Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 410 - Anything For You

"What the heck?" Zoey blinked her eyes many times as her eyes landed on a particular figure. "Literally, wut? What is he doing here?" Zoey's eyebrows twitched uncontrollably as she noticed His Majesty's figure walking behind Paul Qian and a few bodyguards surrounding the two of them.

Obviously, Paul's presence in the lobby caused the entire hall to fall in silence. Not to mention, the people around him that whom would rarely see as they're probably the big boss's bodyguards. Aside from Paul Qian, everyone's eyes unconsciously landed on the man in the middle.

"Assistant Qian is here to pick up CEO Xi's guest?"??

"Guest? Who would bother to do this grand gesture if Miss Tan is just a guest?"??

"Ohh??? oh my god??? so, they're really together? I mean, this confirms that Miss Tan might be our lady boss."

"How lucky??? with her beauty, Young Master Xi will surely fall for her." Within a snap of a finger, murmurs from the employees around filled the air. Their gaze darted from Scarlet Tan who stopped in her tracks while Paul and the cluster of men walked in the direction opposite to her.

"Miss Tan???" The female employee who was supposed to assist Scarlet to the top floor glanced up at her. "I think Assistant Qian came here to pick you up." She muttered, her eyes twinkling as she knew Scarlet would surely think of her as a reliable ally.

After all, if Scarlet would be their lady boss, she might remember her and give her a good position. The female employee could play her eyes in here because a lot of women desired to climb the man's bed who was standing at the top of this social ladder.

"Ahem!" Scarlet, whose eyes were gleaming magically, cleared her throat. She turned her head towards the female employee and beamed her a sweet smile. "Thank you for your help." She expressed politely, slightly tilting her head that seemed like a bow.

Scarlet then stood upright, her eyes scanning the men walking towards her. Her gaze first landed on Paul, and then to the man walking behind her. 'Xi Matthew. I knew it.' She excitedly cheered inside her mind.

'I knew you'd find me interesting as well. You're still a man, after all.' She smirked, her ego boosted up as she deluded herself that Matthew bothered to welcome her personally. After all, they dated but Matthew was playing hard to get.

He spouted nonsense blunders which were the harshest things she had ever heard. Still, since Scarlet understood that Matthew was akin to an emperor, she didn't let his harsh words go to her heart. If anything, she took it as a challenge to tame this evil, tyrant man.??

If the price of being the future madam Xi was to endure the sharpness of his tongue, then, Scarlet wouldn't give that up in vain. It would be worth it in the end. So now, when she received a call that Matthew wanted to see her, she didn't hesitate??a second and came in here.

"Uhm!" When Paul approached closer, Scarlet took a step forward to meet them halfway. "You didn't have to come down here???" As she brought her sweetest smile on her lips, Scarlet humbled herself.

"Huh?" Paul stopped in his tracks, knitting his brows as his eyes studied the woman approaching him. He just then realized that Scarlet was still there as he didn't have the leisure to travel his eyes around.

"Miss Tan?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as he watched Scarlet come closer to him.

However, even before Scarlet could stop in her ideal distance from Paul, Matthew's figure surpassed Paul. His firmed shoulder brushed her shoulder, causing her to fall straight on the shining tiled floor. "Ahh!" She squealed as her bottom landed on the floor without anyone catching her.

The person who bumped into her stopped in his tracks, his pair of russet eyes slowly gazed down to her. "Tsk," Matthew clicked his tongue, there wasn't the slight remorse in his eyes. If anything, he seemed annoyed as he dusted off the area her shoulder had touched by the back of his hand.

"Uh, Brother Ma -- " Before Scarlet could finish her addressing, Matthew's eyes sharpened as they returned to meet her eyes. "Apologize." Evidently irked, he demanded coldly.

The eyes that were watching this unprecedented event unfold gasped in disbelief. They haven't seen the man, but no one dared wonder who he was upon hearing his ridiculous demands. Obviously, they saw that it was his fault because he purposely walked where Scarlet was standing.

