Winner in life

Chapter 227 49 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

This time when we came to Yuxiachi, Ruihe was familiar with everything. After staying for more than half a month, Zhou Xiong called Ruihe and told him to get him a business deal. There was a wealthy businessman who wanted to buy a protective item. A jade plaque was the best, and a life-saving talisman and seal script would also work.

Of course, Rui He would not let go of the opportunity to make money. He didn't sell any of the prizes he won for second place in the Taoist Competition a while ago. Master Cai Ningzi was right. It's hard to save good things, even if you don't need them now. Good and good to put away. As for the prize money for the competition, the second place got 500,000 yuan, and he gave all of the 500,000 yuan to Cai Ningzi.

During the exam, Cai Ningzi gave him a Yin-Yang mirror. He had seen similar prices for Yin-Yang mirrors. In order to buy him a Yin-Yang mirror, Cai Ningzi must have borrowed foreign debt, either from his senior brothers or from the master. At least part of the five hundred thousand could be paid back first. Seeing his insistence, Cai Ningzi accepted it unhappily.

The Orchid Fire Talisman has not yet been officially sold to the outside world. He Bai did not mess around when promoting the Orchid Fire Talisman. He asked Taoist Guizhen, the best businessman in the temple, for help. Taoist priest Guizhen, who knew that East and West were hungry for marketing, did not recommend putting the Orchid Fire Talisman on the market too quickly. After knowing that there was room for improvement in the Orchid Fire Talisman, Taoist priest Guizhen decisively asked Hebai to tell Ruihe and let Ruihe continue to improve. And told him to do the rune encryption.

In short, Ruihe is still short of money.

"I'll send you the amulet, and you can sell it for me. Just follow the old rules." This is how Ruihe has been selling the amulet for the past year.

Zhou Xiong smiled boldly: "One more thing. One of my business partners said that he seemed to have encountered a ghost recently. He was hit by flower pots while walking on the road. He could burst the faucet just by washing his hands. He wanted to buy the jade protective plaque. I also want to find a heavenly master to help him take a look at the feng shui of his home and company."

Rui He could tell as soon as he heard this that this was a business that Zhou Xiong had carefully helped him get. After all, most businessmen have heavenly masters who they often invite and cooperate with. He smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I'm too busy to go out recently."

The most important thing now is to master the use of the Lanhuo Talisman. He knows the priorities of things.

Zhou Xiong then said: "Sure, I just tell him."

A few days later, Zhou Xiong called again and said in a panic: "He is dead! He is dead!"

Ruihe was shocked: "What's going on?"

"I was riding in the elevator with him, and suddenly there was an accident in the elevator. I turned on the light on my phone, and he was dead!" Because he was too frightened, Zhou Xiong spoke incoherently, "He's gone, dead! When I looked over, his head was gone. It's all bloody. It feels like my leather shoes have stepped into water. The blood..."

Rui He quickly comforted him: "Where are the amulets I gave you? Are you wearing them?"

"Wear it! Wear it all!" In fact, Zhou Xiong was pressing the amulet around his neck tightly at this time, shaking his heels and talking to Ruihe on the phone. He took a deep breath, but choked on it halfway through. He coughed heartbreakingly for a while before he recovered. He said in a hoarse voice, "The jade tokens and talismans I wear are not broken, but the The peace charm is gone and turned into ashes. I don’t know, I saw him wearing it. Master, what do you think is going on?”

"Don't get excited. Where is your secretary? Ask him to make you a bowl of sugar water!" After hearing Zhou Xiong tell his secretary to get some water on the other end of the phone, Rui He asked, "Have you called the police? Where are you now? "

"Call the police, I'm still at the scene."

"That's good, don't panic for now. When the police ask you questions, tell them everything you know. I heard you say that your friend may have been killed by unnatural forces. If you can Once this is determined, the case can be transferred to the Zhengdong Special Investigation Division.”


"Well, I really can't leave here. I'll call my senior brother and ask him to have someone go over and take a look first."

