Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 474 - Geez??? This Woman???s Intuition Is Scary.

"Hey, nurse." Ivan winked at the nurse he brushed by, casting her a sly smirk which made the female nurse blush.

"Come on. Stop flirting." Ryan shot him a side eye, shaking his head as Ivan was someone he wouldn't think was capable of thinking with the way he acted.

"Hehe???" Ivan chuckled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "The problem with the two of you is that you're too serious and obvious." In a matter-of-fact tone, Ivan uttered lazily while following their tracks.

"If you don't like attention but you still do, you try to garner more but in a different way." Ivan scratched the back of his head as he shook his head. "Aside from reading my sis's action, one of the many reasons we did what we did earlier is because we knew there was something wrong with you two." He added in a matter-of-fact tone as their tracks didn't falter.

"Man??? this is a random hospital and why would two scary-looking guys be here? It'll be either there's a gang leader admitted here or you have other things you came here for." Ivan continued to speak his mind, leaving them the thoughts he would have if he was a normal person inside the establishment or just a guy that was following the two.

Both Carter and Ryan let Ivan speak the entire time as they headed to the rooftop. When they reached their destination, Ivan cocked his head to the side. "So?" He asked, his eyes scanning the surrounding.

"That building over there," Finally, Carter finally spoke as he pointed at a towering building of the XI Corporation. "From here, we can have a perfect view of some floors aside from the top and bottom floor. He added, staring straight at the building that was surrounded with floor length windows.

"Yeah, with a scope." Ivan agreed, studying the two from head to toe. "Where are your things?" He asked, seeing that the two were just standing there in plain sight without anything with them.

After all, even if they were in a good spot to spy on, the place was still far from the XI Corporation building. Since the said building stood out among other buildings, it was easy to see some part of it. Still, the top building was built to avoid being spied on. It was like showing others bits and pieces of what was going on inside the building, and at the same time, hiding other things.

What a tease!??

Just as Ivan asked, someone suddenly barged inside the rooftop. It was the janitor they had passed by earlier who was now carrying a bag with him. 'Oh?" Ivan raised his right brow, watching the newcomer approach them.

"Thank you." Ryan accepted the sports bag, slipping cash in exchange. The janitor just bowed his head and without further ado, he left just like that. "He is someone I know. Master is aware of all the angles surrounding the building. So, he placed his people in each establishment to have information if something suspicious comes around." In a matter-of-fact tone, Ryan explained as he dropped the bag and squatted down.

"Oh? He's smart, huh?" Ivan nodded his head in understanding, amused that Matthew's parameters exceeded his expectations. He then watched Ryan open his bag, expecting some useful things they could use.

After all, if Matthew placed his foot soldiers in each establishment, then they must be prepared. He would be very disappointed if the things inside the bags were nothing but trash.??

Soon, Ryan finally took out a sniper rifle that was yet to be assembled. "Nice" Ivan commented, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Are you going to snipe your boss?" He teased, watching Ryan assemble the said weapon.

"For your information, this spot is almost at the center of the city." Ryan glanced up before continuing on assembling the sniper's scope.??

"Have you assassinated anyone?" Without further ado, Ivan asked. Ryan only answered him with silence as he finished assembling his toy.??

Ryan's silence was enough to get the answer Ivan was looking for. "I see???" He sighed, moving his head to the open space where he could see the outstanding XI Corporation in plain sight. "You haven't killed anyone, huh?" He muttered without looking away.

"Man??? how can you stay in this line alive if you're unwilling to pull the trigger?" Ivan sighed heavily, now concerned how these two could 'protect' Zoey. She might end up protecting them. "No wonder she told me to tag along. Everything makes more sense now." He mumbled, shaking his head as he glanced at Ryan before shifting his eyes towards Carter.

"I already know you're not as clean as him." Before they could speak, Ivan spoke ahead of them as he didn't need to question Carter. "You have a serious problem with your partner." He clicked his tongue, disappointment flickered across his eyes.

"You speak as if you can take someone's life without blinking." Carter studied Ivan's figure, staring at him straight in his eyes. "Who are you people?" He asked, indirectly adding Zoey to the number he was asking about.

At this point, Carter and Ryan couldn't look at Zoey the same way. She wasn't that annoying lady who had a loose screw in her head. If anything, both men knew they shouldn't be deceived by her facade as it might cost them their lives if they were not careful enough.

"Just???" Ivan paused briefly as he darted his eyes between the two. "... just random people minding their own business." He answered with a shrug.??

"Anyway, I've been seeing that light over there. Care to check what it is?" Ivan changed the topic, pointing his chin at the light glinting every once in a while above the billboard from the distance.

However, just as Ivan stared back in that direction, the reflection beamed at him which instantly pressed his fast reflexes.. "Get down!" He shouted, pinning Ryan down as he crouched to the ground.

Just as he did, a bullet landed on the concrete ground not far away from them. Shocked, Ryan glanced at Ivan and then to Carter who was quick to follow his instincts. "F*ck!" Ivan cursed, snatching the sniper from Ryan's hands and sprung up.

Since he remembered the direction of where the bullet came from, Ivan didn't even look at the scope and immediately fired back. As soon as he did, Ivan peeked at the scope to see nothing but trail of blood.??

"Man??? tell your boss he should be careful." Ivan muttered, clicking his tongue as the person who shot at them was gone. "I don't know who, but I know it's not someone he shouldn't have offended." Slowly, Ivan retracted his eyes away from the scope and glanced down at the two.

Without further ado, Ivan gave the sniper rifle back to Ryan. Ryan shook his head lightly and assisted himself up. He then accepted the weapon and watched Ivan striding away.

"Where are you going?" Carter asked, furrowing his brows as he believed they weren't done with their orders.

"Back to my sister's company. The objective is accomplished -- done. Why would you waste your time here?" Ivan waved his hand, not looking back as his other hand shoved inside his pocket,

Although baffled, Ryan immediately disassembled the sniper rifle while Carter waited for him. Before they were done, Ivan already left the rooftop and speed-dialed Zoey's number.

"What's up?" As soon as the line connected, Zoey inquired. "Found something interesting?" She queried.

"Did you send me knowing what could have happened?" Instead of answering her queries, Ivan questioned back.

"No, just my intuition. You know what to do." Cold and solemn, Zoey answered before leaving an order to him and then cut the line short.

"Geez??? this woman's intuition is scary." Ivan sighed, shaking his head sideways as he shoved the phone back inside his pocket.

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