Winner in life

Chapter 937 06 Martial Arts Hero

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Zhuang Liuniang, who stayed in the place, suddenly woke up.

"Mom, can I open my eyes?" Xiao Niu asked.

Zhuang Liuniang looked at the location where the bodies were piled, then looked at the knife at her feet, and finally her eyes fell on her son's face. Xiao Niu leaned on her chest and covered his eyes obediently.

She gritted her teeth: "It's okay. You hold your mother's neck." She picked up the long knife and stuffed it into the bundle, then tied her son firmly in front of her with a cloth strip, and chased in the direction where Su Yaoniang and her son left.

"Mom, do you think I'm so scary?" Ruihe asked in a low voice while holding Su Yaoniang's neck.

Su Yaoniang was thinking about staying away from the three bodies so that others would not find out that they were the murderers. Hearing this, she kept walking and answered her son: "Those three people are bad people and should be killed!"

Yes, those people should be killed.

If they didn't want to harm people, her son would not kill people for no reason.

Her son was trying to protect her.

If he lives in a safe and affluent family, without danger or wandering, his son should grow up smoothly, play with friends, and hold toys or books in his hands, not a murderous axe.

Su Yaoniang's eyes were red, but the tears were blown dry by the wind before they fell. Her eyes were dry, she tried to blink, and forced a smile to comfort: "Mom will always be with you, definitely."

Ruihe leaned his head on her shoulder and rubbed it affectionately. This was a great encouragement to Su Yaoniang, and all the shadows disappeared. It was her fault. She shouldn't have taken that step back just now. She was not a qualified mother. How could she show fear to her son who had triumphed in killing the enemy? She lifted her son up and ran faster. She wanted to take her son to Zuimengxiang and protect him well when he grew up.

"Madam, little son!" Zhuang Liuniang also grew up doing rough work, and she ran very fast. After a while, she saw the backs of Su Yaoniang and her son, and shouted quickly. Seeing Zhuang Liuniang catching up, Su Yaoniang breathed a sigh of relief and stopped to wait for her.

After the four of them met up, they sped up their journey and arrived at another small county town at noon. They bought a mule cart here, covered their faces and shamefully asked others for the location of Zuimeng Township, took a large bag of pancakes they had purchased, and hurried to the direction of Zuimeng Township.

Every time they arrived at a village or town along the way, Ruihe listened to the latest news in the world, carefully absorbed the common sense of this world, and tried to integrate into this world.

"I heard that the dragon on Guituo Mountain turned over last month, and more than half of the mountain collapsed."

"Hehe, the Demon Cult has done many evil things. Although it has been destroyed for many years, God still remembers their sins. This is God's will."

"I don't know if any treasures have been shaken out. The Demon Cult must have hidden a lot of good things when it was at its peak."

"Hahaha, then you can go and dig it up. If there are any good things, they will be taken away by the nine major sects back then. How can they be kept until today?"


Ruihe's heart moved when he heard it. He knew that Guituo Mountain had really shaken out some good things. It was the "Blood Lotus Transformation Secret Method" that the righteous martial arts alliance could not find after the destruction of the Demon Cult. The secret book appeared in the world and was taken away again by the remaining descendants of the Demon Cult. More than ten years later, the Demon Cult once again brought disaster to the world. As one of the nine righteous sects, Hanjian Villa should make efforts to suppress the Demon Cult. As the young master of the villa, Song Hancong must participate. As the saying goes, heroes emerge in troubled times, this is also a great opportunity for the young master of Hanjian Villa to become famous. So all the burdens fell on Su Yu. Su Yu conscientiously played the role of the young master and made great contributions to the great cause of suppressing the Demon Cult. Even in the decisive battle between good and evil, Su Yu died together with the new master of the Demon Cult.

Before he died, the gentle young master told the truth about his life experience and the substitute, and then said gently and compassionately as usual: "Let you go clearly."

It was the substitute who died, and the real young master did not die, so Hanjian Villa only said to the outside that the young master was seriously injured. As long as a month passes, we can announce to the public that although the person survived, his Dantian was broken, his meridians were broken, and his martial arts were all lost.

Song Hancong sighed: "I can finally walk the rivers and lakes with my own name. I have waited for this moment for too long." There seemed to be tears in his eyes. He looked at Su Yu with tears and compassion, "Even if I don't have martial arts, people in the rivers and lakes will have to respect me in the future. After all, my martial arts are all for the people of the world. Xiaoyu, this is all your credit. I can't give you a grand funeral, but don't worry, I have convinced my mother that you will be buried in the ancestral tomb so that you can enjoy incense in the future."

After hearing these words from Song Hancong, even if he died, he could jump out of the coffin, not to mention that Su Yu was not dead yet!

He was a substitute, but he was also a person. The self-proclaimed loyalty was actually just a concealment and calculation. The flesh and blood relatives were right in front of him, but they only used him. Su Yu died with hatred and could not close his eyes. After his death, he vaguely sensed that the manor owner's wife personally led people to dig up his grave and threw his bones into a mass grave. He also sensed that Song Hancong's name was indeed famous in the world. Even if he had no martial arts skills at all, he was still ranked first on the list of heroes in the world, and no one would say anything. Many years later, if a new knight who had just come out of the ranks complained that the first place on the list was not worthy of the fact, he would be attacked, and at the least verbal education, or even swords.

Hanjian Villa also became more prosperous, recruiting disciples, and more than a decade later, it became the largest sect in the world and was famous all over the world.

In this way, how could Su Yu accept it?

