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Chapter 998 was washed by blood

Three days later!

Zhou Dynasty, the entrance to the Yunjia Mansion in the Imperial City!

Looking at the big house that still bears the "Yunfu" brand, there is a hint of undercurrent in the bottom of the cloud dance, and I can't see what emotion it is.

In fact, the presence of the person she is holding is less. The big house in front of me is just an ordinary house.

However, I did not expect that it has been more than a year since I left last time. This "Yunfu" brand still hangs.

Of course, she does not think that Zhou Batian will have such "end".

"Small things, do you want to go in and see?" The dragon poured his hand and grabbed the cloud dance, and said softly.

Although he knows that the little things in his arms are relatively cold-hearted, he knows that she does not always seem to be indifferent to anything. In fact, she has her own tenderness and does not want to express it.

This home, she cares!

Otherwise, I will not return to the place after returning from the Phoenix family.

Nangongyi and others also looked at the clouds and danced, but did not say much.

Since this road, they seem to have an unexplained tacit understanding.

The cloud dance shook his head. "No, it is already an empty house. There is nothing to look at."

After the language is finished, the cloud dance will turn and intend to leave!

When she came back, she just wanted to take a look at it and was not prepared to stay longer.

Because there are still too many things that have not been completed, the beast door will not die, and my grandfather will not come back one day, her roots will have nowhere to go.


However, just as the cloud dance turned, the originally closed door, there was an open move.


"You...and so on..." A hoarse voice screamed at the exit.

Cloud dance and other people heard the sound, stepped down and turned around.

A woman wearing a black gown and wearing a veil was quite lonely and stood at the half-opened Yunfu Gate.

Just a glance, Yun Dance recognizes who the woman is!


At that time, the maid who let the maid leave her on the cliff.

"Really you! Are you back?" Yun Xing's eyes flashed a touch of embarrassment, but it flashed a glimmer of color.

Yes, it is a splendor.

Seems to see the eyes of the straw.

Yunwu didn't have much affection for this Yunxinger. However, when she remembered it, she remembered what she had done to her. She had not yet recovered it!

However, at this time, the Yunfu gate was opened and several figures came out one after another.

When the few people saw the cloud dance, the beginning was a glimpse, but then there was a burst of excitement.

"Is it a little dance? It's really you, you can count it back." A middle-aged man, his footsteps almost rushed to the front of the cloud dance, reaching out and trying to catch the hand of the cloud dance.

The dragon swayed the evil feet and took the cloud dance to avoid the man's hand.

"The woman in my family, but I don't like other people's hands and feet." A voice like a sinister charm, but with an irresistible majesty.

The middle-aged man stunned, his hands were stiff in the air, and he looked at the dragons and evil spirits around the eyes and danced with the Shangguan and other people.

The combination of these beautiful men and women, since their appearance, has already attracted the attention of many passers-by.

And the breath of their body, so calm that people can not notice a little bit out, you can guess that their strength is estimated to have reached an alarming level.

These people are all partners in the rumored cloud dance?

The excitement of the middle-aged man gradually began to converge, but the joy in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"I am sorry, I was really rude. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Yunfeng. The owner of the Yun family is in the home of the Yun family in Ningcheng. Counting it, I am also a **** dear."


Yunwu heard the words, and he could not help but frown.

There are branches in the cloud family? How did she never know?

However, for the Yun family, she seems to have never cared about other things besides her grandfather.

It doesn't seem strange that she doesn't know that the cloud family has branches.

However, she seems to have never seen this so-called "uncle", how does he recognize her?

Yunfeng is also a sharp-eyed person. Naturally, I can see the subtle expression changes of Yun Dance. I quickly explained it. "After more than a year ago, after the cloud family's main family suddenly suffered a disaster, there are some mysterious people holding your portrait. Looking for people from all over the Zhou Dynasty, the Yunjia branch of Ningcheng was almost washed in the blood. Fortunately, the star-studded niece rushed to the place, and the Yunjia branch was able to keep it. However, she was herself..."

Speaking of this, Yunfeng obviously paused.

However, Yunwu saw that Yunxing’s dress at that time was just like her voice, and she guessed something.

"Xinger has paid a lot for the Yunjia, but the uncle is not capable, but now that you are back, our Yunjia can have hope." Yunfeng said, while looking at the clouds, the eyes are full of Expectation.

Including the men and women who just came out, one by one, excited and happy watching the cloud dance, that look, as if to see the hope of life.

It is also true that in the past two years, the Yun family, which was originally flourishing and for a long time, has now broken away.

Coupled with the killing of the Beast Gate, among the several branches of the Yun family, the surviving Yun family is running low.

The cloud family's blood, only the waste of Yunxing, and the cloud dance from waste to genius.

The legend of Yun Dance believes that no one in the Three Kingdoms knows.

At this time, the Yun family needs a support of faith, a person who can give them hope.

Obviously, this person in their heart is the cloud dance!

"Don't stand at the door, let's enter the house first." Seeing cloud dance does not seem to have anything to say, Yunfeng said quickly.

The few people at the door suddenly reacted.

"Yes, yes, enter the house!"

"I am going to get something delicious right away..."


Looking at these "unfamiliar" so-called cloud family, the cloud dance is still loose, with Yunfeng entering the house.

A few people of the dragon fell in love.

After the Yunjia Gate was closed again, the passers-by who looked around the road finally gathered together, and some whispers came from whispers.

"There were just a few young people who were related to the Yun family..."

"At this time, they don't hide far away, but they also have a relationship with the Yun family. They are also very bold!"

"Yeah, since the Yun family was destroyed, as long as it is related to the Yun family, all of them have fallen into the mold. I don’t know if you heard that there is no. The Murong home in Luocheng seems to have something to do with the Yun’s Miss Nine. Relationship, more than half a year ago, the entire Murong family was baptized, it was a miserable..."

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