Winner in life

Chapter 929 75 The Eldest Son


Being an emperor is not an easy job. Ruihe, who had just ascended the throne, began to look for his successor. He is good at raising children and has rich experience. Raising the future emperor is a piece of cake. Logically speaking, he should choose Wei Zhenhong's son, who is his legitimate nephew. But this was impossible. He followed his promise to the old lady and returned the title of Wu'an Hou Mansion to Wei Zhenhong's son. He had conquered this empire with his own hands. If it were passed to Wei Zhenhong Son, the client was afraid that he would jump out of anger and give him a bad review - as a host who worked conscientiously on tasks, he was already feeling guilty for not being able to inherit the title of Marquis of Wu'an.

Although he wrote an imperial edict to inherit the title of the Marquis of Wu'an for himself, and then passed the title to Wei Zhenhong's son, this edict was not suitable to be leaked. Only he and the cabinet ministers who handled the imperial edict knew about it. I remember the minister's expression at that time, as if he saw something that he couldn't understand.

Come to think of it, you are already an emperor, why are you still holding on to a small position of marquis?

Therefore, although it seemed that he had fulfilled the client's request to inherit the Hou Mansion, he still felt a little worried.

System 460 has some doubts about this: "Although the client cannot be contacted, being an emperor is much better than being a marquis, so he will not be dissatisfied." It feels that the host is too careful. "Host, the day you ascended the throne, you received the largest reward ever. The audience likes to watch this kind of plot."

"Really? Thanks for their support, but the wishes of the client are very important to me. Without them, there would be no me in every world. They pay me, and I should eliminate their regrets and satisfy their wishes." He Holding his chin, he brought up the barrage screen and looked at it. His eyes were slightly curved because of the smile. There were many messages of encouragement and support for him in the barrage, so his eyes were curved into crescents, "Okay, I have another I’m confident, thank you.”

He selected several children from the Wei clan and brought them to the palace and began to raise them as adopted sons. He taught each one carefully. It didn't matter if he couldn't become a prince. As long as he was good enough, he would give him a suitable job in the future.

The Supreme Emperor came to him because of this, but he hesitated to speak.

If someone had told Wei Defiant ten years ago that one day he would be the emperor's father, he would have laughed and thought it was the funniest joke. But life is so unpredictable. He really became the Supreme Emperor, and his long-cherished wish to revive his family came true, exceeding his expectations a hundred times.

It's all like a dream.

However, the sweet dream became sober when she learned that the emperor wanted to select children under the age of ten from the clan to be raised in the palace. He waited for several days, waiting for the matter to settle down. The Wei family's children settled in Chunhui, but the Wu'an Marquis Mansion was quiet. Neither Hong'er's two children were selected. After his wife's questioning, , he finally couldn't sit still.

Ruihe knew Wei Defianping's purpose of coming.

"After all, Hong'er is also your brother. You passed him over and gave the title to Rongshou, and there were already a lot of rumors outside. Now - do you have any objections to Hong'er? We are a family, you You can tell me directly.”

His wife still didn't know the truth, so Wei Defian decided to hide it from her for the rest of her life. She was saddened by her eldest son's "not reusing" his younger son. However, Wei Defian believed that there must be a secret that he didn't know about.

Rui He chuckled: "I should explain to you. Of course Hong'er is my younger brother, but I can't trust him and let go of my grudge." He told Wei Zhenhong that he had been seduced by Wan Lin'en and had feelings of betrayal and betrayal towards him. The hurtful heart thing was said. "He was still young at that time. After Wan Lin'en died, Hong'er had no one to guide him, so he finally gave up his plan to deal with me. A younger brother who once gave up me as his elder brother for the sake of becoming the heir, now has greater power. Can I trust him? Father, I can't."

Wan Hanping was stunned. Many things flashed through his mind. He suddenly asked: "Lin En, did you send someone to kill Wan Lin En?"


Before Wan Hanping could breathe a sigh of relief, Ruihe said, "I killed him myself."

Wan Hanping's eyes were as wide as bells.

When he left the palace and returned to the Marquis Wu'an Mansion, Wan Hanping was still in a very agitated mood and could not calm down. Never before had this moment made him clearly realize how strange Wei Zhenshan was, not even like the eldest son in his family in his memory.

How could there be such a person?

After knowing his own life experience, in order to eliminate the threat, he could kill his uncle who had always cared for him without blinking an eye?

Even if you weigh the pros and cons, you still can't make that decision so neatly, right? He recalled the behavior of his eldest son before and after his uncle's accidental death. The more he thought about it, the more horrified he became.

When he returned home, his wife sent for him. The couple lived in the palace for half a month and moved back when they couldn't stand it anymore. Shan'er transferred the mansion next door that had been vacated due to a house raid and moved it into the Marquis Wu'an's mansion. The renovation project is currently being completed. He stood there and looked at the craftsmen working on the roof not far away, and remembered in a daze that less than half a year had passed, and the life of him and his family had already changed dramatically.

Things are different and people are different.

When he saw his wife, his sadness became even heavier.

"How? What did Shan'er say?" Wan Rouniang asked expectantly.