So there was Ruihe's mission this time.

He thought, if he went to Guituo Mountain now, would he be able to steal the Demon Sect's "Secret Technique of Transformation of Blood Lotus" first?

No, it won't work. Let's talk about the distance first. At his current age, it is unrealistic to rush to Guituo Mountain alone. News of the Guituo Mountain earthquake has spread everywhere, and he will definitely not be able to catch up when he gets there. Furthermore, he also suspected that the earthquake in Buddha Mountain was because the descendants of the Demon Cult went to get the secret book, which triggered the mechanism and caused the landslide. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the Buddha Mountain collapsed and the secret book happened to appear in the world and was obtained by the remnants of the Demon Cult? A few years later, when the Demon Sect was rebuilt, rumors spread that the Blood Lotus Sect was "favored by heaven" and the secret book would be revealed among the Earth Dragons. Ruihe suspected that it might just be the words of the Blood Lotus Sect, and that Buddha Mountain was collapsed by the remnants of the Demon Sect.

After a quick analysis in his mind, Ruihe quickly gave up the idea.

After walking for more than half a month, the money they brought from home had long been used up. Fortunately, they picked up three money bags from the three gangsters who blocked the road. The total amount was more than thirty taels of silver, which at least prevented the four of them from sleeping in the open. But the money would eventually run out. In order to make some extra money, Su Yaoniang and Zhuang Liuniang started a small business.

As Ruihe and others were getting closer and closer to Zuimengland, the atmosphere in the courtyard of the owner and his wife of Hanjian Villa became condensed.

The two cronies who went to look for him lost contact, so Song Yuzhi had to send people to check again. These people just came back today and brought back good news and bad news.

The good news is that Su Yaoniang does have a child, and the child is a boy.

There are two pieces of bad news. One is that Su Yaoniang and her son are missing. The house was burned to ashes. No one in the village knows where they are. One is that they dug up two corpses, which belonged to Hu Yun and Yue Chai, a close confidant of the owner's wife. Yuechai's body was in the ruins of the Su family, and Hu Yun's body was in the woods. They were all burned beyond recognition.

Fang Su, the owner's wife, was in disbelief: "Yuechai's martial arts skills are not low, how did she die?"

When she learned that her head had been severed, she gasped: "How is that possible!"

"What about the child?" Song Yuzhi was concerned about this.

The men all shook their heads and said that they had been searching for more than half a month. They had searched down the valley and in the nearest towns outside, but no trace of them was found.

"If they weren't in distress, they might have escaped by pretending to be themselves."

Song Yuzhi looked at his wife and waved them to retreat and rest.

"What do you think I mean?" Fang Su frowned and said angrily, "Do you think it was me who did it? Will I kill Yue Chai too?!"

"Susu." Song Yuzhi sighed, "Didn't we agree to do it for Han Cong? He is also nine years old, and he can't even learn the first level of Hanshan Sword Technique. He can't even learn the basics of your mother's Fuhu Fist. We, Hanjian Villa, are one of the nine martial arts sects, are we going to fall like this? Su Su, I don’t want to be laughed at and say I raised a useless son, are you happy with that?”

Fang Su's anger subsided instantly. After all, she gave birth to a son who was physically useless, and she felt a little guilty. Her natal family, Fuhumen, has been in decline for many years. She took the entire sect as a dowry and married to Hanjian Villa to become the wife of the owner. This is her home, and everything she owns is here. Fang Su was more anxious than anyone else about giving birth to an heir without any talent for martial arts. Otherwise, she would not have agreed to her husband's suggestion and agreed to send someone to Jinhu to check whether the woman was pregnant and had a child. If it weren't for her son, she would definitely not be done with her husband once she heard that her husband had been with a village girl in Jinhu!

Fang Su, who suppressed his anger, said: "I really didn't take any action. I know clearly which is more serious. I sent Yuechai to follow Hu Yun, which already showed my attitude. Is it possible that I also sent another group of people there? Kill Hu Yun and Yuechai, and then kill the mother and son? "

"Susu, don't be angry. I, alas! I'm anxious too." Song Yuzhi held his wife's hand, lowered his head and sighed, looking frustrated. "The martial arts conference is about to begin. As you know, every martial arts conference will have junior martial arts competitions. Five years ago, Han Cong was young, so it didn't matter if he didn't participate. Now he is nine years old. Maybe he can shirk this year, but in five years What about the next martial arts conference? I remember seeing the juniors from other sects competing for martial arts at the conference, but our Hanjian Villa only has ordinary disciples and no young masters to hold the battle. The other sects don’t know how to discuss behind the scenes... I felt very uncomfortable.”

These words made Fang Su's eyes turn red. She only gave birth to one son, and her husband had no concubines, not even a concubine. The sons of her husband's brothers... aren't they people who can be promoted? Doesn't promoting them mean giving up the villa to others? Hanjian Villa can only belong to their husband, wife and son! She held her husband's hand and said with red eyes: "Then send people to continue searching over there. We have to make two preparations here. We will search for talented orphans from outside and bring them back for adoption. We will first teach them martial arts. Whoever learns the best in the end will be used as a substitute for Han Cong... Yuji, even if the kid from Jinhu is found, there is no guarantee that he will have the qualifications to practice martial arts, do you understand? "

"I understand your painstaking efforts, Susu, and I feel wronged to you."

"Husband and wife are one body, this is what I should do."

The couple was feeling tender and affectionate, and a small figure quietly left outside the window. Song Yuzhi raised his eyes and looked out the window, sighing inaudibly.

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