Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

49 The glimpse of his power

Don't touch what's his? What's his? If Matthew Xi worded his words differently, they could have more idea what he was talking about. However, it was clear as the day that he was threatening Richard Sun about something; something they were all clueless about.

Richard Sun racked his brain within the second he heard Matthew Xi's words but to no avail. He couldn't remember touching anything that Matthew Xi possessed.

Was it the pen? The chair? What was it?

"Mr. Xi, what — I — yes, my apologies." Although Richard Sun wanted clarification about it and ask, or deny the claim of Matthew Xi, he dared not. Thus, he could only abide and politely say 'yes'.

It didn't matter whatever Matthew Xi was pointing at. What's important was that Richard Sun and the rest of them were clear that no one touches whatever Matthew Xi owned.

Be it a pen or even a speck of dust, if it's his ��� inside his territory — they wouldn't dare use it or clean it up unless they were told. This was just a glimpse of power the man has.

The privileged of the person who stood at the top; like a king gazing down on his subject, pondering if they should be beheaded or be blessed by his grace.

"Good." Nodding in satisfaction, the corner of Matthew Xi's lips curled, amused and disgusted at how petty he could be. "This project... I commend your team for a job well done." Regardless of the new discovery Matthew Xi found about himself, he shrugged it off and went down to business.

Upon hearing the good impact on him, an excited glint flashed across Richard Sun's eyes and his colleagues. They heard that Matthew Xi often rejected business proposal just the first several seconds of the presentation.

The reason Richard Sun didn't stop presenting his business proposal despite the lack of interest from Matthew Xi. After all, having him show lack of interest was better than being rejected right off the bat.

Now, his team's morale rose with that simple compliment. It's what they just wanted, impress Matthew Xi with everything they've got and close the deal.

"However," The second they heard that cursed word, Richard Sun and his colleagues tightened their jaws as their hearts slowly sank.

Right now, all they could do was pray for the least worse. They hoped that he wouldn't reject them. Everything was fine; even a hell of re-visioning — just not a complete rejection.

Being rejected by him would close all doors of opportunities. Richard Sun couldn't afford that to happen.

Matthew Xi examined Richard Sun's expression. Every word that escaped from his lips, Richard Sun gave him different expression — it was quite silly in a way. Regardless, Matthew Xi was used to it.

"Mr. Richard Sun, how are you sure the price of this land would increase five times than the current value?" Instead of going to his initial statement, Matthew Xi asked something else.

It might be a simple question; the flow of the economy would answer that. However, to everyone inside, they knew Matthew Xi sought something else.

This was their last opportunity, and Richard Sun's answer could make or break this chance. Thus, Richard Sun's heart pounded in an obnoxious pace while his back was now drenched with sweats.

Richard Sun didn't have enough time, he didn't have enough leisure to think about the answer. Still, upon clearing his throat, Richard Sun looked at Matthew Xi straight in the eye and said, "It will because it's the Xi Corporation's project."

Richard Sun could have said something more impressive. He could have detailed information about his question. Yet, he spoke out of instinct.

'I'm done... I messed it up in the end.' Upon realizing his answer, Richard Sun's heart sank. He just indirectly said he didn't trust their own research and data.

Matthew Xi watched Richard Sun's complexion paled. In contrast of Richard Sun's thoughts, the answer satisfied Matthew Xi.

It was not a matter of his arrogance, but it was a fact. If the Xi Corporation established a business in this kind of isolated place, it would be no surprise that the value of the lands would gradually increase as well.

Moreover, the location had magnificent spots. It's just so happened Richard Sun had great eyes to see the potential of the place.

"I can see why the Sun Corporation had flourished during the recent years." Nodding his head in understanding, Matthew Xi retracted his gaze away from Richard Sun as he closed the folder in front of him.

Richard Sun's almost dying heart suddenly throbbed again. Did Matthew Xi complimented him? That was a compliment, right? But why? It baffled Richard Sun. Regardless he kept his gaze glued on the indifferent Matthew Xi.

"I — " Just as Matthew Xi would continue, he halted upon feeling the vibration inside his suit pocket.

'Why was she calling?' Knitting his brow, Matthew Xi slightly raised his hand to check who it was. He only glanced at the contact name, and Matthew Xi rejected the call without batting an eye.

However, the next second, he received a chat from Zoey with a photo attached. Out of curiosity, Matthew Xi checked her message, which caused him to squint his eyes.

'How come she's in the hospital?' Although Zoey's selfie was mostly her pretty face, Matthew Xi had a glimpse of stuff he hadn't seen in her place. Moreover, the collar part of the clothes she was wearing was akin to a patient's hospital gown.

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