Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 520 - I Think??? I Like Someone Else.

"Boss Zhou!"

"Boss Zhou! How are you?"??

"We heard you've been feeling unwell! We're relieved that you seem fine now!"??

One after another, the Z Image employees surrounded Zoey who finally showed herself after a week of absence. Angelo, who was the only one to come in and go out of the office during their boss's absence, told them she was sick. Thus, everyone was worried.

"Hehe," Zoey chuckled and cast Angelo a glare at the petty reason he gave them. "Don't worry! I'm all good and healthy now!"

Zoey exclaimed proudly that eased everyone's worry as they all sighed in relief. She moved her gaze from everyone's faces and she could not help but smile.??

Her employees were truly precious and cared for her deeply. The reason Zoey never gave up as she considered them as her family.

"Anyway, since I'm back???" The grin of her lips grew wider which caused everyone who was seeing that grin to swallow a mouthful of saliva. "Chop! Chop! Meeting in thirty minutes!"??

Zoey announced as she clapped her hands. She saw the quick transitioning of their expression to change into a relieved smile to a slight frown and then they smiled back again.

"Aye, ma'am!" They answered in unison.

With that being said, everyone scattered and returned to their respective desks. Those who would attend the meeting immediately prepared their materials while the rest resumed their work.

Zoey smiled as she watched her employees' diligence. "Hay??? seeing them this diligent, I feel like a proud mom."??

"By the way, Miss Zhou, your friend is waiting for you inside your office."??

Just then, Zoey stood alert as Melanie was still standing on her side. Melanie pointed her thumb towards Zoey's office.

Zoey nodded in understanding while??her brows knitted. Meanwhile, Ivan who was with Zoey arched his brows as he stared at the door of Zoey's office.

'That woman?' He wondered internally.

"Alright, thank you." Zoey expressed which Melanie answered with a bow before the latter went back to her desk while the former headed to her office.

"Boss, I'll see you in the meeting." Angelo who was walking behind Zoey uttered and then walked to his desk.

When Zoey reached the door of her office, she stopped and turned to Ivan. "How about you?"??

"What about me? Of course, I'll take a nap." Ivan shrugged his shoulders as he tilted his head to the side.

"How useless," Zoey scoffed in dismay as she could not believe Ivan's shamelessness. Well, he would be better napping than destroying everything he touched inside the office. Angelo would be in beast mode if Ivan destroyed anything again.

Thus, Zoey entered her small office. The second she opened the door, she immediately spotted Cora's figure sitting on the couch inside the office.

"Good morning, my bff!" Zoey greeted as she walked inside. Ivan followed behind her and closed the door.

The second Cora heard Zoey's voice, she turned her head towards Zoey. However, upon spotting Ivan's figure behind her, Cora looked away as she sat awkwardly.

"Huh?" Zoey furrowed her brows as she noticed Cora's odd behavior. She then glanced at the indifferent Ivan who closed the door and walked towards the opposite couch where Cora was sitting.

'What was that about?' Zoey wondered internally as she proceeded to walk towards the head seat.

Cora held her hand on her lap, glancing up and saw Ivan plop down on the couch as if it was his home. She bit her lower lip

"*Yawn* The amount of dust in this place makes me sleepy."

Ivan yawned as he patted his lips lighty. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes as if he would sleep any moment. Zoey just shook her head at Ivan's behavior as he was truly a sleepyhead and he never changed.

"Anyway," Zoey averted her eyes away from Ivan and shifted it to Cora. However, she paused upon seeing Cora staring at Ivan.

Zoey stared at Cora's side profile in silence and blinked her eyes many times. "Hey!"

"Huh?" Cora snapped back to reality and turned her startled eyes towards Zoey. "Z, how are you?"??

Cora smiled awkwardly as her question sounded forced. Zoey could only arch her right brow as she knew Cora very well. She crossed her arm as she leaned her back without averting her eyes away from her best friend.

"Ivan, leave." Zoey commanded.

"Ah?" Ivan slowly opened his eyes as he knitted his brows. "I was about to fall asleep. We have a party to attend later, I need enough sleep."??

Ivan reasoned out as he slowly turned his eyes full of disbelief towards Zoey. Upon laying his eyes on Zoey's solemn front, Ivan clicked his tongue and dragged himself off the couch.

"Fine," He reluctantly uttered as he dragged his heavy feet out of the office.Cora stared at the lazy Ivan go out reluctantly before she turned to Zoey.??

"Z," Cora whispered but Zoey was unfazed and didn't say anything until Ivan left the office.

When Ivan closed the door, Zoey breathed heavily and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened her eyes again, a sigh slipped past her lips as she stared at Cora.

"Do you like Ivan?" Zoey asked without beating around the bush. She knew her best friend very well and she only saw Cora act like this in front of Zion.??

Cora's hands that were on her lap trembled as she hung her head low. She stared at her hand for a long time before she looked back up to Zoey.

"Z, your brother??? confessed to me." Cora muttered in a low tone as she bit her lower lip.

Zoey's eyes widened as she didn't expect Zion to confess that soon. She knew very well that Zion would only confess to Cora seven years later. And that confession was caused by her because she was too frustrated with their dragging love story; also, she was rooting for Cora to be her sister-in-law.

"What? Really?! So, are you two together now?" Excited, Zoey's eyes sparkled. However, her excitement didn't last long as she noticed the different reaction from her best friend. It was the completely different reaction as she expected.

"Cora???" Zoey muttered softly.

Cora hung her head low as she shook it lightly.. "I think??? I like someone else."

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