Hours later...

"Phew! Arrived safely." Zoey whistled, searching for a place to park not far away from the well-known country club.??

After she did so, Zoey immediately got out of the car, walking straight to the trunk to see how damaged it was. Upon laying her eyes on it, her eyes twitched.??

"Why am I even surprised?" She mumbled, questioning herself as if she didn't expect this much damage. "Good thing that it might look flimsy, but the shell is well-coated." She added, knocking on the crumpled part lightly.??

However, as soon as she did, the lower part suddenly collapsed, causing her to jump back. "Aish!" She clicked her tongue, realizing it was barely holding on. Her knocking was its last straw, the one last push.??

"Damn it..." Zoey scratched the back of her head, sighing. "It's just its second day in my possession and it's already in this state." Once again, another heavy sigh slipped past her lips.

In her previous life, none of her cars reached this state. Zoey had been very careful ??? even if she drove while under the influence of alcohol, she was fortunate that she was never in an accident.??

Funny, she thought. In her previous life, Zoey was never careful nor did she fear death as much as she hated the idea now. Yet, ironically enough, the more she feared death, the more she got in a complicated situation such as what happened hours ago.??

Not that she could blame anyone but herself as it was her own choice. Still, to be able to live once again, worrying not to mess everyone's lives as she changed their fates, Zoey must stay sane while being crazy at the same time. No one would understand the pressure weighing on her shoulders.??

"Aiya..." Zoey tried to open the trunk. However, it couldn't open the usual way and was stuck closed. Thus, Zoey had to force it open.??

She clenched her teeth, using brute force for the trunk to open. "F*ck it!" She gave up, slamming its surface as she held her hands up in defeat.??

"I'm too tired for this." Under her frustrated breaths, Zoey dragged the part of the shell that came off towards the back passenger seat.??

While Zoey was busy dragging the part of the car's shell that came off from her car, the car that was approaching her slowed down.??

"Huh? What is she doing here?" Kenneth muttered curiously, his eyes studying her current situation. His brows creased seeing the car that was delivered to her just yesterday was now totally wrecked on the back.??

"What the..." He gasped in distress, slowly pulling over to the side ??? just meters away from her car.??

While she was busy placing the thing inside the back passenger seat, with half of her body inside as she tried various positions for it to fit inside. Kenneth stood to the side, his palms on his hips as he watched her struggle.??

"Seriously? It took twenty-fours hours for you to blow this car I gave you?" Disappointment laced his voice, shaking his sideways as a deep sigh escaped his lips.??

"Ah!" Taken by surprise, Zoey was about to see him out, but she bumped the back of her head due to her heedless action.??"Ouch..." she winced, grinding her teeth as she drew away from the back seat carefully this time.??

"Ugh... don't just come to the scene while someone is busy." Zoey complained, scratching the back of her head as she peered at him in disdain from head to toe.??

"What happened? And how did you know I'll be here?" He asked, ignoring her complaints.??

For some reason, Kenneth knew the reason she was near because he often hung out in this place. How did she know? He had no idea. But, his instinct told him she came here to see him.??

"Tsk," Her under eye twitched, clicking her tongue in annoyance. "Isn't it obvious?" She said, pointing at the damaged car.??

"Also, you didn't give it, I won it. You just fulfilled your side of the deal." She shrugged nonchalantly, correcting him on his earlier remarks.??

"And you think I agreed for your car's maintenance?" His right brow arched while his chin raised a little. "I don't remember agreeing to that." He affirmed, returning her nonchalance by shrugging his shoulders indifferently.??

"No, but it's your fault." In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey responded. She shook her index finger sideways, the side of her lips curled into a sweet, cunning one.??

"My fault?" Shocked at her shamelessness of blindly pushing the blame on him, he peered at her from head to toe. His eyes bore judgement as if he was questioning the extent of her shamelessness.??

"Yes!" She nodded, pursing her lips on a thin smile. "I gave you the model of the engine I preferred, but you upgraded everything! So now, I almost lost control over it!" She lied through her gritted teeth.??

Zoey knew he wouldn't buy such lame excuse, but her argument had a point. That's what matters.??

"Imagine if I'm a total amateur. I might end up in the hospital! Not only you'll pay for my medical fees, you have to pay for the trauma you caused me, lawyers to defend you, bring problems to your Bai Family, also some additional fees if you want to settle, and then you have to fix my car too!" Zoey shamelessly listed down the possibilities that would dawn upon him if she wasn't capable enough to control such a hybrid engine.??

As she went on and on, the side of his lips twitched. "So, you're scamming me now?" He asked, couldn't think of other reasons upon hearing her greed with her examples.??

"What? No!" Zoey denied without batting an eye. "What I'm saying is, you could've told me about the change of engine so I wasn't taken by surprise! I can't drive around with the back of the car looking like this!" She reached the peak of her drama, sighing heavily as she glanced at the damaged back??of her first car.??


"So?! It's only proper that you take responsibility! I'm already paying my neighbor for crashing into their house." She shrugged, tilting her head to the side with her palm spread open ??? shoulder level.??

For the next minute, he remained silent. His eyelashes slowly fluttered as his eyes blankly stared at her dramatic act. She was convincing, but at the same time, she wasn't.??

'It's not me who decided to upgrade the car's engine.' He dissed internally, recalling that it was Matthew's decision to upgrade her engine. Even the body of the car, Kenneth was well aware that it was bullet proof and designed to be sturdy.??

Therefore, he couldn't truly buy this nonsense as this damage didn't come from just a simple accident. It would take a lot of force for this car to reach this pathetic state.??

"Fine." He emotionlessly agreed.??

"Sweet!" Upon hearing him agreed, Zoey clasped her hands together in glee.

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