill-treated in any way.

"Hey, if you have the courage, go with me, but when you lose your life, don't say that I didn't remind you." The dark gaze of the evil beast swept over the elders, left the sentence, turned around The high platform.

"You!" The elders blew their beards, but they dared not say anything against the dark beasts.

"The saint, do we want to go?" The guards who were surrounded by the dark beasts had hesitated to see this scene.

It doesn't look like a lie to see him, and the darkness may not be able to withstand it.

The Phoenix woman also whitened the elders and was very dissatisfied with their approach, so they said coldly: "Ask the elders."

The implication is that if you lose your life, these elders will be responsible.

The elders took a sigh of relief and looked at each other. No one dared to make orders.

"Hey, you don't have to go, it's already started." The little stinking contempt looked at the elders and said disdainfully.

These people will only use their mouths to say that they have nothing to do.

Seeing the pure blood demon phoenix said something, the elders have closed their mouths and are no longer in the first place.

Above the high platform, the dark and evil beasts are changing fast in front of them, just like the summoning method. Soon, the black energy emerges directly from the body and envelops him.

For a moment, the darkness of the air seems to have been summoned.

The faint tremors, the winds and the winds, the sound of "whistling" sounded through the entire high platform, and everyone present felt the uneasy darkness of the air.

I saw that the figure wrapped in the black mist continued to swell, and soon, the body of the dark evil beast appeared on the high platform, and everyone could not help but **** a cold breath.

Although I already knew what the body of the Dark Evil behave, it was the first time I saw it at such a close distance.

In particular, the elders of the Phoenix family were so close to him when they thought of it, and they could not help but feel a little worried.

"He... if he is angry, who can resist?" said an elder, trembled, and feared in his heart.

The idea spread in the hearts of the Pharaohs, and their expressions fell in the eyes of a few stinky people, and they could not help but scream.

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