Two weeks later, at Z Image Building.

Z Image Group was going through a hectic schedule currently. As usual, Zoey was busy with the business affairs and her employees were busy finishing previous projects while simultaneously working on the Feng Estate's orders.??

"Damn Ivan... he didn't even try to understand anything." The side of her lips twitched staring at the email Ivan forwarded to her.??

It says: [Boss, I can't understand a word. But it looks important, so I'm forwarding it to you. See attached files below.]

"This is not important... it's a freaking news article about someone I don't care about." She muttered, glaring at the screen. Yet, her eyes still skimmed the content just to make sure it didn't have anything important.??

After scrolling further, Zoey deleted the file immediately. "*sigh* I feel like I hired a pet instead." She murmured, shaking her head sideways.??

She then leaned back, stretching her body, arms, and hands in the process. It had been three weeks since she time travelled, but she felt like she had already accomplished a huge feat.??

First, Z Image Group had crossed their financial crisis as the cash flow inside the company stabilized. Having a contract with the Feng Estate truly was a wonderful step for her company. Still, Zoey had remaining questions about the unanswered mysteries around the Feng Estate scandal in her previous life.??

After all, Zoey needed a thorough investigation to uncover the said truth behind it. Still, for some reason, Zoey felt she was missing a huge puzzle piece that could make everything fit. For now, that didn't matter.??

It was all due to her curiosity. Nothing important.??

"Does Ken's personal issues, that were somehow fixed, count?" Zoey mumbled, rubbing her chin as she pondered if she should count that as one of her achievements.??

Although Zoey didn't hear the details about it, she already knew that the man's relationship with his father might've lightened. Moreover, Zoey had heard enough stories from the thirty-one-year-old Kenneth of what happened to him. The reason Zoey didn't need to ask him!??

"Lastly, Angelo..." Zoey paused, resting the back of her head as she looked up at the ceiling. "That one..." As she pondered about it, Zoey sighed heavily in distress.??

Just then, Zoey heard a faint knock from outside the door before it opened. She cocked her head towards the door, bearing a bored look on her face.??

"Ivan will burn the place down soon, literally." There stood Angelo wearing a smart casual suit holding some papers in his hand. There were evident bruises and scars on his face. He held the paper up, frowning as he entered the room.??

'Yeah, this one??I didn't expect.' Zoey muttered internally, watching Angelo walk inside before placing the papers on her desk; his palms on top of it.??

"Don't let him burn it. That's why you're here." Her tone flat, glancing at the documents that were beneath his palms. As soon as she got the glimpse of it, her eyes widened in disbelief as she jolted from her position.??

"What the???!"

"I told you, he needs to step down! Give him the janitor role!" Angelo shook his head sideways, frustrated at his current boss and her assistant.??

"You think I didn't?" When he raised his hand, Zoey snatched the documents and sighed. "Ughh! What is he doing with the inventories??" She complained, pinching the space between his brows.??

"I don't know but him being your assistant will be a bigger problem in the future." In a matter-of-fact tone, Angelo uttered. "Even if you have two assistants at the moment, you can't just let him touch anything in here. You're the boss, it's your call." He rolled his eyes, lecturing Zoey out of frustration.??

"You're just like that because your work is multiplied by three." Zoey commented, couldn't really argue with him as he had a point.??

"And it will be reduced to two if not for him." He rebutted, sighing as he glared at his own boss in disdain.??

"Jeez... I'm the boss but my employees treat me the same. I should change my tactic and be that cold, overbearing CEO." While she was being judged by his glare, Zoey muttered as she shook her head.??

"Do that so others won't even think of pushing their luck."??

"Jeez..." Zoey ground her teeth as Angelo turned around and left stomping his feet. "How dare he say I'm a pushover? I want to smack him in the head." She grumbled, glaring invisible daggers at his back until he left the office.??

Indeed, Angelo was one of the surprises she had in this lifetime. That night when she visited him, Angelo escaped.??

How did he do that? No one knew, but it was commendable because he was injured. That night, the said man vanished from the Silva Family's radar and away from the authorities' eyes. It was as if he didn't exist in the first place as no one could find him.??

However, three days later, in the middle of the night, Angelo showed up in front of Z Image Group. To her surprise, instead of coming for her head, Angelo made a deal with her.??

A deal she rejected.??

[Short Flashback]

"I'm hungry..." Zoey muttered, hearing her stomach grumble as she rubbed her tummy. "I didn't have anything the whole day." She added, feeling weak due to the lack of nutrition for the day.??

Due to that, Zoey dragged her body out of the office to grab some snacks from the nearby convenience store. When she returned, happily skipping her steps with a tummy full, her tracks halted upon laying her eyes on the person standing not far away from the building.??

He was in his black hoodie, coming out of the dark and standing where there were lights. Instantly, Zoey's eyes sharpened as her senses heightened. She couldn't see his face, but Zoey knew this would be messy.??

"What do you want?" She asked, her voice laced with vigilance as her eyes quickly scanned??her surroundings.??

"You said you want I??igo dead, right?" His words tangled with the cold night breeze, slowly reaching her ears that made her brows knit.??

"It's you?" She asked, recognizing Angelo's voice. "What if I do? You came to finish me before I do?" She added, smirking at the thought.??

"I'll help you." However, his response took her off-guard. "Kill him, I'll assist you." He repeated, this time in an unwavering tone.??

He slowly raised his head, showing a much more mangled face than what he looked like when he was in the hospital. One could tell that someone or rather, a few people had ganged up on him.??

"We can do it now, I know where he is.." He proposed, a sense of urgency mixed in his voice.

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