Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 708 - Matthew's Resume

"Z???" Zion called out as Zoey remained silent for a long time when their parents left.

Slowly, Zoey raised her head to her brother, who turned out to be her real-twin brother. Zion perched on the edge of the bed. His hands reached for hers and held it gently.

"I'm sorry." Zion expressed as he sported an apologetic smile. "I should've known. I'm sorry."

Zoey smiled. "I already forgave you a long time ago."

She didn't tell him that he shouldn't be sorry about anything or it's alright. Instead, Zoey wanted to be honest with him.

"When I was sleeping, I had this dream. A very long dream of seeing another perspective I didn't get to see. It was eye-opening." Zoey let out a sigh as she pressed her lips together and smiled.

Zion listened to her patiently, nodding in understanding as she looked at him.

"There's this dumpling who toured me from scene to scene. I don't know if she's trying to help me or she just enjoys it when I lament."

"Sounds like a nightmare." Zion humored, which made Zoey chuckle briefly.

"Well??? it is a nightmare. I've never felt so terrified, angry, and hurt. Ironic, though. When people get nightmares, they want to wake up. But the effect is the opposite."

"Zoey." Zion's brows furrowed in worry. But Zoey shook her head and offered a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, I still woke up. As I've said, it was an eye-opening experience. The thought of having the people closest to your heart betray you sounds terrifying and painful than dying. But, I didn't want to live in fear anymore." She squeezed his hand lightly with a content smile on her face.

"Living in fear is like living in the past. Have I told you I came from the future?"


"Hehe. My past is my future. My present is my past. My future???" Zoey puffed her cheeks and blew air from her lips. "My future is my present. How I live from now on will be my future. That's why I don't want it to be full of hatred."

Zion smiled at her words, although he didn't understand most of it. For him, Zoey had realized something that gave her peace and that was all that mattered; Zoey's peace.

"So," Zoey tugged his hand and stared at Zion earnestly. "I can't forgive them just yet. But, that doesn't mean I never plan to. Brother, can you promise me?"

"Promise you, what?"

"You'd try to forgive them, just like how I will try to give them another chance. I mean, not now. But, don't be consumed by hatred and be someone we never wish to become. Just slowly but surely, free ourselves from the burden of the past." Zoey smiled at him.

Zion's eyes softened as a gentle smile turned up on his lips. Slowly, he raised his other hand and patted her head.

"Not now. Slowly but surely."??

With that being said, Zoey and Zion agreed to heal together from the wounds that their family left in their hearts. Not for the sake of Sarah and Zachery; but for the sake of their own peace.

This journey might not be an easy one. But having each other's back, they would get there eventually.


One week later???

"Ready to see the world outside?" Matthew smirked as he cocked his head. Zoey stood beside the bed. Unlike usual, he was wearing a casual sweater.

Matthew had just settled Zoey's bill and the second he came back to her room, Zoey was celebrating her discharge. Zion was already inside as well, shaking his head at his sister's enthusiasm.

"Of course! I'm so so so ready!" Zoey exclaimed. "All I've been eating here is healthy foods! I missed Earth! The polluted air! Fast food!"

Matthew chuckled as he trudged inside. As he approached her, Zoey raised her brows.

The next second, Matthew unhesitatingly crawled his hands around her waist. Seeing this, Zion cleared his throat and suddenly stood up from the couch.

"I'll bring her stuff with me. I'll wait for you and hey," Zion paused as he picked up Zoey's luggage. "My sister's body is still frail. Whatever you are planning is a big N.O. That's an order as her big brother and as a doctor."

Zion pointed at Matthew, warning him what he assumed he wanted to do. Zoey giggled, seeing Matthew frown and look at Zion from head to toe in dismay.

When Zion darted his eyes from Zoey to Matthew, he nodded and left the two of them alone. As soon as Zion closed the door, Zoey raised her gaze and bit her lower lip.

"You know he's not my doctor, and he's just two minutes older than me." Zoey cleared her throat, drawing circles on Matthew's chest.

"I don't like your brother's meddling, but he's right." Matthew sighed and poked the tip of Zoey's nose.

She instantly frowned. Although they had a point, it's been a year since their last intercourse. Just thinking about it, Zoey let out another sigh as her body had just recovered.

"Zoey," Matthew called out, taking a step back. Zoey raised her brow as she watched him create a distance between them.

When Matthew slowly bent on his knees while holding her hands, Zoey gasped.

"Matty?" Zoey pursed her lips into a thin line, holding her breath as it seemed he would do what she assumed he would.

Alas, his next words made all the expressions on her face fade away in an instant.

"I'm broke."

Bearing a poker face, Zoey looked down. "Darling, don't tell me you're proposing with your debt as a ring?"

"Haha." Matthew could not help but chuckle, seeing how her expectant eyes instantly transformed into no emotion at all. "I don't have a debt, silly."

"I'm saying, I'm broke and I have nothing to offer but my love; my loyalty, my service, and myself. I have nothing to guarantee you a bright future. I also don't plan to build an empire or anything like that."??

Matthew paused, expressing all the things he had considered during her coma until now.

"This past year, I have come to realize that money is not what I want. Money? Power? Influence? I don't need those to have it all. My only ambition in life is to stay with you all the time, without wasting a second apart from you."

"Matt???" Zoey bit her lower lip as a subtle smile resurfaced on her face.

Slowly, Matthew took out a paper from his back pocket and offered it to her.??

"So, will you let me be your assistant for the rest of your life?" Matthew proposed, his eyes hopeful as he patiently waited for her response.

Zoey chuckled as he skimmed through the resume he had given her. "Are you applying to me right now?"??

"Well," Matthew shrugged, as he couldn't stop the grin dominating his lips.

"Matty! Oh goodness??? you really have a weird way of proposing!" Zoey laughed, but tears started filling her eyes.

"So?" Seeing her tearful eyes, Matthew raised his brows, as his eyes stung as well.

"You're hired! Geez!" With a laugh, Zoey nodded and welcomed his embrace.



Xi Matthew

Email: [email protected] || Phone: 143-143-1434 || Address: 143 zoey's heart, ZZ 143143 || linkd: matthewandzoeyforever.com/in/yourprofile


Chief Executive Officer with 6+ years of experience in the XI Corporation. A Fortune 500 Company. Possesses impeccable business managing skill and excellent interpersonal skill.


- Cost-efficient

- Supplier Relationship

- Detailed and Organized??






XI Corporation

Chief Executive Officer, Apr. 2006 ??? 2012


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