Winner in life

Chapter 919 65 The eldest son

Of course the old lady was happy that her grandson won the battle, but she was still worried and just hoped that the war would end soon.

Mrs. Hou had other thoughts. She received a letter from her nephew, saying that she was having a hard time in the Southland and wanted to change her job. This made Mr. Wan a little worried. His nephew said in the letter that he had heard that his cousin had repeatedly won victories in the border town and had great military exploits, and he also wanted to go to the border town to help.

When I told my son about my nephew's errand last time, how could I have imagined that he would be able to fight in a border town? When she first heard about the war in the border town, Mrs. Wan was not only worried about her son, but she was glad that her nephew did not go to work with her son. Otherwise, the lives of the Wan family and the Wei family were hanging on the edge of a knife. How could she sleep peacefully?

However, his nephew's work was not going well. He said that he was tired from work, and his colleagues were very cold towards him. As an official, he was already at a lower level than his colleagues who took the imperial examination route to become officials, and promotion was more difficult. Can Wan not be worried? She didn't think about her nephew who had only been working for less than a year. How could he be sure that his career would be hopeless? Is she too anxious to find a way out again? She is really worried about her family's only child.

After the emperor asked the Jingxi Camp to mobilize ten thousand people to garrison inside Yanjing City, Marquis Wu'an followed this errand and also settled in Yanjing City. He could go home often without waiting for rest. He chatted with his wife and advised her not to be too anxious: "The younger generation still has to earn his own future. He always thinks about what good prospects he can achieve by relying on others? Look at Shan'er, his current achievements depend on Who? I haven't exerted any strength at all. It's all up to him to fight on his own. Now that he sees that he has military exploits in the border town, he wants to go there. If he encounters danger, will he still have Shan'er to take responsibility? How are you going to explain to your natal sister-in-law? There is no sweetness at both ends of the sugarcane. How is this possible when you want both safety and a good future?"

Wan was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly: "You are right. Yu'er is the only male in the Wan family. Although I want him to be successful, I want him to live even more."

After comforting his wife, Marquis Wu An went to Mingde Hall to pay his respects to the old lady.

"Mother, Shan'er..." Marquis Wu An thought of the news he heard recently, and he had thousands of thoughts in his heart.

The old lady looked at her son with wise eyes: "What do you want to say?"

Marquis Wu An has many questions to ask.

He wanted to ask about the time when his son was poisoned and was suspected to be the son of the deposed prince.

Although his son explained clearly, he still felt that his son was hiding something. Why was the queen so sure that Shan'er was the son of the first prince? If there was no definite evidence, how could it be possible to bring the poisoned Shan'er into the palace? He also sent someone to the Hou Mansion to explain to his mother in advance, as if he was determined to prepare the Wu'an Mansion...

What evidence did His Majesty find later to overturn everything?

At that time, he didn't want to cause another disturbance, so he didn't ask any more questions. Too many things happened that year. Later, my son went to a border town to avoid the turmoil in Yanjing City. Who would have thought that his son would achieve such success today?

How many people tested him in front of him, and in their words brought up the oolong case many years ago, and tactfully hinted whether his son was really the son of a dragon and a phoenix grandson? Otherwise, how could His Majesty dare to delegate such great military power to his son?

Wei Zhenshan has the military power of eighteen cities in the border city and has the title of general in charge of the northern expedition. Wei Zhenshan is not even thirty years old. Why? Just because he is the number one scholar and the eldest son of the Wuxun family? joke!

Marquis Wu'an himself was muttering in his heart, although he could also see the emperor's attitude towards military affairs and knew that he was an emperor who did not trust even his own son. Even if Shan'er was the emperor's biological son, he would not be able to get so much. Military power, but the fact is that his son really got it - does his son have a more powerful identity than the emperor's own son?

No matter what, there seems to be a real problem with his son's life experience.

The old lady looked at her son and smiled: "I know what you want to ask."


"Shan'er told me a few words when he came back last time. There is indeed some secret to his obtaining military power, but this secret will not harm our Wu'an Marquis Mansion. You don't need to worry too much."

Shan'er said that she can't tell her son's life experience yet. If the son knew about it, the daughter-in-law would not be able to hide it. They all know Wan Rouniang's character very well, and she can't hide secrets at all. At this juncture, if his life experience is exposed, the military power in his hands will become a huge trouble. He just wanted to fight in peace and didn't want to get involved in other troubles.

"Mom, you really know something. What did Shan'er tell you?"

"Bian Ping, you can see what the situation is in Yanjing now. Now is not the time to get to the bottom of it. As long as you know that Shan'er has his ability, what we can do as elders is to support the younger generation and not hold them back. , you said yes or no?"

Marquis Wu An felt more at ease: "Since mother said so, I won't ask any more questions." Then he smiled and sighed, "Shan'er will still kiss you and tell you everything. As a father, I can only learn from you. Get some information."

The old lady also laughed: "What nonsense."

