Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 546 - Regrettable Promise

Zoey and Clara took the lift going to the ground floor. When they reached their destination, to Zoey's surprise, Matthew was standing there.

He was just standing there, as if waiting for someone.??

'Did he predict I'll use this lift, or he was making his way to the event hall?'??

Zoey wondered internally. But, she didn't have the leisure to berate this stray Matthew because she was assisting a traumatized lady.

"Hey, help me. We will take her to the nearest hospital." Zoey almost whispered her words as she cautiously looked around. "We will take the other exit. She's a celebrity so she can't be seen."

Zoey added but Matthew was unfazed. Matthew just stared at Zoey before shifting his gaze towards Clara.

"It's ready." Matthew answered before cocking his head to his left.


"Let's go." Without giving Zoey the chance to ask questions, Matthew already began walking.??

He didn't even offer Zoey any help nor did he show pity to the traumatized lady. Matthew didn't know exactly what happened, but just looking at Clara, he could tell it was something despicable.??

"Aren't you going to help me?" Zoey complained behind him, but Matthew remained silent as his steps didn't falter albeit it was slower than his usual pace.

After taking a few steps, Matthew suddenly halted and turned around. His eyes landed on Zoey first for a brief second before moving it to Clara.

Matthew took a step towards them but immediately stopped upon Clara's reaction. The latter shivered, taking a cautious step back defensively.

"See?" Matthew turned his indifferent eyes to Zoey who sighed heavily as she understood that Clara was traumatized.

How many figured it out? Zoey didn't know and she didn't want to ask.

Why? Because it was obvious. Just by looking at Clara, she was evidently traumatized about something. Zoey had high regards on Matthew's intellect and assumed that was his reason why he didn't bother to offer help.

Little did Zoey know, the main reason Matthew didn't offer help was simply because he didn't want to touch another woman. Even if it's for the good cause, he would rather turn a blind eye and pretend he didn't see anything.

Soon, the three successfully exited the hotel without getting noticed. They went through the exit directly to the parking space.

As soon as they did, Zoey's jaw dropped. There were already two cars waiting for them outside -- all belonging to Matthew and not the car they used going in this place.

"I asked Paul and others to come. I thought we would party the night away." Matthew reasoned out even before Zoey could collect her thoughts.

"Let's go." Matthew said as he walked towards the car he usually used.

"Right, you can let her in that one and we can go in the other one." He made it clearly, pointing at each car where Clara could ride while the two of them in a separate car.

However, Zoey shook her head. "I'll stay with her."

Matthew immediately frowned as he snuck a glance at Clara. "No."

"She can't be alone inside an enclosed space with??? strangers ??? although we're practically strangers too." Zoey explained, whispering the rest of the sentence.

"Wait --"

"I'll see you at the nearest hospital." Before Matthew could argue, Zoey widened her eyes and forced a grin on her lips.

With that, Zoey helped Clara inside the car while Matthew let out a deep sigh of utter defeat.??

"What's gotten into her?" He mumbled before hitching inside the back passenger seat??


Meanwhile, Zoey set her eyes onto Clara who remained silent throughout the entire time. She wasn't the Clara she had known.

The Clara, Zoey had always bickered with, was feisty. Although, Clara was a little 'dumb' or what Zoey perceived for believing Ezekiel's obvious lies, Zoey felt bad for her.??

'Will she change too in this lifetime?' Zoey wondered internally, considering the experience Clara never experienced in their previous life.

"It'll be alright." Zoey comforted in a subtle tone. However, as soon as Zoey said those very words, she noticed that Clara tightened her fist that was on her lap, creasing her already creased formal dress.

Zoey pursed her lips into a thin line, hearing her own swallow. She knew there were no words that could comfort the lady.??

What Nikolai did to her was just devastatingly traumatizing. When Zoey arrived earlier, Clara's face was already red.

'I already died multiple times, I understand your pain.' Zoey whispered inside her mind. But she didn't have the gall to speak her thoughts aloud.

As a person who had experienced dying and multiple events where her life was on the line, Zoey could relate to Clara's fears. After all, even the suicidal Zoey had fears of dying deep down. It was just that the pain she wanted to kill inside of her and a world without her loved ones was akin to hell.??

"I'm???" Zoey choked, words suddenly clogged in her throat as she took heavy breaths to muster the courage to continue her words.??

"I'm sorry."??

Clara's hand tightened as her shoulder's trembled. She hung her head low, staring at the back of her fist that was clinging on her dress as tears started from dropping on it. She had a lot to say, but nothing came out from her mouth.

"He will???" Clara paused, mustering her remaining courage to speak. "He will??? he wants to kill me."

As soon as Clara uttered the words that etched in her mind, she broke down. The pair of hazel eyes, those diabolical eyes that had no trace of remorse while choking her to death flashed across her mind.

The way Niko's lips tilted into a smirk as if amused upon seeing her eyes dim, devoid of life. It was the most terrifying memory that would never be forgotten for the rest of her life.

The thought of dying for someone's entertainment??? Clara was at a loss for words to describe the turmoil of emotions in her heart. She didn't even have the energy to think what Zoey's connection to that evil man was, because her fear was overwhelming to the point she couldn't function.

"He won't. Don't worry??? I'm here.." Before Zoey could realize it, she already took the responsibility for Clara's well-being, which she would regret in the future.

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