Wan Hanping looked at his wife, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes and had a lot of hairpins and rings on her head. When Shan'er started the rebellion, his wife couldn't sleep day and night, and was worried. She also complained about her eldest son. When the big thing was done, she still couldn't sleep, but this time she was excited and happy. He liked his wife's character, like the spring water flowing in the mountain stream in spring, clear and pure, no matter how many years have passed, it will not change. After more than 30 years of marriage, Wan Hanping has always maintained his wife's innocence, and he has stopped anything that hurt her. But this time he hesitated. Can he continue to hide it?

"Shan'er is the same. It is said that fathers and sons fight together and brothers fight together. Hong'er is his younger brother. How can he not promote his younger brother? No matter how close the Wei clan members are, can they be closer than his younger brother? Rongshou and Rong'an are not bad, but he looks down on them all. He has to go to great lengths to pick children from the clan, making the children in the clan seem more noble than his own nephew..." Wan Rouniang is just like this. What can she not say in front of her husband? Shan'er has no wife and no children. She heard other noble ladies test that Shan'er might be choosing an heir. Heir? Aren't Rongshou and Rong'an the most suitable ones? This is the nephew who is closest to Shan'er by blood.

It shouldn't be! Shan'er has become the emperor. She, her husband, and her mother-in-law have all been rewarded. The clan members have been promoted. Even Gu Jia Huaiyu has been appointed as the left assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites. Why can't Hong'er get anything? Aren't brothers more trustworthy than outsiders? Alas, Hong'er has been idle at home for two years. If Shan'er hadn't started the rebellion, Hong'er wouldn't have had to give up his job in Li County and hide with them to avoid the persecution of the former Yan emperor. Now Shan'er has become the emperor, but Hong'er has no job, no title, nothing. How can Wan Rouniang not be anxious?

She really couldn't figure it out, and she was also dissatisfied. She felt sorry for her youngest son when the title of the Marquis's Mansion was given to her grandson instead of her youngest son. Now this happened again. She looked at her youngest son's depressed expression and her heart was broken.

"Hanping? I'm talking to you." Wan Rouniang saw that her husband was distracted and twisted him angrily. Wei Hanping finally came back to his senses. He made a decision that he had to tell Rouniang about this matter. Otherwise, with Rouniang's temper, he didn't know what she would do for Hong'er and Rongshou Rong'an in the future, and what she would say to Shan'er.

That was not their biological son. He didn't want to see his wife do things that angered Shan'er out of ignorance, and the glory and wealth that Wei had obtained were enough.

After all, Shan'er chose the heir from the Wei family. If he wanted to choose from the original Yan royal family, it would be even more reasonable!

"Rouniang, there is something I want to tell you."

In the Wu'an Marquis's mansion, Wei Zhenhong knew that his father had returned from the palace. He was upset and had expectations that he could not express. Haven't these years been like a dream for him? But this beautiful dream has flaws. He has the false name of the emperor's younger brother, but he can't get any practical benefits. This makes him have to wonder with surprise, is it really that stingy that his elder brother is holding on to the grudges of more than ten years ago? He tactfully complained to his mother, thinking that his father should get a reply from the palace today, but what was the result?

Wei Zhenhong did not wait for the desired result, but waited for the news that his mother fell ill.

Wan Rouniang fell ill, and an endless stream of guests came to visit her, but they were all rejected by Wan Hanping, even Wan Rouniang's sister-in-law. Mrs. Wan, who had been crazy for more than ten years, suddenly woke up in the year when Ruihe started the uprising. Ruihe had long seen that she was using her madness to vent her desperate emotions and to protect herself, fearing that the unknown perpetrators behind her would continue to attack the Wan family. After enduring humiliation for more than ten years, now the person she hated the most became the emperor. For the sake of her son's future, she had to let go of all her hatred and reconnect with her sister-in-law.

"I am Rou Niang's sister-in-law. Can't I visit Rou Niang when she is sick?" Mrs. Wan has aged a lot. She has been pretending to be stupid for more than ten years, and there are traces of harshness and extremism between her eyebrows.

Wan Hanping sighed, but still refused, and sent her out despite Mrs. Wan's scolding.

The old lady watched her son come back from outside under the veranda, with worry in her eyes: "Are you going to tell Rou Niang the truth now? Even if you really want to tell her, you should test it first and give her some psychological preparation."

"I know Rou Niang's temper best. If she is given time to calm down, I don't know how far she will go. It's better to tell her everything. Mother, don't worry, I have my own ideas for doing this. She is my wife and I have to protect her."

Wan Hanping thought that the old lady would not agree, but she showed an expression of approval and relief: "Since you can think so, I am relieved. Hanping, I won't live for a few years, and I can't control the affairs of the Wei family in the future."


"Listen to me, Shan'er is the child of the Wei family and the emperor of David. As long as you can remember this, the Wei family will be safe and smooth in the future. Do you understand?"

Wei Hanping couldn't help but his eyes were slightly sore and nodded solemnly. m.,Please remember:,.

Green嬑 reminds you: Please collect after reading (


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