"Good morning, my darling dear that I like the most~!" Zoey greeted, a wide grin plastered across her face. 

Matthew Xi slowly opened his eyes, his brows creased at the unusual energy from her early in the morning. Frowning, Zoey seemed fine after what happened last night. 

"I prepared you coffee and asked someone to bring some foods — it'll arrive any minute!" Pleased that he was awake, Zoey clasped her hands together and hopped a step back. 

Just then, they heard a light knock from the door. "It's here. Go wash up first, I'll prepare you breakfast!" Zoey said, rushing to the door as if she was in her home. 

Matthew Xi watched her skip her steps towards the door. Zoey was extra hyper today, it was obvious. Was that because of what happened to her last night? Thinking about it, she was definitely different from last night, unlike her usual self.

"You're a patient, not a residence in here." Sliding the blanket down, Matthew Xi muttered as he slowly sat up. 

Matthew Xi didn't mean to say that to her — his mouth's fault for speaking his thoughts. After all, Zoey seemed to think they were in the hotel room.Hence, he could not help it.

"Hehe, don't worry about it." Chuckling at his 'humor', Zoey slightly shook her head as she glanced at him. 

Seeing that he was heading to the restroom, Zoey returned her attention to the person who ran an errand for her. "Thank you," she said, receiving the breakfast she requested. 

"Also, please tell Mr. Kwan that I'll drop by in his office before I get discharge." Zoey added. The other person nodded his head in understanding before he bowed his head and left. 

As Matthew Xi washed up, Zoey prepared the small table inside the room and arranged their breakfast properly. Just as she was done, Matthew Xi also exited the restroom. 

His gaze immediately landed on her, who turned to face him. She smiled, showing her even white teeth while the small mole on the other corner of her left eye highlighted the gleam of her eyes. 

'Lovely,' He complimented inwardly. Just today, Zoey appeared to be innocently and refreshingly beautiful. 

"This is our first breakfast together, so I want it to be a little special. Too bad I wasn't able to cook for you." Watching him approach the table, Zoey raised her brows and shrugged her shoulders. 

"You didn't have to bother," Casting her a side glance, Matthew Xi skimmed the heavy breakfast she prepared. "But, thank you." Trying to be a little kind, after reflecting about his temperament around her moments ago — inside the restroom — Matthew Xi still thanked her. 

If Zoey was acting extra hyper, Matthew Xi was acting awkwardly considerate as well. Both figured the other's concerns, but neither of them pointed it out. 

"It's nice." He said, tasting the bittersweet tang of the coffee. Although its taste wasn't better than his freshly brewed coffee each morning, it was still nice. 

"Is it?" Pleased that he liked it, Zoey's smile stretched even wider. Zoey had a hard time contemplating which he preferred: coffee or tea? 

However, since she was good at making coffee, she went for it. It's the thought that counts, right? Fortunately, he seemed he truly liked it and didn't mind not having the chance to choose for his morning drink. 

"Mhmm..." Matthew Xi hummed a tune, before he continued to sip more coffee and take a slight bite of the toast. 

For the next several minutes, Zoey and Matthew Xi shared nothing but silence. Matthew Xi consumed his breakfast while Zoey constantly cast him a glance. 

"Uhm, about last night..." After clearing her throat, Zoey finally mustered enough courage to open up about her unprecedented episode last night. 


"I mean, I didn't mean to — I, I'm sorry. You didn't have to see that." Biting her bottom lip, this was the first time Matthew Xi heard her utter words in great difficulty. Perhaps it was because of embarrassment; that must be it.

"Sorry? Why?" Feigning clueless of what she was referring to, Matthew Xi tilted his head to the side slightly. "I returned last night, and you were asleep so I slept." He explained in his ever inexpressive tone. 

Zoey stared at him and her eyes softened. He resumed on sipping his coffee, calm and in silence. His last remarks... Zoey appreciated hearing him say that. 

Meaning, he pretended that he didn't witness her breakdown last night. No matter obvious that he was pretending to be clueless, it moved Zoey. 

After all, she thought that he would think she was crazy; although he must have already considered her as one. 

"Don't worry. I have a short memory loss." Without glancing at her, Matthew Xi muttered as he focused on his food. 

Unbeknownst to him, Matthew Xi made the right decision of not glancing at her. Or else, he would have seen Zoey's gentle smile that could melt his ice stony heart to gas. 

"I have always hated hospital for a reason," Moved that he was more gentleman than she thought, Zoey pursed her lips together before deciding to tell him a short story about her.

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