March 18, 2019. A day before Zoey and Matthew Xi's official first date. It has been six days since the last time Zoey and Matthew Xi see each other. 

During these six days, Zoey, as usual, worked her body off until late at night. She still sent him messages three times a day — same good morning, pleasant afternoon, and goodnight. 

Of course, she sometimes adds some more context like "don't forget to eat," "Z Image is about to blow up," and anything that wasn't relevant. 

"Don't forget to eat lunch! See you tomorrow! Should I pick you up?" At noon, Zoey once again sent him a message. This time, it was longer than usual because tomorrow was a special day. It was their first official date! 

Zoey had thought of many ways to seduce him within these six days of not meeting each other. Hence, it was a special day. 

A minute had passed, the message wasn't even put on a read. Normally, during this time, he would have opened her message despite not replying.

"Is he busy?" She mumbled, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. Well, there's no need to fret because his beauty would grace her eyes tomorrow. Thus, Zoey placed her phone inside the office's desk drawer. 

Just then, a light knock assailed her ears from outside the door. "Come in," she permitted for whoever the person coming in. 

"Boss Zhou..." Slowly, Melanie Xue peeked inside, before heading inside bringing a piece of printed design. 

Zoey only glanced at her employee, and as soon as she saw her expression, Zoey arched her right brow. For Melanie Xue to bear such an expression, Zoey knew that instant her team messed up, again. 

"What is it this time?" She asked, glancing at the piece of design on her hand. 

"Err..." Hesitant, Melanie Xue gripped the piece of product tightly. Deep down, Melanie Xue knew that everyone would be dead if Zoey had seen this. 

It wasn't that Zoey wouldn't know. Hence, Melanie Xue wanted to come clean. They would be so dead if Zoey knew this herself first. 

"Let me take a look." Seeing the reluctance in Melanie Xue's eyes, Zoey held out her hand. She knew there must be some kind of problem that wasn't enough to ruin her excitement for her date tomorrow. 

Little did Zoey know, it would not just ruin her mood. It would turn her to a butcher who would butcher everyone in the office today. 

"Boss Zhou, you know you have a date tomorrow, right...?" Slowly, Melanie Xue handed the copy of the designed and reminded Zoey. Alas, that wasn't enough to even save her own life. 

Zoey glanced at Melanie Xue, snatching the piece of design they had been working on. Gazing down, Zoey squinted her eyes as she read the words written on the sign. 

As soon as Zoey laid her eyes on it, scanning it thoroughly, Melanie Xue gulped a mouthful of saliva. She gradually felt the atmosphere drop into negative zero degrees before sensing the heat of hell emanating from her boss. 


"Say, how do you all want to die?" Zoey asked, scanning the faces of guilty office people inside the meeting room. 

The copy Melanie Xue showed her... roasting them wasn't enough. She'd surely kill them this time. 

Zoey knew everything about her own company — that's a given. Hence, she knew that the design she had seen was seventy percent finished. They have already shipped some out to their client and they would soon receive the products. 

However, only now that Melanie Xue noticed the problem: a typo! They already printed out thousands of copies, only to find out a flaw. 

How could anyone in the office, and in the production missed that single word? The sign should be "ENJOY YOUR STAY!" But the one that was shipped out was "ENOY YOUR STAY!" and they printed out thousands of that!

Therefore, whether they like it, they would have to do it all over again. Time, resources, and money was wasted because of that. The reason she would butcher them today. 

"Are you not going to say anything?" Tapping her fingers on the surface of the table, Zoey asked. 

The employees inside the meeting room knew they could not talk their way out today. They truly screwed up — BIG TIME. Although Zoey wouldn't ask them to cut their pay for the losses, they would prefer that instead of being executed. 

After all, everyone was well-aware that Zoey held her reputation as the CEO of Z Image Group more than the money. Hence, having them messed things up, Zoey's name and the company's reputation was at stake. 

"Agatha, how could you not see it since you're the production manager? What's the use of those glasses if I'll blind you today?" Since she was getting no verbal response from them aside from their guilty visage, Zoey started off with the production manager. 

"Boss, I — " Just hearing her name escaping from her boss's lips, the side of Agatha's eyes formed a tear. Her voice shook, cracking midway because she was the first to be grilled. 

"And you, Luigi, how long have you been in the art department? The typo is one thing but didn't you see the two different tone of colors you used?" Seeing that Agatha was about to break down even before Zoey continued, she shifted her attention to the person who designed the product. 

The said man just heavily sighed and glanced at her with guilt. This situation turned all of them mute. Everyone was guilty, and they knew that. 

A deep scoff escaped Zoey's mouth, massaging her temples in distress. The silence enveloping the entire meeting room was enough for her to understand they understood their fate. 

"No one is going home tonight. Double check everything and finish at least forty percent of the products today. No excuses!" After heaving another deep sigh, Zoey ordered. 

"Yes, Boss Zhou!" If this was a normal day, they would respond with a peaceful protest. But this time, everyone agreed to work until they're out of energy. 

"How many times do I have to tell you guys... if you can't work here for a living, just resign. If you can't give a little care for the company, just go. I don't need your half-baked efforts." Slowly, Zoey traveled her gaze to each and everyone of them. She reminded them of the words she often says. 

It might have sounded harsh, but none of them felt hurt. If anything, their guilt grew stronger. The company and Zoey had always care for them — the roasting every morning aside — Zoey had been a great boss. However, this showed the vast difference of how Zoey looked at them and how they looked at the company they worked for. 

"Boss Zhou, we're sorry! We'll be working until the very last of our energy!" Relieved that Zoey didn't execute them, everyone bowed their heads as they declared. 

"Don't waste your time, go.." Seeing how obedient they were, as if they were newly baptized, a helpless sigh slipped from her lips as she dismissed them.

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