Zhou Xiong was overjoyed: "Thank you, Master Xu!"

Rui He called his fifth senior brother Hong Kan and told him about the matter: "I don't know if there is something evil at work. Senior brother, can you ask your colleagues to check first? The work process of the police station is too slow. I'm afraid that even if the time comes, Transferred to the Special Investigation Division, many clues were lost.”

Hong Kan nodded immediately: "I'll go there right now."

"Senior brother? Have you finished your work in the capital?" Ruihe knew that the fifth senior brother was not in the local area, so he originally planned to ask Ni Hong, another colleague of the fifth senior brother, to go over first to check on the situation.

Hong Kan smiled: "The case has just been concluded."

Rui He hurriedly asked: "Can you tell me now?" He heard a few words from Hong Kan, saying that the case of the ghost girl in the old house was a bit complicated, but because it was still in the critical investigation period at that time, he could not handle the case. disclosed by personnel.

"I know you care about this matter. Even if you don't tell me, I will tell you." Hong Kan explained the matter again.

Not long after he had finished handling the previous case of the Zhuyang Haunted House, Wang Lijun's murderer, her boyfriend, had been arrested. The murderer said that he hired someone to help build the magic circle at the bottom of the well, and it cost him a small amount of 20,000. After the interrogation, I found out that there was a black website behind it, which was dedicated to placing orders and receiving orders. The murderer placed orders on this black website, and then there was a Celestial Master who took the orders. After tracing it, the Celestial Master was also caught, and the black website They were also thoroughly cleaned up by the Internet police, who pulled out the carrots and brought out the mud, and brought out a group of customers who relied on black websites to commit crimes and the heavenly masters who helped the evildoers.

An ordinary case actually involved cybercrime and more crimes behind it. Zhou Hongkan of the Zhengdong Special Investigation Division received instructions from his superiors and transferred the case to the Beijing Special Investigation Division again, and was transferred to the headquarters of the Beijing Special Investigation Division to provide assistance.

For a Tianshi who just joined the Special Investigation Office, being able to participate in such a big case from beginning to end and perform extremely well is a highlight on Hong Kan's resume. If he wants to go further in the future, for example, when the former head of the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office, Minister Zhang, retires and he wants to strive for the position of the new head, or when he wants to be promoted to the headquarters of the Special Investigation Office and live in Beijing, this real and great achievement will be a stepping stone.

Hong Kan already loved Ruihe a little because of his master Cai Ningzi. After this incident, this love became more sincere. Otherwise, he would not have specially found the bullet shell to make a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for Ruihe. Such a good thing is a bit too heavy for a birthday gift.

After receiving the Mid-Autumn Festival gift, Ruihe guessed that the case that was taken from Suiquan and transferred to the hands of the fifth senior brother must have brought a lot of help to the fifth senior brother. I heard from the master before that the fifth senior brother was on a business trip to Beijing and had not returned for several months. The Mid-Autumn Festival a while ago was the first time that the fifth senior brother returned to Zhengdong in the past few months.

"You mean that female ghost? After the interrogation, it was found that it was done by the paid Tianshi. He is really smart, but his mind is not on the right path! He took money to help hide the body, and by the way, he used Wang Lijun as an experiment. He actually turned Wang Lijun into a female water ghost. He said that he figured it out himself. Hongzhen, listen to me, this is the wrong way." Speaking of this Tianshi, Hong Kan felt it was a pity. What's the use of being smart? Without the correct values ​​to guide you, you will go astray.

"Don't worry, Fifth Brother, I will definitely keep my original intention and won't go astray."

Hong Kan was happy in his heart. His little brother was so obedient and sensible, so he couldn't help but be partial to him. After encouraging him for a few more words, he said, "Don't worry about this matter. It just so happens that I plan to leave Beijing after finishing my work here. I will probably arrive tomorrow. Give me the phone number of your friend and I will contact him directly then."

