Will Of Chaos

Chapter 1346 Cap 1344: Earning my reward part 3

Chapter 1346 Cap 1344: Earning my reward part 3


<[ His soul has been strengthened by absorbing [ Ghost Spirit Essence (Fragment) ] ]>




<[ You used your [ Chaos Essence (Partially Sealed) ] through the [ Star Sword ] skill to refine [ Ghost Spirit Essence (Fragment) ] ]> Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m



<[ You have succeeded in transforming [ Ghost Spirit Essence (Fragment) ] into an Essence compatible with yours and consuming it to strengthen your [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partial) ] ]>



<[ You have Awakened the [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partial) ] to a Complete Essence [ Chaos Spiritual Essence (Partially Sealed) ] ]>



<[ All your Spiritual-type attributes and abilities are strengthened ]>



<[ Your Essence has been Sealed automatically as soon as it completes until it meets the necessary requirements ]>

The pain this time was different from before, if before my body was the most affected by the magical energy being transformed within me, this time my Soul seemed to have been thrown into a pit of magma.

My body felt unwell, but the damage was less than the previous time, making me ignore it while focusing on my Soul.

The Spiritual Energy within me seemed to be trying to consume my Soul by constantly scraping fragments of my Soul, it was a feeling that cannot be expressed in words, having your Soul in danger and being powerless to stop it.

I was terrified to the point that I forgot for a few seconds about Essences and things like that, all I thought about was how to save myself without realizing that all of this was an effect of my own power, I was never in real danger.

Soon the Spiritual Energy began to merge into my Soul healing the damage done and strengthening my Soul, the feeling of terror was subsiding as a deeper energy was surging within me flowing beyond just my body.

This time I could feel the 4 types of essentials within my Soul, it was still unstable with the Essences maintaining separate spaces between them as if each one took an area of ??my Soul as a home.

When I opened my eyes the sense of the world around me came to me, I didn't realize how much time had passed or know exactly what happened while I was out of it, but I was back to my normal self with blood floating around me.

I didn't need the God of Beasts to speak, that was the voice of the one watching me since I arrived, just as I suspected he was a God, I still don't know which God that would be and I don't think it matters now.

The real problem is that this God seems to have a connection with this Essence, I remember that the God of Beasts made a bet with 3 other Gods during the tournament, I don't know how much of this is true since his true intentions were to create the scenario for the training of Divine beings, but if this bet is real, then I remember that 2 Demon Gods were part of this bet.

"(That Essence is complete and in harmony with nature, I can feel it, which means it belongs to this universe, it belongs to a God of our universe.)" (I)

"(I need to know before moving forward, I don't want to get into trouble in the future because of this.)" (I)

I know that the God of Beasts can read my mind and emotions in this place, maybe this mysterious God can do that too, I am showing my sincere thoughts about this to avoid any problems in the future while I wait for what will happen next.

"(I already receive a lot from the Gods and I am far from entitled to ask for anything from them, all I can do is sit and wait for their decision.)" (I)

"I'll tell you, but I won't go into details." (God Cratos)

"As you noticed, this is the Essence of a God of this universe, this God no longer exists, but his Divinity is still here." (God Cratos)

"..." (I)

I wouldn't ask any questions and I don't think it's necessary, they know my questions, and I can't protect my mind from Gods, so I expected them to answer the questions without me having to speak.

Who was this God?

What connection do you have with this mysterious God watching me?

What is this Essence?

Will I have problems for keeping this Essence with me?

I knew they were obvious questions, but necessary to maintain my safety, I wouldn't want to find out that another God besides Baldr sees me as an enemy.

"You don't need to worry about useless things, there won't be any problems with you taking these Essence, the rest you can figure out for yourself, I won't force you if you still don't want to take this Essence." (God Cratos)

"I'll take." (I)

"So don't waste any more time, I'll start now and be aware that he's going to be an Evil God this time, I can't predict his exact strength." (God Cratos)

Saying this the God of Beasts nodded making the sphere of darkness hit the Werewolf, dozens of tentacles of darkness come out of the sphere surrounding the Werewolf who struggles before being kicked down the cliff just like the two before him.

"This one will be a little strong, good luck" (Deus Cratos)

Saying this he disappears, but I stay calm going to the cliff to look at the Werewolf transforming.

As soon as I looked down his flesh was melting, and the sphere of darkness was not fusing with him like the Fragments of Divinity were doing, the sphere of darkness was absorbing the Werewolf, and the opposite of the other two times was happening.

But even though it was devoured, the Werewolf's Aura was increasing as it changed, its Aura was becoming more savage, murderous, and cruel.

In less than 1 minute there was no more Werewolf, his body was melted and completely consumed by the sphere of darkness that grew in size the more it absorbed until it became the same size as the Werewolf it absorbed.

The Tentacles were still swaying around as if searching for someone else, but soon these tentacles sink once again into the black sphere that begins to rotate as it floats in the air, the Aura coming out of the black sphere was at its highest peak when everything changed.

The presence of a bloodthirsty creature swept the surroundings and when cracks formed in the sphere of darkness that in a few seconds completely broke revealing a creature inside, as soon as we took it it was looking at me.

"(This time might really be difficult, he is much stronger than before, also much stronger than the previous two, it must be because of the completed Essence.)" (I)

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