Matthew could have avoided this if he walked a little to the side. However, he didn't. Instead, he walked continuously in the same direction until he bumped into Scarlet and she fell down. There's only one man who had the guts in the world to act so cockily inside this building: Matthew Xi.

Still, why was he acting so coldly towards her? The man who never showed his face once to commoners like them decided to come down from his throne for whom? Why did he bother? Just to humiliate Scarlet and not to pick her up personally? These questions in their mind confused the eyes of everyone. Yet, they remained silent and discreet as they watched them to satisfy their curiosity.

"Huh?" Upon hearing Matthew's cold demand, Scarlet was rendered speechless and puzzled at the same time. "What are you???" Her words trailed off as she froze seeing the impatient glint that flashed across his russet eyes.

"You ruined my suit." Without batting an eye, Matthew clipped his finger on his shoulder blades to show that it was ruined. However, everyone could see that his suit was perfectly fine! He was just being unreasonable for nothing!

"Miss Tan, please stand???" Paul, who sensed that his boss was being unreasonable again, stepped in. He slightly bowed his head and was about to remind Scarlet to stand up. Alas, even before Paul could think of offering her help, Matthew intervened.

"Let her be." He ordered, no trace of mercy could be discerned in his flat tone. "She was blocking my way, she should know the consequences of her actions." He added bearing the same tone.

"Yes, Young Master." As usual, Paul abided by the order and stepped back.

Scarlet, who was the center of attention earlier but now the center of humiliation, had her hands shaking. She looked around and saw the surprised eyes staring back at her. Some even bore pity as they looked at her while others were baffled at the current situation.

Meanwhile, Zoey's facial features squeezed together witnessing her darling humiliate her in front of??many. 'Damn??? no wonder they've labeled him as a tyrant -- he's unreasonably annoying!' Zoey cathecized internally, cringing at how unreasonable her husband is in his early years.

Now, she understood other people's fear towards him in their previous life. Matthew had built his reputation like that. Whether he did it on purpose or not, one thing was for sure, Zoey should have believed him when he said in their previous life that she wouldn't like his younger version.

Zoey recalled that Matthew only said that his early years were uneventful??? so he tried to make it more colorful. Was this the one he mentioned ? Heck, it wasn't colorful just like what she imagined! It was just pure thick black color -- no more no less!

She then turned to the two male employees that were accompanying her. Zoey coud not help but shake her head upon seeing their aghast expression. 'Of course, they know him. This guy was almost fired by him just by standing if I remember correctly.' She mumbled inwardly, not surprised by the fear that was plastered across their faces.

"Aiya???" Zoey pinched the bridge of her nose in distress. After a second, she clicked her tongue in annoyance and trudged towards Matthew and Scarlet's direction. As soon as Zoey brushed past the two male employees, they snapped back to reality and watched the horrendous looking woman approach their big boss.

"No??? Please don't court death???" Under their breath, they tried to stop her but to no avail. Zoey didn't stop in her tracks.

"Aiya, aiya~! Chivalry is truly dead, eh?" When Zoey neared Matthew's figure, she shook her head as she continued to approach them. "Miss beautiful Tan Scarlet, please stand up if you don't want you undie photos scattered around tomorrow." Zoey stopped on Scarlet's side, squatting down as she offered her hand to her with a smile.

At first, Scarlet almost jolted at the sight of Zoey's explosive makeup. But, when she processed the latter's words and saw her helping hand, Scarlet bit her lower lip hard as she didn't have a choice but to accept Zoey's help.??"Thank you???" She sheepishly smiled at Zoey who offered her a gentle smile.

"Anything for you." Zoey winked, raising her right brow for a second to give her a knowing look.

For some reason, Scarlet Tan hiccuped seeing the gentleman smile behind Zoey's horrendous makeup. That instant, her face heated up which made her retract her hand away as if she was scalded.

"Huh?" Zoey tilted her head to the side, knitting her brows as she perceived that Scarlet was still cautious with her.

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