What Rui He didn't know was that the old lady helped him stop Wu Anhou once and prevented him from a possible trouble. He never thought that he would completely hide it from Wu Anhou, but he didn't expect that the other party could bear to raise objections until now. This time was not suitable to add any trouble factors. After the news about military power was spread, it would definitely lead to a lot of speculation, so he had a talk with the old lady before he left home last time.

At this time, he was burning lamp oil in the military tent on the grassland and looking at the sand table. Around him sat the generals with unshaven beards but bright eyes. Everyone expressed their opinions on the sand table and jointly formulated a new attack plan. Ruihe made the final decision: "Let's do it!"

Behind the hillside, several pigeons fluttered and flew up in the dark.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Three pigeons fell to the ground with arrows stuck in their bodies. Two Dayan soldiers came over to pick them up and untied the letters tied to the pigeons' feet.

"Bad luck! One escaped!"

"The Grand Commander will surely be angry. Let's show these letters to him first."

The letter was sent to the military tent. The soldier who had been crestfallen just now smiled and said, "I followed your orders and let one escape."

Ruihe opened it and looked at it. He smiled and said, "Xijue's spies are good. The battle plan was just formulated tonight. Is it going to be sent back now?"

General Yongding poked his head out, "Can you understand this secret text?"

"I know a little bit." The benefits of the third prince are more than just eavesdropping. Ruihe burned three identical secret letters. The fire reflected a deep light in his eyes. General Yongding was suddenly speechless. But he soon felt relieved: from the beginning of the war to now, which of the skills shown by this nephew was not unexpected? Even the Eighteen City Army, he was a little worried that Shan'er could not control it at the beginning, but now look at it? The generals of the Eighteen Cities bowed their heads one by one. The smooth progress of the war was inseparable from Shan'er's absolute suppression of the generals.

"Sixth uncle, you should go back and prepare."

"Hi! I'll go now!" General Yongding stood up with a smile.

After General Yongding left, Ruihe took out another secret letter, which was sent from Yanjing City in the evening, and he only found time to read it now.

"The second prince was deposed." Ruihe looked at the content of the letter, and felt a sense of relief that "it's finally here". Undecided things always involve people's hearts. Fortunately, the current situation has been closed with the previous life. I just don't know if the second prince will force the palace in this life... Maybe he will. The Western Jue witch is still with the second prince. If the third prince's information is correct, the Western Jue witch went to Yanjing with the purpose of disrupting the Great Yan royal family, then he will definitely incite the second prince to force the palace-using a losing situation to disrupt the situation in Yanjing.

He burned the secret letter, thinking that maybe in a few days, there will be news of the establishment of the crown prince.

At this time, Ruihe didn't know that after his long-awaited battle for the throne was settled and his wish to stabilize the rear area was settled, it would bring him new troubles, which made people feel that it is difficult to have both.

The timeline goes back to half a month ago.

The tenth prince is not a heartless person. On the contrary, he is very smart, otherwise he would not have survived for nearly ten years in front of the increasingly suspicious emperor. He can't always be beaten passively, he needs to fight back. At this time, his aunt from his mother's family came to the palace to see Concubine Jing and gave Concubine Jing a thick letter. Concubine Jing took a few glances, immediately closed it again, and asked someone to notify the tenth prince and hand the letter to him.

The letter not only contained ironclad evidence that the second prince spread rumors unfavorable to the tenth prince, but also evidence of Concubine Xu's incident. After reading the letter, the tenth prince was very excited.

"Xu Concubine was so glorious back then. Her family background was not bad. How could a lady from a noble family have an affair with a guard? Now that I think about it, this dirty trick was actually done by the same person!" She remembered that someone outside the palace spread rumors that she was extravagant and pretended to chant Buddhist scriptures but had to eat a roasted lamb every day. The lamb had to be slaughtered every day, not a day earlier - this made Concubine Jing angry to death! This is slander!

"I once saw my second brother being nice to a palace maid who made a mistake and forgiving the palace maid's mistakes, but then he turned around and frowned and had the palace maid thrown into the laundry department. I was still young at the time and hid behind the pillars, too scared to say a word. From then on, I knew that my second brother was a double-faced person." The tenth prince suspected that the second prince was persecuting his reputation, but unfortunately he had no manpower to investigate. Now that he saw the definite evidence, he hated the second prince to the bone.

"What are you going to do?"

The Tenth Prince was a little embarrassed. Xupin's incident could nail his second brother to death, but as long as he was a man, he would not want to look back on the past when his woman betrayed him. It was said that Xupin was really lying naked with the guard at that time... He was afraid that he would anger his father.

"Mother, my brother must need this evidence. Please help me send it to my brother's house."

Jingfei nodded: "I will arrange it, just rest assured."

The Eighth Prince looked at the evidence sent back on the table with a gloomy look.

This little Ten is really cowardly!

Zhuang Cheng saw it and was very disappointed with the Eighth Prince. In order to seek justice for his mother, the Eighth Prince was still worried about the emperor's anger and did not dare to mention it in person. How could he be worthy of being a son? He analyzed the pros and cons for the Eighth Prince, and the Eighth Prince mustered up the courage to enter the palace. m.,Please remember:,.

"Winner in Life [Quick Wear]"

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