Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 225 - Officially A Man.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, my lady." Hearing those very words, Zoey's lips curled into an irresistible smile. 

"I got worried for nothing, damn it." She whispered, causing both of them to chuckle faintly before Matthew Xi leaned closer and left a peck on her lips. 

"And I felt guilty for nothing." Matthew Xi rubbed the tip of his nose against hers as he closed his eyes briefly. "Stop calling me Browny from now on." He whispered, thinking of something but his mouth spoke something else. 

"Haha! Never." Chuckling at how silly Matthew Xi's priorities at this moment were, Zoey raised her head closer as she grinned playfully. 

"Come on, love." Helpless, Matthew Xi couldn't find himself getting upset as his heart was overwhelmed with joy and relieved. Even his endearment just came out naturally from his lips as if they were meant to call her that. 

"Just call me Barney then." Zoey teased, shaking him a little as she felt her face getting numb as her lips just wouldn't stop smiling. 

"Tsk," Matthew Xi clicked his tongue, leaning closer to her to appease himself from her teasing. However, before his lips could land on her again, Zoey covered his lips by her palm. 

"Nu-uh," Shaking her head, Zoey teased which made him frown. "Now that we're together, I don't want you to think I'm easy so you need to ask per—"

"Can I?" Matthew Xi drew back as he asked. 

He interrupted her even before she could finish her arrogant remarks. After all, Zoey seemed to forget that she was indeed easy as she was the one who had kept throwing herself at Matthew Xi. 

Still, he couldn't care less about her evil plot of depriving him of his rights! He'll ask if she wanted him to ask — beg even. He's that hopeless. 

"Nope." Zoey chuckled, feeling the power of her supremacy over Matthew Xi. 

Her gaze then watched how his mood slowly changed as his russet eyes stared at her with a glint of frustration. "Kidding." She giggled, removing her hand that was over him as she smacked her lips against his. 

"Don't get upset, okay?" Zoey blinked her eyes sweetly, kissing him again to appease the grumpy baby emperor. 

He sighed, " Come here," pulling her waist much closer to him as he buried his face on her shoulder — near her neck. "I'm not upset." He muttered, tightening his grip on her waist as he didn't want to let her go. 

Matthew Xi had expected the worst and best outcome tonight. If Zoey actually didn't know about his revelation tonight and felt hurt, Matthew Xi imagined how he would drown in regrets. 

On the other hand, if she ever accepted it like it was not a big deal, Matthew Xi had envisioned himself feeling relieved. However, the actual result was way far from what he expected. 

His heart felt full to the point that he thought it would explode from happiness any moment. It was just inexplicable; he would use all the words in his dictionary but it wouldn't describe how his heart was feeling right now. 

It's just... he knew who made him so happy: It was her, Zoey. Being able to embrace her lovingly, her scent wafting into his nose, and feeling her warmth made him feel like a winner. 

Matthew Xi never felt this content and accomplished with all his achievements combined. But this thing with Zoey gave him everything he needed. 

He couldn't even think of the possibility that the two of them would grow tired together. Instead, just like any new couple, they could only think of their happy future with the children they have yet to make. 

The thought of separating was just nowhere near any parts of his brain. They would even get deleted and filtered out before Matthew Xi could think about it. 

"Hehe... hehe..." Zoey giggled, cocking her head to where his face was buried. "Hey stop~" she muttered in between her giggles as his breath tickles her. 

"I'm happy," Matthew Xi stopped teasing her as he whispered his words in her ear. "Thank you." Slowly, Matthew Xi drew back as he faced Zoey. 

His eyes gleamed in gratefulness and overwhelming love. "I didn't know what happened in the past, but I will love you until you forget all the scars left in your heart." Trailing her jaw by his thumb, Matthew Xi didn't think hard on what he would say as his lips moved and spoke what his heart wanted to deliver. 

"Thank you for existing." He said, moving Zoey more than he expected. 

Zoey held on his wrist as he held her jaw by both his hands. 'Thank you,' She expressed internally, resisting herself from getting emotional all of a sudden. 

Ever since she was a kid, Zoey had always questioned her existence. She was raised with nothing but hate from the sin she didn't commit. 

Even after her parent's death, her own biological father wanted her dead as well. Zoey began questioning why she had such a cruel life? 

A life so cruel she just wanted to end it. But thanks to certain events, Zoey had to prove herself not for anyone but to get her own acknowledgment. That she could say one day that she was grateful for her own existence. 

But now, hearing someone else say it while looking straight in her eyes as if she was God's gift, it sent a mixture of emotions in the untouchable area of her still heart. There was no need for long and sentimental words as Matthew Xi's last remarks was enough to fill her simple heart in joy. 

"You can kiss me now, damn it." 

Upon hearing her permission, he smiled meekly but gently as he leaned closer and tasted her soft and sweet lips. This time, Matthew Xi didn't break the kiss immediately as he poured his heart out in that kiss. 

'I love you.'

'I love you.' Unbeknownst to them, both of them spoke their heart's words internally as they savored and tasted each other's lips with their heartbeats synchronized. 

Meanwhile, as both of them kissed, their silhouettes were glowing due to the beam of the newly bought car Kenneth Bai drove earlier, where the man was still standing as he stared at the two. Kenneth Bai clapped his hands slowly as he watched them get intimate. 

"Brother Matt is officially a man. Thank you very much, Miss Zoey.." As he clapped slowly, Kenneth Bai expressed as he felt proud that Matthew Xi finally proved his sexual orientation.

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