Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 307 - Interesting Lady

"Hahaha!" Zoey laughed from time to time, shaking her head with her folded arms. 

"Sis, stop." Ivan cast her a glance, his eyes twitched because the current Zoey constantly laughed like a mad person. Although he was glad to see her genuinely happy, Ivan knew what made her gleeful and that was bad news for him. 

"Hahaha! That's what you get for not trusting your sister!" Zoey raised her proud voice, teasing him purposely for not believing her skills. 

Well, her win wasn't because of skills, after all. It was all because Kenneth Bai's personal feelings and natural kindness got into him. Thus, he didn't finish the race, gave it up, and went looking for her instead. 

"Bwahahaha! What an easy feat! This is why they say never underestimate the underdog! Fufufu!" Zoey covered her lips by the back of her hand, laughing smugly as if she was a demoness who was celebrating after successfully crawling her way up from hell. 

"You���re just lucky..." Ivan could not help but sigh and shake his head sideways. Surely, Zoey's luck on the things she did made it impossible not to question the god of luck why she was being too blessed by it. 

Ivan shot Zoey another side eye while she was still laughing. "This is truly impossible..." He murmured under his breath. 

No one had seen this coming. On a second thought, deep down, Ivan believed that she could turn the table and actually win. Although the chances were low, Zoey could probably do a miracle. 

Yet, not a single person had even thought that the miracle would be Kenneth Bai throwing the race. Ivan traveled his gaze and could see the displeased expression from the crowd. 

Well, no one would be pleased at how this race turned out. Especially, if the money at stake was high. Ivan had betted a large sum of money since everyone's bets were high. This was a battle between an amateur and a professional racer, after all. 

"Bwahaha! The heavens really love me so dearly~! I want to go to church and fast for three days and nights~!" Zoey added, a smug grin plastered across her lips as she wouldn't let this opportunity to brag slip easily!

"Fufufu~! This is what they call 'hashtag blessed'~!" Zoey kept on and on Ivan couldn't even understand what she was spouting anymore. 

What was clear to the latter was that it was all crap. There was no need to decipher her words because every word that was coming out of her mouth was just to brag!

As Zoey bragged on, Angelo's eyes were glued on her back and constantly glanced at Ivan's side profile. In his perspective, Ivan's behavior completely changed while interacting with Zoey; it was evident. 

'Hmm...' Angelo hummed internally, pondering in amusement seeing this changed atmosphere around Zoey and Ivan. 

He had heard stories about this foot soldier who managed to bend the Silva Family rules and the one and only person who successfully broke ties with them. Zoey's action was obviously kept a secret from other members of the family. 

If not, the Silva Family's reputation would surely dwindle. After all, a mere foot soldier dared to go up against their rules and successfully executed it. If the word got out, it would surely tarnish the Silva Family's name. 

Even so, a few of them including Angelo managed to hear that classified information. Moreover, Ivan often talked about this 'sister' of his whom he looked up to. The reason Ivan never underestimated a woman was because of Zoey. 

Now that he thought about it, Zoey was indeed dangerous. She seemed open, when in fact, she had her guards all the time. 

Her precision when she threw the pebble, her ruthlessness if that pebble struck his eye, her vigilance about her surroundings, and her risky attitude when she thought Ivan was pulling a weapon on the road... she's smart and dangerous, no doubt. 

Regardless, Angelo wasn't threatened. He was more or less amused by what kind of game Zoey would want to play. Her words, or rather, threats earlier... How deep was her knowledge about things? 

Angelo was curious. How did she know Iñigo was alive? Based on his information, Zoey had truly turned a new leaf and even shooed Ivan since their last encounter. 

When did she start investigating? When did her new leaf dwindle and make her decide that changing was futile? More importantly, what would she do with all that knowledge?

Unconsciously, Angelo stared at Zoey's back while deep in his thoughts. At the same time, he felt a sudden stare which made him shift his gaze. 

Slowly, his eyes moved to the lower left side of Zoey, where he felt the intent stare. There, Zoey was staring at him through the side mirror which caused a sudden pounding inside his chest. 

Angelo gulped a mouthful of saliva while Zoey's eyes smiled before looking away from the side mirror. Had she been observing him all that time? 

He could still hear Zoey brag in front of Ivan... was that her facade so he wouldn't notice that she was watching him? How was that possible? Suddenly, the side of Angelo's lips tilted into a brief smirk with those thoughts filling his mind. 

'Was she telling me that she got her eyes on me?' Angelo wondered inwardly, chuckling how her stare made him feel that way. 

"What an interesting lady, indeed." He murmured, straightening up his posture as he walked away while fishing out his case of cigarettes. 

"Iñigo is right... she's unpredictable. I guess that's my cue to be cautious." Angelo whispered followed by a chuckle. The more he got to see the infamous Zia, the more thrilled Angelo felt. 

Now, he was uncertain if letting him know she knew Iñigo was alive was a test or just a reckless slip of the tongue. Angelo doubted the latter because a person like Zoey wouldn't say information recklessly without an intention. 

'Ah... it's been awhile. Let's see what she can do..' After lighting up his cigarette, Angelo looked up in the starless sky, puffing the smoke in the air that slowly blew away in the midnight breeze.

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