Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 276 - Foolish Zhou

"Business? Huh?" Zoey added, her face lacked in interests as she perceived it as a joke. 

"Oy, what's with your reaction? You don't think I have a knack in business?" Clicking his tongue, Enzo Li scoffed in disdain as Zoey's reaction was just utterly insulting for him. 

"Mr. Li Enzo, starting a business doesn't need talent — although it's a plus if you're born natural with it." Shaking her head, Zoey slowly rose from her seat as she sighed. 

Walking towards the one-seater couch, Zoey plopped down on it as her gaze was on Enzo Li. "There should be a drive for you to make it happen: be it money, passion, or whatever. If you're doing it for fun, it's bound to collapse and I don't do business with halfhearted businessmen." Zoey explained as blunt as possible. 

Indeed, Zoey didn't think of what Enzo Li initially thought. After all, business wasn't all about talent — even in the entertainment industry or in any career, it was not always natural talent. 

One should have a strong drive to face their chosen career. All professional had exerted intense effort to become remarkable in their profession. 

It was easier said than done. Hence, Zoey wouldn't take this offer of Enzo Li no matter how much money he has to start his own business. Why? Because it's bound to fail in a year or so. 

This was Zoey's way to help him. After all, she was more or less fond of this guy despite their odd friendship. 

"For fun?" Knitting his brows, Enzo Li stared at Zoey dead in the eye before he shook his head in disbelief. "Why would I do it for fun?" He asked, returning his gaze back to Zoey. 

"Then, why is it so sudden?" Zoey frowned, still a little unconvinced at his reply. 

"Did I question you when you got married so suddenly?" Arching his right brow, Enzo Li's eyes bore inexplicable emotion as his tone laced with sarcasm. "If you're asking if I have the drive to start a business, I do — a very strong one. And it's not sudden unlike your marriage, I've been thinking about it since your husband threatened my agency to lay me off." In a matter-of-fact tone, Enzo Li languidly leaned his back against the couch as he placed his leg over the other. 

"You don't know or you're just pretending not to know? I honestly don't know, but it doesn't matter." Watching the lack of reaction from Zoey, Enzo Li shrugged his shoulders because it didn't matter to him. 

If Zoey didn't know what happened weeks ago due to Matthew Xi's jealousy, good — at least now she knew. If she was only pretending to be clueless, then Enzo Li wouldn't be surprised.

"Anyway, I'm planning to open up a resort and its renovation had started. This are the floor plans: I needed signs for the all the rooms including restrooms, a huge signage, emergency exits, and modern-ish abstract designs for the elevators." Picking up the brown envelope beside him, Enzo Li tossed it in the small table and got down to business instead of chit-chatting with Zoey. 

After all, whatever that comes out from her mouth were all nonsense. Didn't she like money? Why would she say life motivational message if she wouldn't be the one who would go bankrupt if the business didn't work well? 

For a second, Zoey darted her gaze from his face to the folder. Suspiciously, Zoey reached for the folder and skimmed the floor plans which made her nod her head in understanding. 

"The designs is perfect, but the location is bad." In full honesty, Zoey muttered as she retracted her gaze away from the documents in her hand. 

"Bad location is equal to bad business." In a matter of fact tone, Zoey tilted her head to the side as she indirectly tried to make him change his mind.

"It's not. In a few months, the location will be popular." Enzo Li shook his head, confident at his statements as he looked at Zoey who arched her right brow in curiosity. 

"I have connections you'd be surprised you might worship me." The corner of his lips curled into a smug smirk, shrugging his shoulders once again. 

He might be a celebrity, but Enzo Li was raised from a family of businessmen. Hence, he knew more than the basics. 

He just chose to change his paths just like the other new generations of the Xi. Proving themselves that although they couldn't outshine Matthew Xi, they could excel in the other field. Hence, all Xi cousins had to exert extra effort to reach the success they had now. 

However, Enzo Li realized that being a superstar wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to free himself from Matthew Xi's clutches nor free enough to make the girl he liked for the long time notice him. 

"Wow... is my darling planning to build something around here?"

"Not everything is about him, foolish Zhou." Upon hearing her assumptions, Enzo Li's smug grin transformed into a scoff as he glared at Zoey. 

"For me, everything is about my hubby~!" Grinning from ear to ear, Zoey cupped her cheeks sweetly which caused Enzo Li to roll his eyes. 

"Whatever. Just review what I showed you — send me the contract so I can sign them." Enraged at what she said, Enzo Li assisted himself up as he glanced at Zoey for a second before he started walking away. 

"Hey, that's not how you do business!" As he was by the door, Zoey grumbled as she could not help but hiss at his oozing confidence. 

Moreover, Zoey also noticed that somehow, Enzo Li changed a little. She couldn't point it out, but he changed, definitely. Be it his demeanor or the look in his eyes, they changed... appearing more mature with solid vision ahead. 

"Damn.... is he still portraying a character?" Clicking her tongue, Zoey murmured as she just assumed he was still in character for whatever role he was currently playing.

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