Winner in life

Chapter 553 17 Adoptive Father

After staying at home for two days after the military training, Zhou Jiayu officially started her high school boarding life. She was in the same school as Chen Mingzhu, but her admission score was better than Chen Mingzhu's, so she was assigned to the key class. She entered school a year later than Chen Mingzhu, and she is only in the first year of high school this year. She cherishes her new school life very much. She has already made a study plan for the next three years. She wants to invest more energy and time to improve herself, and then get a good score in the college entrance examination, and become a college student that her parents are proud of.

If she used to regard being admitted to a university and leaving her family as her salvation, then now being admitted to a university is a warm and soft dream in her heart. She embarked on a new journey with a joyful mood, full of confidence and expectation.

Time flies, and another summer vacation is here.

During this year, Chen Mingzhu's face changed again. First, her eyes became bigger and more energetic during the winter vacation. The [Autumn Water Yingying] that cost 3,000 points made her eyes seem to be able to speak. When she looked at people coquettishly, people could not help but soften their hearts. During the summer vacation, Chen Mingzhu redeemed the [Exquisite and Upturned Nose] with 3,000 points accumulated from completing various learning tasks, competitions, and campus evening activities this semester.

The transformation of the face was not completed suddenly. It changed a little bit every day, which was not abrupt or noticeable at all. When others noticed it, they would find that Chen Mingzhu had become so beautiful.

However, this summer vacation, Chen Mingzhu did not want to hide at home again, which was a waste of time. The entertainment queen system was quite supportive of this and suggested that Chen Mingzhu could participate in the "Super Girl" talent show.

"The national audition will start on July 2nd. The host can try it. I will issue the host a participation task."

Chen Mingzhu agreed enthusiastically, asked Jiang Meiyu for travel expenses, and went to the provincial capital to participate in the audition. She stayed in the provincial capital for a week and was eliminated in the second round of auditions.

Her face was very ugly. If the entertainment queen system also had a face, it would definitely be uglier. It said: "If the host can listen to my exchange [Mermaid Voice] or [Super Pitch], your singing level will definitely be greatly improved." Then you will not be eliminated so quickly.

"I saw that someone who sang worse than me advanced. There must be something shady."

"I know which one you are talking about. No. 323 is a singing and dancing contestant. He sings and dances at the same time. His singing must be unstable, but he dances well and the show is very entertaining. It is not surprising that he advanced."

Chen Mingzhu's self-esteem was greatly hit. She participated in two evening parties in No. 1 Middle School, one was the 20th anniversary celebration of the school, and the other was the New Year's Day party. Although she was only a member of the chorus, she was on stage after all. She felt that she was not bad at all. But when she came to the competition, she only persisted in the first round and was eliminated in the second round. It was really embarrassing.

"Since you're in the provincial capital, let's try something else." After criticizing Chen Mingzhu, the entertainment queen system still planned another path for Chen Mingzhu. After all, it and Chen Mingzhu share the same fate. If Chen Mingzhu keeps failing, it won't get the energy to maintain its own activities.

"Okay, you say." Chen Mingzhu nodded honestly.

"There is also a film and television city here. Although you said you want to be a singer, you can also try to be an actor. As long as you are famous, you can do anything, whether it is a singer or an actor."

"Film and television city? What can I do there?"

"Be an extra."

Extra? This word is new, Chen Mingzhu agreed happily, and she also wanted to try it. She touched her face and felt that she would definitely succeed this time.

Chen Mingzhu got off the train and returned to school half a month after the start of school. She was late for half a month, and even the tuition and accommodation fees were paid by Jiang Meiyu in person. After she came back, she did not go home and went directly back to school. She was criticized by the head teacher for a long time.

Looking at Chen Mingzhu's appearance, the head teacher was a little surprised: How did this child become so beautiful after a summer vacation? She couldn't tell where she had changed, but she felt that her eyes were bright.

The more confident Chen Mingzhu sincerely apologized to the head teacher. After leaving the office, she went to the bathroom. Facing herself in the bathroom mirror, she showed a confident smile, and her eyes were soft.

The month in the film and television city was not smooth sailing. She struggled and played corpses, passers-by, and female students in the background... She not only completed the task "acting as an extra ten times" issued by the system, but also exceeded the quota twice and got 2,500 points. On the way back by train, she bought [Cherry Mouth] to correct her thin and not very beautiful mouth inherited from Chen Xiong.

After school, Chen Mingzhu went home. She had used up all the money she had. This time she spent a lot of money on the film and television city. Although she also earned money as an extra, she didn't earn more than she spent. She needed to get new living expenses from Jiang Meiyu again.

Jiang Meiyu was surprised by the huge change in her daughter: "How come she didn't get tanned at all after two months of going out?" She was worried about her daughter's life in another place. This summer was so hot, and if she got sick outside, no one would take care of her. Unexpectedly, her daughter was very lively and not only didn't get tanned at all, but was as white as a peeled egg.

"I'm good at sun protection." Chen Mingzhu likes the way others look at her. The surprised and envious eyes of the female classmates in the class make her feel comfortable all over, and the questions from her mother also make her feel satisfied.

