Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 490 - Stay Away From The Woman.

"Who are you?" Inigo's smile grew wider at the sudden question thrown at him.

"As expected of you," He chuckled, placing his arms on the edge of the table. "Your instincts are always sharp." He added, indirectly dodging the question Matthew had thrown at him.

"As expected, huh???" Since Matthew got the cue of Inigo not answering his question, he repeated Inigo's previous remarks. "You sound like you know me." He muttered, raising his gaze as his aura thickened.

After the recent threats at him, Matthew couldn't be blamed if he thinks that everyone was the man behind the recent threats. Be it someone he knew or a stranger like Inigo, Matthew would consider them as a suspect because he didn't really know the face of who was after him.

"I told you, didn't I?" Yet, Inigo remained calm as his smile on his face didn't fade. "You're like my friend. My friend is smart and his instincts were sharp. I would be more surprised if you didn't wonder if you didn't find me suspicious." In a matter-of-fact tone, Inigo shrugged his shoulders as he explained.

Matthew nodded his head. "Yes, you did." He answered, recalling how the man got so friendly and chatty because he apparently reminded him of Inigo's friend. Regardless, that wasn't enough reason for Matthew to lower his guard.

"Don't worry. If I'm following you, I wouldn't be here before you, right?" Still bearing his lazy demeanor, Inigo raised his brows as he blinked his eyes ever so slowly. "Anyway, I'm here to eat. You should stay with me -- my treat, my friend." Without further ado, Inigo offered but Matthew's front remained unfazed.

"No, thank you." Matthew rejected politely, placing his palms on the edge of the table as he was about to assist himself up. However, just as he did, Inigo spoke which stopped Matthew from excusing himself.

"Auction." Inigo slowly raised his head and met the pair of russet eyes that were glinting at him. ?????????I am not following you, but I know who you are." Under his breath, Inigo finally caught Matthew's attention as he got the latter's ears all to himself.

"What do you want?" Matthew, as always, didn't beat around the bush. There was only a narrow option who was Inigo. He was either an enemy or someone who was interested in the auction he just mentioned.

"Huh, that's an interesting question, Mr. Xi." Upon hearing the expected question from Matthew, Inigo let out another low chuckle. "Will you give me what I want if I tell you?" Yet, instead of answering him, Inigo asked.

"Depends." Matthew shrugged, surprisingly calm before the mysterious man he met nights ago. "If the conditions were worth it and the request is attainable, perhaps, I can. You don't want me meddling with your business." He added, raising his brows as the waiter approached their table and served them the food that Inigo ordered..

"Haha!" With Matthew's last remarks, Inigo let out a loud laugh as he clapped his hands, catching some guests attention. "That's right." He said, nodding his head. "I wouldn't take you as my enemy." He added, admitting he was not in the position at this time to negotiate with him.

"Good." Pleased that Inigo wasn't a fool, who wasn't thinking of the advantages and disadvantages of taking him as an enemy, Matthew leaned his back languidly. "Was our first meeting a coincidence?" He asked, recalling the time Inigo bumped into him.

"Haha! To be fair, that was purely coincidence. But meeting you in the bar is intentional." Inigo admitted, his hand reached for the soda on the table and drank a mouthful of saliva. "I did want to chat with you after meeting you coincidentally. I thought it was the sign for me to befriend you." He explained, being transparent as ever as if he was telling something amusing which in fact wasn't.

Alas, Matthew's take in his honesty was different. He preferred honest people, even if they were evil, he would rather believe someone who was not afraid to be honest than someone spouting lies facade as good lies.

Therefore, since Inigo was impressively honest, Matthew didn't need to lie as well. "Befriend me? You wouldn't have such thoughts if you don't have something to offer."

"Hehe, how sharp." Upon hearing Matthew's last statements, Inigo smirked as his eyes glinted. "I can give you the one you like -- the one in the auction without going through all the trouble."??

Matthew's right brow arched before he narrowed his eyes. "That's a bad offer. I can have it even without your help."??

"Wrong." Inigo clicked his tongue as he shook his head sideways. "That one from the auction is a failed sample. Even if you hire all the best hackers to fix its bugs, they wouldn't because it's not complete." In a matter-of-fact tone, Inigo explained in certainty.

Matthew remained silent. He had already considered that. After all, the system chip he had been vying wouldn't just fall easily and be auctioned in the black market. Whoever created it wouldn't be so stupid to sell it. Even if it wasn't sold and was snatched away, the person who took it would surely take care of it as if his life depended on it.

The only reason Matthew still wanted it despite all those possibilities was out of curiosity. He wanted it, and maybe get the same thing done after hiring experts. The chances were low, but he had money to burn so no problem if money was the one needed.

"See this?" Just then, Inigo took out something from his pocket and showed it to him. It was small; he was holding it in between his thumb and forefinger with a smile on his lips. 'I got the original, the one and only existing one in my hands." He flicked it in the air before catching it with his hand.

"And why would you give it to me so easily? What do you want in return?"??

"Heh," Inigo smirked, rubbing his chin lightly as if he was pondering about something. After a second, he tossed the chip in front of Matthew as he leaned his arms on the edge. "I want you to stay away from that woman.." Without further ado, Inigo uttered the condition he wanted in exchange for the chip.

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