Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

35 Does men have periods too?

Cora Ma could not help but have goosebumps. Hence, she put down the phone and rubbed her arm.

"Experience love and you'll know." Zoey chuckled as she turned and faced on the camera to tease her best friend. "But seriously, Browny is different from the rest." Zoey cleared her throat as she dropped her serious note.

"Oh? How so?"

"Well, he's honestly brutal yet cluelessly cute. You won't find someone like that nowadays." Thinking about her observation about Matthew Xi, Zoey could not help but grin. "He is like a curious cat, poking his nose on things that intrigued him. Do you believe he dropped by in the office just to ask me about the details of our first date? I almost took advantage of him."

"He did, what?" Cora Ma's eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing the information. "Did you get mad at him for visiting your office? Is that the reason of your breakup?" She assumed.

"I told you he's different. No, everyone liked him and they even pulled this surprise post birthday celebration." Shaking her head, Zoey emptied her glass and refilled it again.

"I don't know the reason he got mad. He's moody — does men have periods too?" Zoey humored her friend.

Cora Ma understood that Zoey must be clueless as well. Still, she could not believe that Zoey didn't shoo Matthew Xi away for intruding in Zoey's office.

After all, Zoey treated the office as her home. Therefore, aside from clients and regular employees, Zoey disliked being visited by her suitors unannounced.

Imagine someone intruded on your home without your permission? Indeed, Melanie Xue's opinion was accurate. Only a few people actually made a special space in Zoey's heart that she welcomed in her home.

"Well, it seemed your story with him stops here then." Instead of pressing why Zoey didn't lash out on Matthew Xi for dropping by in the office, Cora Ma sighed and shook her head.

"Huh?" Zoey creased her brows at the ridiculous assumption of her best friend.

"He said he didn't want to see you."

"He did, but I didn't." In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey shrugged her shoulder.

"Z..." Cora Ma sighed heavily. What Matthew Xi did, he just ignited Zoey's interest to another level.

One should know that Zoey liked challenges. The harder the things she wanted to achieve, the more determined and competitive she gets.

That's Zoey Zhou for you.

Now that Cora Ma was reminded of how Zoey was, she wasn't displeased at Matthew Xi anymore. If anything, Cora Ma pitied the man.

Matthew Xi just dug himself a deeper hole. Poor guy. He wouldn't escape Zoey's clutches so easily unless... he would like her back.

However, why do Cora Ma's instincts now was faltering? Why does she feel that Zoey's inclination towards the man felt different?

"Anyway, it's still good that he would return to work and be busy. I can't have my darling around if that bastard Richard Sun caused another trouble — that prick will surely target him." Clearing her throat, Zoey said, which made Cora Ma nod her head in understanding.

"Ahh... right. It's still good timing that Browny won't be around you while that freak is around." Cora Ma muttered as another heavy sigh escaped her lips.

God knows that Richard Sun had targeted some men that Zoey dated in the past. That guy harassed and even threatened them. Too bad for Richard Sun, Zoey was already done playing with them whenever he took action.

"Hmm... anyway, I'll hang up first. I need to review some designs."

"Oh, okay! Eat dinner, don't sleep just having alcohol inside your stomach — you're not healthy anymore." Cora Ma reminded, like a mom who was concerned about her daughter's well-being.

"Yes, yes. I will..." Answering her half-heartedly, Zoey nodded her head and without further ado ended the call.

"Gosh... she always ends up nagging me every time." Zoey muttered as she clicked her tongue.

She then gulped down the rest of the wine on the glass before silence dawned on her home, again. Looking around, Zoey sighed.

"Melancholy is not the feeling I hated nor being alone..." Zoey repeated, more like convincing herself that this silence after she hung up on Cora Ma was something she never hated.

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