I will become more and more beautiful, Chen Mingzhu is full of confidence.

Jiang Meiyu gave Chen Mingzhu a quarter of the new salary: "You should save it."

Taking the thousand yuan, Chen Mingzhu pursed her lips: "I will."

"Study hard, don't worry about tuition fees, mom will save money for you." No matter how many hurtful words Chen Mingzhu said before, Jiang Meiyu was full of maternal love at this moment. She looked at her daughter tenderly and touched her face, "I will visit you on the weekend." She remembered something and told Chen Mingzhu, "Your father Zhou came to the supermarket to ask about you. He knew that you were worried about your absence. Your mother Xu was in poor health and was hospitalized again. It seemed that she had gastric bleeding or gastroenteritis. She stayed in the hospital for more than half a month. I sent fruits to her and she also talked about you. Go there when you are free. Don't let people say that you are rude."


Chen Mingzhu called the Zhou family to report that she was safe. Xu Fanghua received the call in the hospital and was quite happy. She kept asking her what she did outside during the summer vacation and whether it was safe.

Time and distance can dispel many grudges. At this time, Xu Fanghua was only worried about Chen Mingzhu.

Chen Mingzhu pouted, but said sweetly: "Thank you, Mommy Xu and Daddy Zhou, for your concern. I'm doing well outside and have seen a lot of the world. Yes, I've returned to school. I'll visit you on the weekend. Are you healthy?"

"Very well, very well. You study hard and come back when you're free. Don't delay your studies..."

That night, Ruihe went to the hospital to see Xu Fanghua and knew that Chen Mingzhu had returned. He smiled and said, "Now you can rest assured. How do you feel today?"

"My stomach is much better today and it doesn't hurt anymore." Xu Fanghua was also in a good mood and urged Ruihe to go back quickly, "Don't worry about me here. I'll go to the next door to watch TV with the new patients I met. I won't be lonely at all."

After staying in the hospital for a long time, Xu Fanghua finally got used to it and found the fun of killing time.

Three days later on Sunday morning, Chen Mingzhu came over with a bag of apples. When Ruihe arrived, she was talking to Xu Fanghua.

"...I'm tired, but I think I've learned a lot."

"Mingzhu is here." Ruihe walked in with a smile.

Chen Mingzhu stood up and smiled at Ruihe: "Dad Zhou!"

Oh, why are you so intimate? It doesn't look like they won't be in touch for the whole summer vacation. Ruihe responded with a smile, and his eyes swam around the ward: "Sit down, why did you bring anything? Next time, just come by yourself, no need to bring gifts."

"How can I come empty-handed, Dad Zhou, please sit down, I'm peeling apples for Mom Xu."

Enthusiastic Chen Mingzhu quickly peeled two apples, cut them and put them in a fruit plate, picked up two pieces with a toothpick and gave them to Ruihe and Xu Fanghua respectively. Xu Fanghua took it with a gratified smile on her face: "Thank you Mingzhu."

"Mingzhu, where did you go during the summer vacation? Your mother said you went to the film and television city to be an extra. You are so brave. You are only seventeen years old and dare to go far away by yourself. Your mother Xu and I are worried to death." Ruihe put on a preaching posture.

"Oh, Mingzhu also wants to see the world." Before Chen Mingzhu could speak, Xu Fanghua spoke first, "Mingzhu just told me a lot about her experience in the film and television city, you can listen to it too."

Encouraged by Xu Fanghua, Chen Mingzhu continued to talk with a smile. Ruihe looked at her fair and clear face, which made her face more delicate. Listening to her talk about her summer vacation experience, he also admired this girl in his heart. Even if there was a system plug-in to help, Chen Mingzhu had the courage to take that step and stayed in the film and television city for more than a month as an extra. His determination was tenacious.

He had also been an extra before and knew how hard it was.

Chen Mingzhu persisted, so she came back with a more beautiful appearance. It seems that this trip was fruitful.

"Mingzhu didn't get tanned either." Ruihe said casually, "Jiayu went to learn swimming with her classmates during the summer vacation, and she was as dark as a piece of charcoal."

"Huh." Xu Fanghua realized something was wrong, and looked at Chen Mingzhu's face carefully, and said in surprise, "Mingzhu's face is really white, and it doesn't look like she's wearing makeup." After getting Chen Mingzhu's affirmative answer that she didn't wear makeup, she hurriedly asked, "What whitening skin care products do you use? Tell Xu's mother, and I'll buy a set for Jiayu to try later. Oh, she really got tanned when learning swimming. It's not an exaggeration for your father Zhou to say that she looks like a piece of black charcoal. She wasn't that dark even during the military training last year."

Chen Mingzhu was proud of her beauty, but also jealous of the Zhou family's parents' love for Zhou Jiayu, so her expression was a little distorted.

"Mingzhu, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Xu Fanghua asked with concern.

Such direct concern made Chen Mingzhu's face more stiff, and Ruihe couldn't help laughing on the side.

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