Ruihe did not hide this matter from Cai Ningzi. Cai Ningzi agreed with his approach and praised him, "You are good. You always remember your senior brother when you have good things." Ruihe didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What good things are there? I am so busy and tired. I am so embarrassed to always bother Fifth Brother."

Cainingzi smiled and said, "Your Fifth Brother is just in need of work to accumulate experience. Do you think you can deceive me?"

Ruihe also laughed like him. The master and apprentice looked at each other and laughed like two fools.

Hong Kan is really reliable. He arrived at Zhengdong from the capital that night without even having to wait for the next day. He didn't even enter the gate of Helian Temple, but went directly to the scene of the incident and also went to Zhou Xiong's home.

At noon the next day, Zhou Xiong called Ruihe to thank him: "Master Xu, thank you so much. Your senior brother arrived last night. The case has been classified as a special case and the Special Investigation Office has received it. I feel much more relieved!"

Ruihe comforted him as usual, but Zhou Xiong still felt a lingering fear today: "I won't go to the company recently. I plan to work at home. The past two years have been really uneasy. I have been running a company for so many years, and I have fought with competitors to the death, but such means... My Nini, ah! There was such a thing again yesterday. I was really scared."

It's no wonder Zhou Xiong thought so. They are all doing business, and the people they offended must be in the business world. Money and fame are things that can turn people into demons. Two years ago, his daughter was kidnapped and killed, and she was almost turned into a ghost. Even today, when he thinks back on it, he still feels heartbroken. Yesterday, his business friend died in the elevator, his severed head rolled in the elevator, his eyes bulged out, and red sticky blood spread all over the floor. If you accidentally rubbed it with your leather shoes, you would get a thick layer of blood.

It was terrifying and desperate.

After doing business for so many years, Zhou Xiong felt that death was imminent for the second time, and he was afraid.

Ruihe could only persuade him to relax. Zhou Xiong sighed: "I hope the case can be solved as soon as possible. There is such a person hiding in the dark and killing people silently. I am always worried. Alas!" The call started with Zhou Xiong's sigh and ended with his sigh.

After hanging up the phone, Ruihe was absent-minded for a rare moment. After thinking about it, he still didn't call the fifth brother, fearing that he would delay the other party's time.

Zhou Xiong was right. Zhengdong City has indeed been uneasy in the past two years. As the capital of Ning Province, Zhengdong City has been blessed with outstanding people since ancient times. Although the place is not big, the economy is growing steadily and the society is generally stable. There have been no major events. This is reflected in the Zhengdong branch of the Special Investigation Office. The number of permanent staff in the branch is very small, only two people.

One minister has been recuperating due to illness for many years. It is said that the minister's surname is Zhang, and he is called Minister Zhang. He has a very good background and was transferred by his superiors to retire. The other one is called Ni Hong. Ruihe had seen him in the Zhou family case before. He is a thin and weak Tianshi who looks young but is actually almost forty years old. It can be said that he is the one who carries out the work of the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office branch.

There are also a number of Tianshi who are on secondment. They play a role of supporting the facade and are not needed at ordinary times.

His fifth brother Hong Kan failed to pass the exam for the Special Investigation Office for several years. It is not only because of the fierce competition, but also because the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office has not recruited new people for many years. The Special Investigation Office has a regional bias when recruiting people, which is inevitable. After all, it is easier to carry out work by recruiting disciples from local Taoist temples. So Hong Kan has failed the exam for the Out-of-town Special Investigation Office for many years.

The reason why the fifth senior brother passed the exam last year was because of the Zhou family case the year before. At that time, Director Gong came to inspect the work and ran into the Zhou family case. After the case was settled, he proposed that the Zhengdong branch recruit one or two more staff members.

"This time there is such a tragic case. I wonder if the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office will expand its recruitment again..." Ruihe pondered for a while, shook his head and continued his work.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

Hong Kan: Junior brother is so considerate. He knows what I want now. I will bring him a gift next time.

Sui Quan (roaring): Mine! That case is mine! Ahhhh!

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