Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 349 - I Lied??? I???m Not.

"Do you believe in time traveling?" The second Zoey said those words, she noticed the brief change in his eyes. A mix of confusion, doubt, and a little disbelief immediately resurfaced in his russet eyes ??? enough for Zoey to get the answer she was looking for.

"Time traveling?" Matthew repeated. "Miss Zhou," Before he could even finish, Zoey suddenly smiled and chuckled.

"I'm kidding. Don't take it too seriously." Zoey stretched her lips into a grin as she lied once again. However, her last remarks were perceived negatively.

After all, Matthew was honestly serious moments ago, and yet, she still has the time to joke in the middle of the solemn conversation. Can't she take him seriously, just like how he takes this thoughtfully?

"Boss Zhou, are you there??" Just then, Melanie's faint voice echoed inside, which subconsciously made the two look up. "Help will come soon ??? hang on!" Melanie added, informing her boss to calm down, although she knew very well that Zoey might be the calmest person while being trapped.

"Ye ??? yes!" Zoey shouted back. Her voice resonated across the four corners of the elevator. She then faced him once again and pushed his chest lightly. "Let's just say we're quits, okay? Don't lie to me if you don't want me to lie to you." In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey advised, which made his frown turn uglier.

"We'll just have to wait and we'll be safe???" As her face colored in delight, Zoey clasped her hands together and exclaimed in positivity. However, she was unable to finish her sentence as the surface??where she stood wobbled before a forceful drop happened.

"Ahh!" Out of instinct and shock, Zoey screamed as her feet stepped harder against the trembling surface to keep her back against the wall still. Meanwhile, since his limbs were longer, Matthew was able to reach for the elevator handle while he squatted down a little to watch his balance.

The abrupt drop only took seconds, and neither of them noticed their actions. It happened so fast that both of their hearts palpitated wildly. Matthew, although kept his footing, could not help his hand but tremble. This was the first time he had experienced such an alarming situation.

Meanwhile, Zoey raised her head when the lift stopped going down. Her eyes immediately searched Matthew's, who was panting, his face aghast in terror as his body didn't move an inch.

"Are you???" After a gulp, she wanted to ask about his well-being, but she stopped a second later. Obviously, he wasn't fine. By the looks of it, he seemed traumatized.

Carefully, Zoey slid her foot forward, her hands on the wall, afraid that they would drop once again. They were already lucky that it stopped and they didn't experience any life-threatening impact. Else, whether they wanted it or not, both would have inflicted minor injuries.

"Hey???" Slowly but surely, Zoey crawled her way towards him. Luckily, she managed to reach him, although she felt that the surface they were stepping on was too unstable. She sprawled her arms, reaching for his arm that was trembling.

"It's okay, it's okay." As soon as she felt him trembling, Zoey forced a reassuring smile on her lips as her one hand held onto the elevator handle while the other gently patted his arm. "I'm here???" Meek and gentle, Zoey reminded him.

Her voice magically soothed his heart, causing him to raise his face. Zoey noticed that he was pale, probably because of the shock. Thus, she forced a smile on her lips as she nodded in offered reassurance.

"We'll be okay. Can you sit?" Zoey's eyes never left him, gesturing him to sit as he was still in a squatting stance. However, as she was about to guide him to sit so he could calm down, Matthew clasped her wrist.


Meanwhile, Matthew, although appearing to be staring at her, had his mind lost in his memory lane. Images of him, an older version of him inside the car, smiling at the bouquet of fresh flowers beside. It was a smile of excitement to deliver such fresh flowers to someone special to him.

He then unconsciously glanced at the rear mirror where Paul Qian was staring back at him. Matthew saw his older version's eyes smile as his mouth moved, seemingly saying something to his assistant, which made Paul Qian's eyes smile as well.

The next second, as the peaceful ride continued, Matthew picked up his phone and puzzlement plastered across his face. He didn't know why his older version of him answered the call, but when he did, the peacefulness that plastered across his face froze.

Matthew could only see these weird images that were yet to happen to him. But he could feel the urgency of his older version's visage. Paul Qian seemed to notice the odd change in his boss's expression, slowly fishing his phone out as he composed a message to an unregistered number.

Sadly, as he did so, Matthew looked ahead. His eyes widened as there was a truck driving ahead of them. The driver that was driving their car honked and tried to avoid a major collision.

But it was too late as the truck was moving at an uncontrollable speed. Matthew, for some reason, dropped his phone. His eyes flickered in certainty, regret, and sorry; certain about his end, regret that he couldn't struggle to live in a situation, and sorry as he broke his promise to her.

Before they knew it, a loud crash happened and none of the three passengers in that small car survived.


"Mister????" Surprised by the aggressive grip, Zoey blinked her eyes as she darted her gaze from her hand to his face. Soon enough, Zoey felt that the grip on her wrist tighten as his eyes dimmed in horror.

"Mister??? you're hurting me???" Zoey placed her other hand over his hand that was grabbing her wrist. Just then, Matthew snapped??back to reality, realizing he was unconsciously holding her, which caused him to lightly toss it away in shock.

"So ??? sorry???"

"Are you okay?" While Zoey massaged her wrist, her gaze surveyed his countenance in worry.

Matthew glanced at her and nodded without a word. "I am???" He tried to sound fine, but for the first time, his voice sounded otherwise. As he stared at her a little longer, his strong urges within him intensifying.??

Without further ado, Matthew didn't think twice as he followed whatever his heart wanted to do. He suddenly pulled her by the arm, and soon she was in his embrace. Zoey could hear the loud thud of his beating heart, while he sighed in relief??? a relief that he couldn't understand its source.

Regardless, with her in his embrace, it gave him solace from all the unstable emotions circling around his heart. "I lied??? I'm not." He took his words back, and under his breath, he admitted despite his shaking voice.

Upon hearing him, Zoey's hand slowly crept on his back, patting it lightly as a gesture of comfort. "You'll be fine??? we'll be fine." She whispered, letting him calm down.. Just then, Zoey heard loud noises as the door was being forced open.

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