Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Chapter 721 - Matthew's Vow

It took twenty minutes from the processional up to the officiant, addressing the couple about the responsibilities of marriage and the sanctity of their vows.??

If not for Vivian, this entire wedding would only last thirty minutes. But since Vivian was meticulous and added some things in the program, things got longer. Hence, to kill some time, Zoey and Matthew just played with their fingers.

When it was time for the emotional part of the wedding, the wedding vows, Zoey cast a smug grin at Matthew. She had been living with him for a year. So Zoey expected little from him.

Not in a bad way, though. Matthew had his ways to move her heart. And he's more of a man who was not quite verbal about his emotions. He's a man of action rather than words.

'Try to make me cry.' Zoey mouthed teasingly.

Matthew shook his head, smiling. The guests had noticed Zoey and Matthew's playfulness, which made them chuckle, watching them.

Matthew cleared his throat, staring at his cue cards he had prepared. He glanced up at Zoey and then to the guest, then back at Zoey.

He smiled affectionately at her. This wedding??? Just like Zoey, Matthew believed it wasn't necessary. However, when she walked down that aisle, myriads of overwhelming emotions surged in his heart.

It still felt different. It was as if even though they had been living under the same roof and legally married; it was just different.

Matthew should really invite his mother some time to dinner to thank her for pushing this wedding to happen. He felt happy because he could feel that she's happy.

After taking a deep breath, Matthew began his wedding vows as he put down the cue cards he wrote with all the help of the employees from the Z Image Group. They all had joined forces to help him, but now that he was standing here, Matthew didn't need them anymore.

All he had to do was look at her and express his heart.

"Zoey, you're so beautiful." Matthew smiled as his opening words made the guest chuckle ??? especially the bride.

"Don't mention it." Zoey humored bashfully.

He continued. "I have an important confession to make. I'm a cheater."

Silence dawned upon them as soon as Matthew dropped those words. The guests looked at each other in disbelief and puzzlement. Meanwhile, Zoey furrowed her brows.

"Before you came into my life, I had decided to devote my life and marry my work, if possible. But I backed off my 'agenda'?? when you pranced into my life and chose you over it. So, I cheated on my initial fiancee." A sigh escaped his lips as if he was truly sorry for his work he had left in XI Corporation.

The guests had mixed emotions as they quieted down. They looked at Matthew in awe, although his vows were a bit strange. Regardless, his words moved their hearts.

"But, I'm a changed man. I will not wane. I know I only have words to offer you, but without a shadow of doubt, I love you. I love you so much that words are not enough to justify it. I love you so much that even after two lifetimes??? three, four, five??? no matter how many lifetimes it will be, it will never be enough."

Matthew paused as he flashed a sincere smile at her.

"I promise to love and cherish you forever. And if forever's not enough, then I'll love you more in the next. I'll always find my way back to you, to love, and marry you each lifetime. But for now, I'll love you as much as I can, take care of you, and make you the happiest even during tough times."??

He paused again, staring at Zoey straight in the eye, despite the veil covering her face. "In front of your amazing brothers, our reliable friends, our loyal colleagues, and in front of the woman I loved first, as our witness, I promise this to you."

Zoey chewed her lower lip, not caring if she was messing her lipstick. She shouldn't have dared Matthew to make her cry because he would, for sure!??

If Zoey could just rush to him now and just make love to him, she would. But she held back because her tears kept rolling down her cheek.

Not just Zoey, but everyone teared up, especially Vivian. Matthew was never a person who was verbally expressive. But to think Matthew considered Vivian as the first woman he loved??? Vivian just wanted to cut ties with the Xi Family as well!

"Madam," Butler Yi offered another handkerchief, seeing that Vivian's handkerchief had been drenched. Vivian snatched it away from him and just bawled her eyes out.

"It felt like just yesterday, I was cradling him in my arms. But now, he's starting his own family." Vivian uttered in between her hiccups.

Matthew, her one and only son, the light in the darkest phase of her life. He was her salvation during that time. Thus, she had always been afraid whether she was raising him correctly or not. She had always questioned when raising a son alone??? what would become of Matthew?

That's why... she felt proud of what a fine man her son had become.??

As Vivian bawled her eyes more than anyone, Butler Yi smiled while staring at her. He then patted her back as a gesture to comfort her.

"You did well, Madam."

Meanwhile, Ivan embraced Cora as he brushed her trembling back. She had been crying and was very emotional.

Hence, although Ivan felt moved by Matthew's words, it left a great pressure on him deep down.??

'Damn??? my brother-in-law just set the bar too high for marriage vows. How the heck will I do mine to top that?' He hissed internally, while keeping his smiling face on the surface.

While Ivan was grinding his teeth secretly, Zion glanced at him. Upon meeting his gaze, Zion smirked teasingly.

'This big bully!'??

Soon it was Zoey's turn to recite her personal vows to him. However, as soon as they held the microphone in front of her, what they heard was her cries.

"It's so unfair??? Darling, how can you say such words to sabotage me? How can I do my vows if I can't stop crying???!?"

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