Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 245 - Morning-After Pill

APRIL 17, 2019. 6:55 AM.

"Ah gosh..." Zoey groaned, dragging her feet towards the vanity mirror after shower. She felt exhausted from last night's intense activity and this morning quickie.??

Matthew Xi had been too energetic that she was beating her insides for too long. If Zoey was younger, she would probably share the same energy but she felt old like a grandma; she could barely keep up with him.??

"I don't think I can even travel to our honeymoon... we've been doing it for two consecutive nights." She murmured as she wasn't in the mood to travel to wherever Matthew Xi had booked a flight for the two of them to go.??

They would spend the week traveling and perhaps intense love making ??? for an entire week after registering their marriage certificate later! With Matthew Xi's vigor, Zoey doubted he would miss a day without them being naughty under the sheets.??

Not that Zoey hated the pleasure, she was just tired, especially her sister down there. With his girth and how long he could last, Zoey felt her waist ache if this kept on happening every single night.??

Still, her heart was full and complete. After all, he would be her husband today. There was no problem in love making as they were bound by marriage.??

Glancing at herself in the mirror, Zoey smiled as the reflection she saw was happy. She might be shameless to admit that whenever she looks in the mirror, she always compliments herself.??

However, today, aside from her beauty, she could see her reflection bearing content eyes. Her body was tired, but her heart wasn't because she loved him to the moon and back.??

With that, Zoey shrugged off her exhaustion from love making as she opened the drawer of the vanity mirror. Meanwhile, Matthew Xi exited the shower with his robe on and a small tower over his head.??

He glanced at Zoey before his eyes narrowed and he immediately took large strides towards her. As soon as he reached her, Matthew Xi harshly snatched the bottle from her hand.??

"Ah?" Seeing that the bottle in her hand was missing, Zoey looked up at the enraged Matthew Xi who was reading what that bottle was and his eyes glinted with danger.??

"Why?" As his piercing gaze shifted on her, Zoey nearly jolted as she didn't expect him to be so angry.??

He was just so loving earlier, kissing every part of her body, moaning her name, and telling her how much he loves her. However, Matthew Xi appeared to be a completely different person now.??

"Why are you taking this?" He asked once again, his grip on the bottle tightened as if he could crush it any time soon.??

"Err... because you didn't pull out earlier?" Baffled at his 'strange' behavior, Zoey explained.??

Matthew Xi had been coming inside her. Hence, Zoey had to take a morning-after pill to prevent herself from getting pregnant.??

Why was he mad about her being cautious? After all, they haven't really talked about having children as they'd been busy on a lot of things.??

"So?" Arching his brows, Matthew Xi tilted his head to the side as he didn't understand why she was worrying about that.??

They were already old enough to have children and Zoey was getting older. It would be hard for her to bear a child if they waited for years before deciding to have a child.??

"Uh?" Blinking her eyes, Zoey stared at him in puzzlement.??

"Don't you want a child with me?" His mood went from anger to disappointment, asking this question that shouldn't be asked in the first place.??

Did she forget they were about to get married today? Thus, having children was out of the question because the reason for marriage is starting a new life: a new family.??

"Darling, I, no, I mean, of course I do. But, we..."

"Don't take this anymore." Stopping her midway, Matthew Xi strode towards the bathroom and tossed the bottle of morning-after pill into the trash.??

When he returned, Matthew Xi looked down at her, his eyes screamed his threats and displeasure. "We're getting married and I can take the responsibility if you get pregnant." In a matter-of-fact tone, Matthew Xi stated which made her lips purse into a thin line before nodding.??

Yet, Zoey didn't show her excitement about having a child nor did her heart flutter at the thought. Facing herself through the mirror, her eyes moved up at him and she saw him sigh.??

"I'm not ready... just yet." Meek and low, Zoey uttered as she bit her lower lip.??

Although she'd been teasing him about making babies, Zoey knew deep down she wasn't ready for that responsibility. After all, she didn't know what kind of mother she would be ??? she never had one properly.??

Moreover, she was afraid that she wouldn't be the mother that her child would want. The child might end up hating her, just like how Zoey hated her mother for neglecting her.??

Little did Zoey know, her last remarks were like a huge blow to Matthew Xi. Creasing his brows, Matthew Xi's Adam's apple moved as he gulped.??

"Why?" He asked, his eyes lowered in pain as he didn't expect that answer from her.??

"I want a child with you, and only with you but... being a mother, it terrifies me." The side of her lips crooked into a mocking smile as she ridiculed her own reasoning internally.??

"I don't think I am ready." Hanging her head low, Zoey expressed her feelings about this subject with full transparency.??

For a moment, their whole bedroom fell into a moment of silence. Neither of them spoke a word, as Matthew Xi walked towards the other chair and dragged it near her chair.??

Plopping down, Matthew Xi reached for her hand. "Is it because of your mother?" He inquired, his eyes softened as all his disappointment and displeasure from earlier vanished.??

Momentarily, Matthew Xi noticed that he was being selfish. Sure, he wanted a child with her and if their love making gifted them a seed of life, Matthew Xi would accept it wholeheartedly.??

Still, he forgot of Zoey's sad childhood. He didn't think about her feelings and just went into being a full-blown tyrant.??

"Maybe, but it's mostly about my own fears." Zoey slowly turned to her side and faced him. "My Mister, I really want you as the father of my children, but I also want us to be emotionally ready, not just financially." Squeezing his hand that was holding hers, Zoey offered an apologetic smile.??

"Understood." Nodding his head in understanding, Matthew Xi stretched his lips. "I'm sorry for not considering your feelings." He added as he sighed.??

With that being said, Zoey and Matthew Xi discussed things as they prepared for their vacation.. It might be a slightly sad subject to talk about early in the morning, but both got by until their mood lightened.

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