"Ah???" Ivan awkwardly nodded, as he didn't expect Zion to do such a thing. He actually thought Zion and Cora might end up dating since he was out of the picture.

"Sorry is not enough, I know. But --" Cora added but halted when Ivan spoke.

"Don't worry about it. Past is past. We can't do anything about it. It already happened." Ivan waved as he laughed.

"It was a hell of a year, but I think it's for the best. We were too young and everything was just confusing. So, I guess the break up still made the two of us do our best and be the better version of ourselves!"

Cora only smiled subtly and bit her bottom lip. "That's right???"

His nonchalance and goofy nature only told her that he had really moved on. There was no point in pressing about it because she was just a part of his past now.

"Anyway, It's good to see you again. I have to go back to my room and wrap my chapters." Slowly, Cora placed her palms on the table and assisted herself up.

"Oh???" Ivan nodded as the smile on his lips faded. He watched her turn and walk away.

"Damn it???" He whispered as he let out a heavy sigh. His eyes remained on her back, hoping she'd turn around and talk more.

He had promised to leave her alone. But seeing her again and watching her walk away, it only made that promise hard to fulfill.

"F*ck i...t." Just as Ivan could do what he wanted to do out of frustration, Cora suddenly turned around and rushed back to the table.

His eyes immediately went wide as he leaned back. As soon as Cora returned to the table, she slammed her palms against the surface of the table.

"Wha ??? what?" He stammered, seeing her eyes glinting with firm resolve.

Cora took a deep breath. Her eyes were unwavering as she looked at him straight in the eye.

"I might've lost my mind and I'm already regretting this." She grumbled, grinding her teeth as if she was ready to bite his head off.


Ivan flinched as she raised her voice. "Bu ??? but, what?"

"Are you dating someone? Do you still like me?" Cora asked almost immediately, afraid she'd wane and never ask that question to him again.

"Ah, uh???"

Cora waited for him to respond. When Ivan didn't answer and sported a conflicted look on his face, she bit her lower lip as she had gotten his unspoken answer.

"I see." Cora forced a smile out of her, but her heart sank. "This feels way worse that I expected. But it's worth the try."

She muttered bitterly as she stood up straight. "Well, no regrets!" She exclaimed and immediately turned around.

How embarrassing. Even after hearing that Ivan was dating earlier, she still had to ask him that.

Of course, Ivan was charming. Girls would get immediately attracted to that face of him. And they would fall for him, for his character.

Why would Ivan not date when he had all the qualities a woman would die for? After all, the woman he loved and for whom he gave up his world for just to be with her falsely accused him.

When Cora was near the exit of the dining hall, she halted upon hearing him say, "Did you miss me?"

It was as if the entire world just stopped that very second. Ivan slowly stood up and trudged towards her.

Upon reaching her, Ivan took a deep breath. "Did you miss me?"

'Did I miss him?' Cora repeated the question internally.??

Her eyes stung at that question. Slowly, she turned around, raising her gaze as she held back the tears tempting to fall from her eyes.

"Just tell me you miss me and want me back. I'll rush to you in a heartbeat." Ivan mustered his courage and expressed his heart. He raised his hand, cupping her cheek, as he couldn't conceal the emotions in his eyes.

It's still her. Even after a year, he's still head over heels to her. He just couldn't forget or unlove her anymore. It wasn't as easy as that. One year was not enough for that.

"No." Cora whispered. Ivan's heart sank.

"I just didn't miss you. I yearned, longed for you. I still??? it's still you."

Slowly, Cora raised her hand and held his hand that was cupping her cheek. She leaned her cheek on his palm to feel more of him.

"I know I'm in no position to ask you this after my stupidity. But, can you please take me back?" Tears rolled down on her cheek. Her voice barely made it above a whisper, almost sounding as if she was begging him to listen.

A year of torment. A year of lessons. A year of trying and surviving. A year of separation. Both of them did everything to forget. But in the end, their hearts still yearned for each other.

"Of course, Silly." Ivan could not help but tear up as he bent down to seal this with a kiss.


"They made up, huh?" Paul murmured, watching the two kissing passionately. He glanced at Zion, who looked away with a smile.

"You're fine with this?"

"Obviously. Why wouldn't I?" Zion chuckled as he looked at Paul.

"You still like her."

"I liked her." Zion corrected him with a smile. "But I realized, like and love are two different things. If I really loved Cora, I would've done everything to make her mine."

"Oh???" Paul nodded, but his eyes doubted Zion's claims.

"Also, I just had this strong gut feeling that Cora and I wouldn't work." Zion added as the two of them left the dining hall to join the others outside.

"How would you even know it won't work out if you didn't even try?" Paul furrowed his brows, shoving his hand inside his pocket.

Zion chuckled and didn't reply immediately. When they reached outside, he gazed up at the night sky full of stars.

"I don't know. I just felt like we had already tried before. But it just didn't work out." Zion whispered with a smile. "I'm just relieved that she's in better hands."



Cora and Ivan smiled at each other as they slowly drew away.

"I thought you were already dating?" She asked.


"You said previously. Brother Zion and I are listening." Cora pursed her lips into a thin line, raising her brows.

"Oh..." Ivan rocked his head back and forth lightly upon recalling his own words. "Devon Lin. I'm dating her in my dreams."

Slowly, the corner of Ivan's lips stretched into a grin as he confessed. Cora gasped as she bit her lip.

"You're reading my books?"??

"I'm your top fan, duh?" Ivan shrugged as the two of them laughed.

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